Why does socket.disconnect disconnect the wrong user? - socket.io

My website has an IM with several users connected. From my client I wish to disconnect a particular user. Here is the code I am trying:
// client side
function deleteUser(delCallsign)
delCallsign = delCallsign.toUpperCase();
socket.emit('deleteuser', delCallsign); // send it to the server for delete
// server side
socket.on('deleteuser', function(callsign)
io.sockets.emit('updateusers', usernames);
Using an alert, I have verified that I'm calling the server side function with the username I wish to disconnect. But what happens is that I get disconnected, not the user specified. What am I doing wrong here?

On user connection you should record its socket.id which you would then call for deletion
// Asign socket.id to variable
// socket.id;
socket.on('deleteuser', function(callsign) {
io.sockets.emit('updateusers', usernames);
This is roughly the idea.
Based on those post:
SocketIO: disconnect client by socket id?
Get the client id of the message sender in socket.io?
-- More Relevent --
A little bit old but the same principals applies
how do I store socket resources from specific users with socket.io?


Send socket data to a specific socket id socket.io

So I'm trying to send data to a specific user (Specific socket ID), I've tried doing.
io.to(users[steamid].socket).emit('message', {
type: 'balance',
balance: row[0].balance
users[steamid].socket is where I store all the socket ids, it just fetches the specific ID I want, however when I do this, it works on the first time but when it fires again it doesn't work. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
The way I'm firing the call is with a function, the website has a countdown and when the countdown is over it calls the function which gets the socket id of the winner and then it gives the winner the data needed, I want to know why this doesn't only works on the first time.
Thanks in advance.
A way to fix you problem would be to save sockets, not socket ids.
If user.socket is the socket for a user, you can then do
user.socket.emit('message', { ... });
Or in your example
users[steamid].socket.emit('message', { ... });

socket.io rejoin rooms on reconnect

I'm writing a new SPA application that will subscribes to several rooms for several types of information updates.
In my production setup I'll use two servers behind a load balancer for reliability.
In the event of disconnect - Does the client have to resend the request for rooms subscriptions on the reconnect event callback, or is there a way to have the server reconnect the client automatically (even when the client reconnects to a different server due to server failure) ?
Socket.io will unsubscribe your users from all rooms on a disconnect. It will unsubscribe you from the server side. I played around with this a little. The server can store your user's rooms in redis or a database under the user ID and, upon connecting, check to see if that user should be in any of these rooms. At which time your user can join them from the server side without ever having to do anything from the client.
The problem is that this list of rooms must be constantly stored and updated. It's just another thing that has to work seamlessly on the backend. It's a lot of tests to consider all the possibilities that could mess up your organization. Like, what if they log in on another device, you have to clear the rooms and put in new ones, but if the user opens his laptop again and it reconnects, now he has to get back in those rooms from his laptop. ...It's totally doable/solvable, but I only did this on the front end:
// rejoin if there's a disconnect
mySocket.on('reconnect', () => {
mySocket.emit('subscribe', 'theRoom')
...and no further hassle. If you added some more details about why it's necessary to do it from the server..?
From my experience, I found this to be the easiest and useful solution:
Client side:
// the next 3 functions will be fired automatically on a disconnect.
// the disconnect (the first function) is not required, but you know,
// you can use it make some other good stuff.
socket.on("disconnect", function() {
socket.on("reconnect", function() {
// do not rejoin from here, since the socket.id token and/or rooms are still
// not available.
socket.on("connect", function() {
// thats the key line, now register to the room you want.
// info about the required rooms (if its not as simple as my
// example) could easily be reached via a DB connection. It worth it.
socket.emit("registerToRoom", $scope.user.phone);
Server side:
io.on('connection', function(socket){
socket.on("registerToRoom", function(userPhone) {
And thats it. Very simple and straight forward.
You also can add in the connected socket (the last function) some more updates to the user display, such as refreshing its index or something else.
Socket.io does have a reconnect event - Docs here
Something like the below should work
socket.on('reconnect', () => attemptReconnection())
The attempt reconnection callback would look something like:
const attemptReconnection = () => socket.emit('joinRoom', roomId)

How many WebSocket connection can be created on Client Side

I have started to learn web sockets. It is must learn technology in today's time.
But i am curious to learn more about it. My basic question is How many WebSocket connection can be created on Client Side.
My Typically Application is html UI based and on the server i have rest based services. I need to track whether
Session timeout has happed or not
Whether Connection to the server is lost or not ? A kind of pooling program to check with connections is alive or not.
So I am creating 2 websocket objects on client and different url for them.
I hope i have implemented it correctly ?
Basically Browser closes the old websocket connection once you opened to new connection to SAME URL(ws:// You can keep small hack like "ws://"+k. where k is any number/any random string. On server side just ignore the path variable k.
In this way you can open many number of connection at same time. Browser restriction of max-number-connection per domain is not applying here (Tested on Firefox). I tried max 25 parallel connections.
You can use websocket.readyState to check the status of the web socket connection.
onclose Event of the Web socket have reason code for closed connection.
User below code to test number of active connections.
var x=0
var intervalID = setInterval(function () {
websocket = new WebSocket("ws://"+x);
websocket.onopen = function (evt) {
websocket.onmessage = function (evt) {
websocket.onclose= function (evt) {
if (++x === 15) {
}, 1);

Parse Background Job can send a message to all users currently logged in?

I am new to Parse and I want to know if there is a way to schedule a Background job that starts every 3 minutes and sends a message (an integer or something) to all users that at that moment are logged in. I could not find any help here reading the guide. I hope someone can help me here.
I was in need to push information for all logged in users in several apps which were built with Parse.com.
None of the solutions introduced earlier by Emilio, because we were in need to trigger some live event for logged users only.
So we decided to work with PubNub within CloudCode in Parse : http://www.pubnub.com/blog/realtime-collaboration-sync-parse-api-pubnub/
Our strategy is to open a "channel" available for all users, and if a user is active (logged in), we are pushing to this dedicated "channel" some information which are triggered by the app, and create some new events or call to action.
This is a sample code to send information to a dedicated channel :
Parse.Cloud.define("sendPubNubMessage", function(request, response) {
var message = JSON.stringify(request.params.message);
var PubNubUrl;
var PubNubKeys;
Parse.Config.get().then(function(config) {
PubNubKeys = config.get('PubNubkeys');
}).then(function() {
PubNubUrl = 'https://pubsub.pubnub.com/publish/';
PubNubUrl+= PubNubKeys.Publish_Key + '/';
PubNubUrl+= PubNubKeys.Subscribe_Key + '/0/';
PubNubUrl+= request.params.channel +'/0/';
PubNubUrl+= message;
return Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({
url: PubNubUrl,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'
}).then(function(httpResponse) {
return httpResponse;
}).then(function(httpResponse) {
}, function(error) {
This is an another sample code used to send a message to a dedicated channel once something was changed on a specific class :
Parse.Cloud.afterSave("your_class", function(request, response) {
if (!request.object.existed()) {
Parse.Cloud.run('sendPubNubMessage', {
'message': JSON.stringify({
'collection': 'sample',
'objectId': request.object.id
'channel' : 'all' // could be request.object.get('user').id
#Toucouleur is right in suggesting PubNub for your Parse project. PubNub acts essentially like an open socket between client and server so that the sever can send messages to clients and vice versa. There are 70+ SDKs supported, including one here for Win Phone.
One approach for your problem would be to Subscribe all users to a Channel when they log in, and Unsubscribe from that Channel when they exit the app or timeout.
When you want to send a message you can publish to a Channel and all users Subscribed will receive that message in < 1/4 second. PubNub makes sending those messages as Push Notifications really simple as well.
Another feature you may find useful is "Presence" which can give you realtime information about who is currently Subscribed to your "Channel".
If you think a code sample would help let me know!
Here's a few ideas I came up with.
Send a push notification to all users, but don't add an alert text. No alert will show for users who have the app closed and you can handle the alert in the App Delegate. Disadvantage: Uses a lot of push notifications, and not all of them are going to be used.
When the app comes to foreground, add a flag to the PFInstallation object that specifies the user is online, when it goes to the background, set the flag to false. Send a push notification to the installations that have the flag set to true. Disadvantages: If the app crashes, you would be sending notifications to users that are not online. Updating the user twice per session can increase your Parse request count.
Add a new property to the PFInstallation object where you store the last time a user did something, you can also set it on a timer of 30s/1m while the app is open. Send a push notification to users that have been active in the last 30s/1m. Disadvantage: Updating the PFInstallation every 30 seconds might cause an increase on your Parse request count. More accuracy (smaller interval) means more requests. The longer the session length of your users, the more requests you will use.

How do we do authentications in web applications?

Sorry, I wrote a lot to explain my situation, If you don't have time or not in mood to read all these just jump to the questions. Even answering one of them helps my situation, thanks :D
I'm trying to write a web application in node.js, but since I'm too new to web, I don't know how to write the web login system. I don't want to use basic or digest http authentications, I want it like normal login systems with http forms and different pages shows different content for different types of users. I searched a bit, I know the basics, but they're not enough.
This is what I got:
We check the user and pass from the
POST data in the database
If correct we give the client a new session, and save it in a database.
The client saves the session as a cookie and sends it in each page request.
The server checks the session and gives the content intended for the user.
Here's the part I don't know:
How do we generate a session?
How do we send it to the client?
How is it saved in cookies?
When is it supposed to expire?
What happens if it is expired? What
should we do?
Is there anything else that I should
If you can please, give me some examples in node.
Thank you in advance :D
A session is simply a unique key (session ID) associated with an object/array, this way you can connect data to a user of your site.
You send the session ID to the client as a cookie, once sent, the client sends its session ID to your server with every HTTP request.
You send the HTTP Set-Cookie header (Set-Cookie: sessionid=abcdefg38974).
You can make it expire when you want it to, when the browser closes or after for example a year (this would keep you logged in for a year, after which you'll have to login again).
When a cookie expires it is simply thrown away, on the serverside it will just look like the user doesn't have a session ID set yet so he has to log in again.
You should know of things like session hijacking (stealing someone else's session ID). Have a look at it.
Little example, it might increate the visit number twice each time you request because your browser also requests /favicon.ico. Keep in mind that this example is not very safe as session hijacking is possible, this also keeps all sessions in memory and forgets them when the server is restarted. It would be wise to save sessions to a database.
var http = require('http');
var sessions = {};
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
var ssid;
var session;
if (req.headers.cookie) {
// Cookie already set, read it
var parts = req.headers.cookie.split('=');
ssid = parts[1];
// Is the session id known to us?
if (typeof(sessions[ssid]) != "undefined") {
session = sessions[ssid];
console.log('Loaded session with id ' + ssid);
if (typeof(session) == "undefined") {
// No cookie set, make one
ssid = Math.random();
session = {
'visitNumber': 0
console.log('Created session with id ' + ssid);
// Respond to the browser
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'Set-Cookie': 'ssid=' + ssid
res.end('Visit number: ' + session.visitNumber + '\n');
// Save the changes we have made to the session data
sessions[ssid] = session;
