tracking all consumers for WEB API -

I have standard enterprise level WEB Api , which is going to be used across the organisation. I can have demarcation like Mainframe Systems/Online channel/etc through API key.
However there can be many systems( say many systems in online) in WEBAPI that can share the same key. I need to identify each and every call uniquely and if it is not being shared
any ways for it?

You could just log the IP address of each request. If all the systems are internal to your organisation then it shouldn't be hard to match IPs to what system it is.
Or you could pass a client Id as well as the API Key.


How to Transfer Data Between Multiple Microservices?

As part of my project, I'd like to use microservices. The application is a store website where the admin can add products and the user can order and buy them.
I envision implementing four services: admin service, user service, product service, and order service.
I had trouble with handling data between multi services but it's solved by duplicating some necessary data using message brokers.
I can do this solution between product and user and order service because I need some of the data not all of them
Now, my question is about handling admin service because in this service I need to access all of the data, for example, the admin should have a list of users and the ability to add new products or update them.
how can I handle data between these services and the admin service?
should I duplicate all data inside the admin service?
should I use Rest API?
no thats wrong. it seems you want run away from the fact. in general duplication is an anti-pattern mostly in case you describe.
the way you thinking about admin-service is wrong.
because in this service I need to access all of the data
i dont think you need to have such a service. accessing the data based on users must be handled by Identity server(oidc Oauth) which is the separated service and handle the accessing end points .
for example the product-service provides 1-return product list 2-return individual product data 3-create data. the first two can access by both user and admin but the 3rd must be accessed by admin. one of identity server duty is to identify user in case of user interaction(login) with services.
ADMIN Scenario
user-client request create product endpoint(services eg:product.service).
client-app(front end app) is configed with identity server and realize there is no require identity tokens and redirect to identity server login.
NOTE: there is also identifying the client-app itself i skipped.
user-client login and get require token that based on his claims and roles and etc.
user-client request create product endpoint with tokens included in request header
endpoint (product service) receives the request and check the header (the services also configured base on identity server and user claims)
get the user claims info.
the create-product requires admin role if its there then there we go otherwise no access.
the image uses identity server 4 . there are also several kinds and also you can implement by your self using 0AUTH and oidc protocol libraries.
so the admin just request to the certain service not getting data through the separate service for this goal.
Communication between Service:
the most struggling part of microservices is the wiring it up. the wiring is directly the consequence of your design.(recommand deep study on Domain Driven Design).
asynchronous communication :
to avoid coupling between services mostly use asynchronous communication which you pass event eg:brokers like rabbitmq and kafka..etc , redis etc. in this communication the source service who send event does not care about response and not wait for it.just it always ready to listen for any result event. for example
the inventory service creates item
and this service fire event with data 123|shoe-x22(duplicate maybe or maybe not just id) to product service to create but it does not wait for response from product service that is it created successfully or not.
as you see this scenario is unreliable in case of fault and you need handle that so in this case you have to study CAP theory,SAGA,Circuit-breaker.
synchronous communication :
in this case the service insist to have response back immediately. this push service to become more coupling. if you need performance then you can use gRPC communication other wise simple api call to the certain service. in case of gRPC i recommand using libraries like MassTransit
which also can be used for implementingf gRPC with minimum coupling.
Some of Requests need data from multiple services
if you are in such situation you have two options.
mostly microservices architecture using APIGATE WAY (EG:nginx,OCELOT,etc)
which provide reverse-proxy,load balancing,ssl terminations etc. one of its ability is to merge the multiple responses from a request.but it just merge them not changing the data structure of response.
in case of returns desire response data structure you may create an Aggregator service which itself calls other two, gathers data and wrap it in desire format and return it.
so in the end still the Domain Driven Design is the key and i think i talked tooooo much. hope help you out there.

One database per API or shared database for multiple APIs in Microservice

I started reading microservices architecture and got confused with one below point.
Each service should have a separate database.
Does each service mean a single web(rest) api having its own database?
For example if I take motor insurance claim operation as a business scenario where I modelled business domain services in 3 part Insurance claim services , partner (automobile service providers) services and customer services.
Insurance claim settlement operation in claim api will require other information like incident , survey done by an inspector, policy detail , documents etc.
Now I can create 5 web(rest) api in Insurance claim services and will store its data in common db and other services like partner and customer service will have their own web apis and db
What is correct ?
All web api (claimAPI, PolicyAPI, IncidentAPI, SurveyAPI and DocumentAPI) in claim insurance services should have their own db or they can keep data in single data base ?
To follow microservice best practice, it is correct that they should each have their own database and be exposed solely by APIs. This is because every service in your architecture should be independent and de-coupled from other services. If 2+ services share a database, then there may arise problems in operation or upgrade.
One big issue with a shared database is each service would need to trust that another service doesn't modify it's information. But since they all have access to the same database, one of the others could in fact modify the underlying data and make things unstable or insecure.
Further, with 2+ services relying on a shared database, then you're forced to use the exact same database/version with all. You lose the freedom to independently use MySQL for one and MongoDB for another. Even if the same tool is used for all, when you do maintenance or migration on one you're forced to do it for the rest. All this adds up to some coupled services that make them harder to maintain and scale.
you can have common database for all microservices, it is one of the microservices patterns:
check those links to see advantages and disadvantages of this approach.

Server/Client legals

So I want to create some sort of anonymous chat application. The model includes a single server (centralized) and multiple clients.
The server takes no records of the chat and also no records of who has connected amd such to maximise privacy the messages are also encrypted. You get the idea.
Now, my question was: say someone sent a link to a warez site or something deemed somewhat questionable or outright illegal. Who would get into trouble? The server owner or the client? Take into account that the server only provides a means to communicate between clients and holds no information other than the brief time it needs to receive and send.
Same thing with bots connecting to the server and using it for a communication portal for a botnet.
Thanks in advance.

Multiple CardDAV servers under a single root URL possible?

We have a Java Spring application with lot's of contacts inside a database. Now we'd like to provide these contacts via CardDAV in order to access them via external devices.
As far as I understood CardDAV, it uses the 'well-known' protocol. Which means, it'll look up
This might be a problem, because we have a Tomcat Server running, and multiple applications running on it and each of them should provide a CardDAV server. This means, our URLs look like:
Each of those applications has a completely different set of users and data. Though each of those CardDAV repositories has to lookup its own data source and has to use its own authentication mechanism.
The question is of course: How can I get multiple different CardDAV servers with a single domain?
Btw: Is there any REAL information about CardDAV (not just WebDAV or is it all the same?!)?
For example I couldn't find anything about multiple repositories / access right restrictions. Maybe I want to have a single CardDAV server with multiple different Users, where each user has an own address book and there are some common address books.
The well-known url is used for clients to automatically discover the root of the carddav server, when a user just types in a domainname. You can only redirect to 1 server per domain, but you could setup multiple domains to redirect to multiple carddav servers.
If you can't use multiple sub-domains, you simply cannot use well-known. Instead, you will have to ask users to fill in a full url to their principal to setup their acccounts.
As to your question if there's 'real' information. rfc6352 is the official documentation. It's definitely a lot more than just WebDAV.
Effectively, iOS only supports well-known. If an iOS device cant connect via well-known it will allow the user to enter a complete principal address, BUT thats only AFTER displaying an error message to the user, at which point most users will give up.
However, the redirect occurs after authentication, so as long as you're able to authenticate at the root (eg with a username scheme that incorporates the sub-site, like 'appOne:brad') then you should be able to do it. Alternatively, as mentioned above, just use subdomains.

Windows Centralized Configuration for third party applications?

We are looking at a standard way of configuring the various "endpoints" of our application. Our application is a distributed system with Windows Desktop applications, Windows Server "services" and databases.
We currently configure each piece using XML files. This is getting a little out of hands as we work with larger customers who can have dozens of Servers running our application and hundreds of desktop clients.
Can anyone recommend a Microsoft technology or a third party that would allow us to centralize all that configuration information and manage it in a one place for all our applications? Any changes would be "pushed" to the endpoint(s) that are interested.
For example, if we were to change the login for one of our database, we would make that change on the database, then reflect that change in our centralized system. Following that last step, any service that needs to connect to the database would be notified of the change (and potentially receive the new data). How and what each endpoint does with that information is outside the scope of the system.
Our primary business is not "Centralized Configuration Services". We are a GIS company that provides solutions for various utilities worldwide.
I've done a couple of things to give myself this functionality over the years. I build enterprise applicatons that may be distributed across many servers. I don't want to bury config settings in each services config file or each web server's web.config file. For application specific stuff I usually create an application settings table in the app's database. The table only has two fields. SettingName and SettingValue. I then write a web or wcf service whose sole function it is to retrieve these settings. I write a function called GetSetting where you pass "SettingName" and it returns SettingValue or an empty string if your setting is not found. This way I can store all application settings for all components of the application in one spot. Maintenance and troubleshooting for this is really easy, I'm not hunting through scads of config files spread across a dozen web and app servers.
For larger scale apps I might create a separate AppSettings database where I add a new field to my table mentioned above. ApplicationName. My web or wcf service for this approach has the same method call (GetSetting) only at this scope I pass ApplicationName and SettingName and it returns SettingValue or an empty string.
Doing either of these things allows you to centralize all app settings for any size application or IT shop. It has worked really well for us.
You could use RSS together with BitTorrent to distribute changes. See Wikipedia. It is not MS specific however, but should provide the flexibility you need - a configuration server holding the configuration and providing the feeds needed to configure the clients and possibly servers.
Any VCS through a secure channel?
For example, git through ssh (both available in cygwin).
I think the first step is to have the secure channel (if you want the push ability, pulling might be different).
As for managing the "versions" in different "branches", what's better than a version control system?
As it goes for the Microsoft requirement, well the Microsoft sofwares in that exists in that area would suck pretty bad in your case (as in not the best tool for the job).
