Spring Boot: Change Port for Web Application - spring-boot

I am currently trying to create a web application with Spring Boot. I need to host my application to localhost:8081. How do I change the port?

Actually you want to change server.port and you can change it in many different ways as described http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#boot-features-external-config
in your application.properties (in or outside the jar)
command line
java -Dserver.port=$PORT -jar target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
and much more

By default spring boot uses port 8080, BUT you can change the port just by adding the following code line in your main() like this:
System.getProperties().put( "server.port", *YOUR_PORT_NUMBER_GOES_HERE* );
public class MyClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.getProperties().put( "server.port", 8181 ); //8181 port is set here
SpringApplication.run(MyClass.class, args);
You can configure it in your application.properties file like so:
If you DON'T have an application.properties file in your spring-boot application, you can go ahead and create one. Right-click on the src/java/resources folder and go to New-> Other-> General and choose 'File' then name as: application.properties
Any other configurations you might need are listed here https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/common-application-properties.html. These properties are also configured in the application.properties file.

Actually you want to change server.port and you can change it in many different ways as described
Put server.port=9000 in your application.properties

In your application.properties file, just add one line
server.port = 8080
And for more configurations you can refer Spring Boot documentation on port

If you are using the embedded tomcat server, you can configure the EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean yourself in your Application class annotated with #SpringBootApplication.
This will give you options to customize your tomcat server, example configuration
public EmbeddedServletContainerFactory servletContainer() {
TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory factory = new TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory();
factory.setSessionTimeout(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
factory.addErrorPages(new ErrorPage(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, "/notfound.html"));
return factory;
You could also do the same for Jetty, using the JettyEmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean, or for Undertow using the UndertowEmbeddedServletContainerFactory .
Official documentation found here : http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current-SNAPSHOT/reference/htmlsingle/

If you're using STS, you can do it following below steps:
Go to Boot Dashboard view, you'll see your Boot app, say myApp1
Right click and click on Open Config. This should open Run Time
Configuration section.
Go to Argument tab and add parameter server.port=, like in the example below, a custom port 9091 is added.
Start the app and if everything is good, you'll see the desired port
on Boot dashboard.

go to your application.properties file and type server.port=8081
see this image


Starting Spring boot REST controller in two ports

Is there a way to have two rest controller running on two different ports from one spring boot application ?
Say for example Controller_A running in http://localhost:8080 and Controller_B running in http://localhost:9090 in one SpringBoot main Application ?
One way of doing this is actually creating two application properties;
And then in your controllers, put annotation like below;
public class ControllerA {
public class ControllerB {
Finally you need to launch your application twice with following settings;
java -jar -Dspring.profiles.active=A awesomeSpringApp.jar
java -jar -Dspring.profiles.active=B awesomeSpringApp.jar

Environment Configuration Spring Boot

Created a Spring Boot application that will need to migrate from "Local Dev" to "Test", "QA" and "Prod" environments.
Application currently uses a "application.properties" for database connectivity and Kafka configuration.
I am wanting to deploy to "Test" and realized that the properties will not work for that enviornment. After reading the ref docs, it looks like I can simply copy the application.properties file and add a new one application-test.properties, so on, and then run the standalone jar with a -Dspring.profiles.active=test and that seems to work.
But by the time I am done, that means I h ave 4 different appliction-XXXXX.properties files in the jar which may or may not be bad. I know the ultimate configuration would be to use Spring Config server, but right now we are not there with regards to this.
Can anyone validate that using multiple properties files is viable and will work for a bit, or if I am looking at th is all wrong. I do not want to have configuration on the servers in each environment, as I am thinking these mini-services should be self-contained.
Any input would be appreciated.
in a word, your configuration file should be outside your source code.
#PropertySource(value = {"classpath:system.properties"})
public class EnvironmentConfig {
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer properties() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
Let's say it's named "system.properties", which will be uploaded to server at deployment stage under your application classpath.

Spring Properties showing as Null

I have a Spring Boot application, generated by JHipster.
Am trying to add some new properties to the application-dev.yml file but my class is seeing the values null, even after spending some hours with Google.
Added the following to the top of application-dev.yml:
port: 5555
In my class I have
public class ExampleUtils {
private String host;
private String port;
The class is in a new directory under the source root.
Thanks in advance.
in your application.properties set
or when you run the application parse the command line args follows
It is a good practice to add the new properties you add to a #ConfigurationProperties class.
At least this way I never had problems adding properties.
Have a look at the docs : http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/boot-features-external-config.html#boot-features-external-config-typesafe-configuration-properties

Configure Spring Boot application to use MongoDB connection uri provided in environment variable

I would like to configure the connection-uri to my MongoDB through an environment variable. This way, I can set different values on localhost or if the Spring Boot application is running in a cloud.
I have included mongodb in my build.gradle file:
dependencies {
compile 'org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-spring-service-connector:1.2.2.RELEASE'
To work locally, I have currently set the spring.data.mongodb.uri=mongodb://... in applications.properties but I would rather like to have that value read from an environment variable. How can I achieve this?
I have read articles about Spring Boot and Cloud suggesting extending the AbstractCloudConfig somehow like this:
public class CloudConfig extends AbstractCloudConfig {
public MongoDbFactory documentMongoDbFactory() {
return connectionFactory().mongoDbFactory();
But I assume this wouldn't work with environment variables and working locally.
You should use profiles to do that.
Read about profiles
Read how to use Profiles
How to Set Profiles

Port binding for Spring RESTful Web Service

I've used the Building a RESTful Web Service tutorial to build a WebService for my purpose. It was quite easy, but now I'm struggeling to configure the port the WebService should be binded through. There is no config.xml or anything to configure in this project. Can anyone give me a hint about how to configure the WebService's port?
As these details might be helpful. I'm starting the server with the code below, containing the #EnableAutoConfiguration tag. The configuration is done by Spring Boot.
public class ServerStarter{
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(ServerStarter.class, args);
To configure the ports you can set the server.port and management.port properties by writing the following in the "application.properties" file located under "src/main/resources":
server.port = 9000
management.port = 9001
Similarly if you need to specify the management address:
management.address =
There are more properties you can set for the server and management server. See spring-boot's documentation: http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current-SNAPSHOT/reference/htmlsingle/
For a quick and dirty solution you can employ the command line option arguments (source):
