Always Sign-In into Visual Studio - visual-studio-2013

I usually use Visual Studio 2008, but every time I start Visual Studio 2013 I get a notification that tells me an error occurred and I have to sign in again. Is this the normal behavior or is it really an error?
It is annoying. How can I fix this?

This is an error I've had before when not running Visual Studio in Administrator mode, try running it in Administrator mode. Also, do ensure your Visual Studio is up to date.


Visual studio crash on startup

I have a problem with running Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate. I start visual studio and wait to load Start page. It is ok. But when I move with mouse, visual studio crash without any error message. I tried run visual studio in /safemode, no change, the same problem. Then i try run it with /log parameter to look for errors in %appdata%/....., but the file doesn't constaints any error item. Reinstall didn't work. Anyone can help me? Thanks. (Sorry for my EN)
It is an normal problem i have seen in 2013 version, i would recommend you to use Visual studio 2015 professional instead, it's much more useful with some extra features and more user friendly.Try downloading it.
Solved. Finally!!! Visual Studio have turned on HW acceleration on graphics card. Turn off the HW acceleration in visual studio solve the problem

Visual studio 2013 ultimate Intellitrace issue

I have Visual studio 2012 Professional already installed on my machine. I installed Visual studio Ultimate. I am not seeing Intellitrace windows or in IntelliTrace options in Tools-->Options in VS 2013.
I know, IntelliTrace is not available with Professional version. Am I missing anything?
What you are doing here should be supported. There are a couple of things that you can do to trouble shoot the issue.
1) Double check that you are actually launching Visual Studio 2013. I know that this sounds silly, but different versions of Windows will set up file or project associations differently. So, though you have installed 2013, it is possible that your regular workflow is actually still launching 2012. Check the splash screen and/or the Help > About dialog.
2) Reset Visual Studio. It is possible that something got corrupted in your extensions cache during your installation that is preventing Visual Studio from recognizing IntelliTrace. This should be relatively simple:
Launch the "Developer Command Prompt For Visual Studio 2013"
cd to [Program files x86]\Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
Execute the command "devenv /updateconfiguration" followed by "devenv /setup"
The last step may take a number of minutes depending on your system configuration. After it is finished, relaunch Visual Studio to see if IntelliTrace is available.

Visual Studio crashes when locking computer or starting another instance

I have the problem that Visual Studio 2013 crashes when I lock the computer or start another instance of Visual Studio.
I use Visual Studio 2013 with latest patches applied. I always start Visual Studio as Admin.
This seems to only happen with a certain big solution. This problem did not occur to me with other solutions.
I tried to delete the solution and make a clean checkout from TFS, but Visual Studio still crashes.
I know this is not much information, but do you have any idea how to fix this or how to what else I could check?
Additional Information: This still happens even with Visual Studio 2015 on a fresh Windows 8.1 installation...
Here's the error:
Use the following steps to solve the issue:
I would copy the solution with quotation but as you can see, there is a lot of text to edit.
Start Visual Studio using the /log switch. Then check the created log file for warnings and errors:
If you use a Web Browser to view the file, it will be nicely formatted, due to the accompanying xsl-sheet.

Visual Studio takes ages creating a project

I have problem with my Visual studio 2013. When I'm trying to create even a simple console application,VS hangs and after a while the message 'Visual studio is busy: Microsoft Visual studio is waiting for internal operation to complete.' shows up.
I have reinstalled Visual Studio but without any luck. I've used ProcMon to check devenv and all the paths it shows, have to do with Android Studio.
I 'solved' the problem by accident. I disabled Source Control and for some reason, VS started working again. I know it's not an ideal solution but works just fine when you need VS urgently.
Don't know if Visual Studio is one of those programs. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe even after uninstalling, Visual Studio keeps some files in the registry from your previous installation and the AppData folder. You might want to clear those.
Close Visual Studio (if you haven’t already).
Open the registry editor (regedit.exe)
Delete the
Delete the
Delete the %USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio{version}
Use {version}=10.0 for Visual Studio 2010
Use {version}=11.0 for Visual Studio 2012
Use {version}=12.0 for Visual Studio 2013
Hope this helps

Visual Studio 2010 Unknown Error on Startup

I'm trying to launch Visual Studio 2010 from my desktop and I just get this error box popping up saying "Unknown Error"...
Anyone have an idea why this might happen?
I just fixed it, I uninstalled and reinstalled my version of the .NET Framework (v4.0). And then when I again tried to launch Visual studio it started up without any issue.
Here's some things you can check:
Temporary de-activate all Addins
Temporary disable all Extensions
Check the Event Log for any errors
Reset your settings
Start with /ResetSkipPkgs
Based on your comment below, if you can't find the DevEnv.exe when you have opened a VIsual Studio Command prompt, I would suggest you to re-install Visual Studio as it indicates your installation (paths) are in a bad state.
And here are some other things you migh want to check:
VS 2010 Crashes on Startup with "Unknown Error"
Visual Studio 2010 quit gives me an "unknown error" dialogue when launched
Visual Studio 2010 Startup Errors
Visual Studio 2010 crashes on startup after installing SP1
Open Visual Studio Command Prompt with Administrator permission and type the following,
devenv /ResetSkipPkgs
the Solution of this problem ist very simple.
Install VS 2010 on a other machine and export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0 to a file. Copy the file to your target machine and rename the path above to ".old", then double click your exported reg-file and wait a time....
After this my Visual Studio was starting correctly.
The other solution, that people post wont work in my case.
I hope this will help some body.
I had the same problem.. Instead of completely uninstalling .net framework, I just repaired the .net framework from the repair/uninstall option available in Control Panel of my Windows 7 Ultimate pc. Finally I got another error that, Visual Studio could not create AppData folder in my system. Then, I right click the Visual Studio icon and selected Run as Administrator. This worked for me!! Now, Visual Studio 2010 is working on my pc!! Try this out if you want..
