DaveJamesMiller Breadcrumbs Error - Laravel - laravel

I am currently trying to set up breadcrumbs for my Laravel 5 application. Unfortunately, I am currently being presented with this error when I access localhost:8888/auth/login:
ErrorException in
line 29
The current route (GET /auth/login) is not named - please check
routes.php for an "as" parameter
Route::get('auth/login', 'Auth\AuthController#getLogin',
['as' => 'login', 'uses' => 'Auth/AuthController#getLogin']);
The error is shown with or without the ['as' => 'login', 'uses' => 'Auth/AuthController#getLogin'] addition.
Breadcrumbs::register('login', function($breadcrumbs)
$breadcrumbs->push('Login', route('login'));
Thank you for your help.

I resolved this issue by changing the route to the following:
['as' => 'login', 'uses' => 'Auth/AuthController#getLogin']);
You can only declare which controller method you're using once.


Laravel route gets wrong controller

I'm building project with Laravel and Vue and i want my categories and tags urls to be like that:
My web.php:
Route::get('/', ['uses' => '\App\Http\Controllers\IndexController#index']);
Route::get('/{category}', ['as' => 'category', 'uses' => '\App\Http\Controllers\CategoryController#index']);
Route::get('/{tag}', ['as' => 'tag', 'uses' => '\App\Http\Controllers\TagController#index']);
Route::get('/{category}/{article}', ['as' => 'category.article', 'uses' => '\App\Http\Controllers\ArticleController#index']);
I'm getting 404 error on my tags links and i know its because router matches "category" first and uses CategoryController.
What should I do? I don't want to make them unique by adding something like domain.com/tags/tag-name
I've tried to use named routes for my vue component (with Ziggy-js lib) so my link looks like
<a class="tags-block__link" :href="route('tag', {tag: tag.slug}).url()" v-for="tag in tags" :key="tag.id">
But it doesn't help
Why it should not be mixing?
You define Route::get('/{category}' and Route::get('/{tag}'. So if you open /1 in your browser it will always run the first route it is able to find that matches the pattern. So it is always running CategoryController#index yes?
Your routes should be:
Route::get('/category/{category}', ['as' => 'category', 'uses' => '\App\Http\Controllers\CategoryController#index']);
Route::get('/tag/{tag}', ['as' => 'tag', 'uses' => '\App\Http\Controllers\TagController#index']);
Read more at https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/routing
The remaining route should do fine, cause you define it last.

How to make differently route name in Laravel?

I have two the same controller in different directories.
And routing is for both:
Route::resource('dashboard/statistic', 'Admin\StatisticController');
Route::resource('statistic', 'StatisticController');
When I run php artisan route:list
I see, that these routes have the same route name as: statistic:
How can I make this diffrently?
You could to create each route explicitly (Route::resource creates multiple routes to handle a variety of RESTful actions on the resource), for example
Route::get('dashboard/statistic', ['as' => 'dashboard-statistic.index', 'uses' => 'Admin\StatisticController#index']);
Route::delete('dashboard/statistic', ['as' => 'dashboard-statistic.destroy', 'uses' => 'Admin\StatisticController#destroy']);
Route::put('dashboard/statistic', ['as' => 'dashboard-statistic.edit', 'uses' => 'Admin\StatisticController#edit']);
Route::resource('dashboard/statistic', 'Admin\StatisticController',
['admin' => ['create', 'store', 'update', 'destroy']]);
Route::resource('statistic', 'StatisticController');
Hopefully this will solve your problem
maybe this can solve the problem
Route::group(['prefix' => 'dashboard', 'as' => 'dashboard.'], function() {
Route::resource('statistic', 'Admin\StatisticController');
will return name eg:

Display home page in base url without showing /home (Laravel)

If I type my website url in browser as www.test.com/ then it redirects to www.test.com/home. But I want to see the url in browser as www.test.com only.
Route::get('/', array('uses' => 'HomeController#home', 'as' => 'home'));
Route::get('home', array('uses' => 'HomeController#home', 'as' => 'home'));
Try this in your route file:
Route::get('/', 'Admin\HomeController#index');
and remove the extra home route.
See, if that helps.
Route::get('/', array('uses' => 'HomeController#home', 'as' => 'home'));
Keep this route only and remove the next route
It will work as you are expecting then

Laravel 4 nested route and sub urls

I have nested page order,
for example;
URL : /firm/staff
my route is :
Route::get('/firm/{any?}', array('as' => 'admin', 'uses' => 'StaffController#showStaff'));
It is Ok...
On this staff page there is a staff list for example when i click manager...
URL : /firm/staff/manager
Route::get('/firm/{any?}', array('as' => 'admin', 'uses' => 'StaffController#showStaff'));
I used bu it give whooppsss
i searched in google and laravel forums but couldnt,
how can i route this sub pages,
i want to show until 4 level depth.
i tried Route::any but not..
You can use regex with route constraints:
Route::get('/firm/{any?}', array(
'as' => 'admin',
'uses' => 'TestController#showStaff'
))->where('any', '(.*)?');

Laravel Routes Artisan

When I run artisan routes in laravel 4
Is this normal or is there something wrong. My routes work just wondering if there might be a bug or something. Below are my routes for auth. I'm using restful routes for auth.
Route::get('AuthController/login', array('as' => 'login', 'uses' => 'AuthController#login'));
Route::get('auth/logout', array('as' => 'logout', 'uses' => 'auth#logout'));
Route::post('auth/login', array('uses' => 'auth#login'));
This is expected. When you register controllers with Route::controller() the controller inspector adds the URI wildcards. Consider the following example:
Route::controller('user', 'UserController');
You might then have a method like this on your UserController:
public function getProfile($username)
$user = User::where('username', $username)->first();
return View::make('profile')->with('user', $user);
You could then hit that method by going to localhost/yourapp/user/profile/jason
In a nut shell it allows you to pass extra parameters to a method. To me this is a very old school way of doing it, as it looks nicer like localhost/yourapp/user/jason/profile and in this case you'd need to use a route to map to the controller method.
I suggest you 2 improvements:
1 - keep a standard with URIs
You don't need Route::controller in this case. In order to mantain all routes with the same structure I would do:
Route::group( array('prefix'=>'auth,function(){ //make all auth routes starting by auth
Route::get('getLogin', array('as' => 'getLogin', 'uses' => 'AuthController#getLogin'));
Route::get('getLogin', array('as' => 'logout', 'uses' => 'AuthController#logout'));
Route::post('postLogin', array('as' => 'postLogin', 'uses' => 'AuthController#postLogin'));
It is not necessary to use group but if you app grows could be better. Without group code will be:
Route::get('auth/getLogin', array('as' => 'getLogin', 'uses' => 'AuthController#getLogin'));
Route::get('auth/getLogin', array('as' => 'logout', 'uses' => 'AuthController#logout'));
Route::post('auth/postLogin', array('as' => 'postLogin', 'uses' => 'AuthController#postLogin'));
2 - Protect your post routes
For every post and put request we've to prevent CSRF attacks like this:
Route::post('postLogin',array('before' => 'csrf','uses'=>AuthController#postLogin) );
