Installing Caffe (deep learning) issues - macos

I have been able to install Caffe but I had a lot of issues and that's because I didn't follow the instructions very well.
I have a Mac OSx and I'm reading the OSx guide for installation.
In this point:
when I type hdf5 opencv I get:
"hdf5: command not found"
I've tried to install hdf5 by Homebrew and MacPorts but I'm still getting:
"hdf5: command not found"
Does anyone have any clue?
Thank you very much.
according to the answer of #mattias, my binaries in /usr/local/hdf5 are:

hdf5 is not a command or anything else. The documentation is just bad, it has to be:
brew tap homebrew/science hdf5 opencv
So, what I mean is, we have to install hdf5 and then link it to Caffe. But executing hdf5 is not what the guide meant.

You can install hdf5 from source. I just tested on OS X 10.9.5.
tar zxfv hdf5-1.8.14.tar
Enter directory
cd hdf5-1.8.14
And then,
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/hdf5 # or where you want it
sudo make install
Then you have it installed in /usr/local/hdf5.
Good luck!


installed specific version of hdf5(1.8.16) mac

I want to install hdf5 with a specific version: 1.8.16, but with the command, brew install hdf5, I got the newest version, 1.8.17, can you help me, I checked out some similar solutions, it does work.
Download your OS-specific hdf5-1.8.16.tar.gz
mv hdf5 /usr/local/Cellar/
brew link hdf5

ImageMagick + El Capitan Unable to Locate Module

UPDATE: Solved with the solution here
I have spent the better part of my day trying to get ImageMagick to work with Grunt, with no luck. Grunt seems to be okay, but ImageMagick not so much, even though I've run the test on to make sure that it's installed correctly (I used HomeBrew for the install).
I get this error when trying to run a task:
Warning: Command failed: identify: unable to load module
Q16/coders/': file not found # error/module.c/OpenModule/1300.
identify: no decode delegate for this image format 'JPEG' #
I've tried the solutions here and here, but none of them have helped.
(FYI I'm new to using the command line.)
As with any homebrew problem, I would suggest you run
brew doctor
first, to try and sort things out. It is an excellent diagnosis tool.
Now, to your specific problem... mmmm... the /opt/X11 part of your error message worries me because homebrew installs in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/Cellar so your ImageMagick should not be looking anywhere in /opt at all. I guess you have installed freetype via MacPorts or some method other than homebrew.
I would suggest you install the freetype stuff using homebrew, i.e.
brew install freetype
Then I would suggest uninstalling any other freetype stuff you have installed any other way. Finally, I would suggest you check your PATH environment variable and make it point to /usr/local/bin before anything in /opt. You will need to log out and back in for the new PATH to take effect - you can check your PATH like this:
echo $PATH
and change it by editing $HOME/.profile if you need to.
The homebrew version of freetype provides version 19 of the library and is therefore compatible with the homebrew ImageMagick version.
Also, I am a little disconcerted by the X11 part in your error message - modern Macs don't really use X11 any more and it doesn't ship with OSX. Let's see if the above ideas sort you out before worrying about that too much though - unless you know, and can say for sure, that you need X11.

updating octave: linking the installation

I have OSX 10.10.5 with Octave 3.4.0 running (installed, who knows how, I did it a million different ways through port, file extraction, ftp, homebrew…). I tried to update my Programme (brew install octave or sudo port install octave) and Terminal spits out:
Warning: octave-3.8.2 already installed, it's just not linked
Okay, great. So I have a better programme somewhere installed. What now? How on earth am I supposed to “just link” the newer installation?
If you install octave with Homebrew and it doesn't link it it should tell you why. You can force Homebrew to link octave with
$ brew link --overwrite octave
You can also add the --dry-run option to check and see what Homebrew will do to link octave
$ brew link --overwrite --dry-run octave
A possible reason for Homebrew not linking octave is that you've installed it by another method, MacPorts for instance. It is not recommended that you use both Homebrew and MacPorts on the same system.

How can I install qpdf on Mac 10.8.3?

When running R CMD check on packages on a Mac build server, I'm getting a warning
‘qpdf’ is needed for checks on size reduction of PDFs
I can't seem to get qpdf installed and on the system. I tried installing via the fink package manager, but according to the package database (, qpdf doesn't seem to have been built since osx 10.6, and I'm on 10.8.3.
Can anyone point me to qpdf mac install or build instructions? Or is there a way to disable the warning when checking R packages?
This is somewhat related to the question qpdf.exe for compactPDF?, although they were on a windows machine and I'm on a mac.
You can install qpdf with homebrew:
brew install qpdf
MacPorts can help you. Download MacPorts from and run sudo port install qpdf.

How to install scons on Mac OS X

Can you please tell me how can I install scons on MacOSX?
I don't see a mac specified download from
Thank you.
An alternative to MacPorts would be to use HomeBrew, where you'd just to
brew install scons
Download the tarball and then refer to the first chapter of the user guide, Building and Installing SCons. In short:
# cd scons-1.2.0
# python install
Install MacPorts, then at the Terminal (Applications > Utilities >, type:
sudo port install scons
This command will automatically download and install scons for you. MacPorts requires that you have the developer tools installed, so if you don't, you will need to download and install the Xcode 3 DVD.
NOTE 1: Xcode 2.5 is the last version of Xcode that will work on Mac OS X Tiger.
NOTE 2: This may seem awfully painful if you don't already have MacPorts installed. However, you really should go this route, as MacPorts makes it easy to update installed software, it automatically manages dependencies between software, and it makes it easier to install other packages in the future.
If you have the Python setuptools, the following will install scons-1.2.0 from sourceforge:
easy_install scons
But bear in mind the issues people raise with setuptools.
Also, keep in mind this question and the answers about virtualenv and pip for isolating Python environments.
There is also a GUI installer for SCons on Mac OS X that I wrote available for download here:
Since version 2.3.0 SCons should work without installing:
# get the source and switch to stable 2.3.0 version
hg clone -r 2.3.0
# make sure to use Python 2 for now
python scons/src/scripts/
When running 2.3.0 from source, the SCons.__version__ is not set correctly, so EnsureSConsVersion() will likely to fail if that's ok for you.
pull down SCons source and put it in /Library/Python/X.X/. Make sure you have the dir structure like this: /Library/Python/X.X/SCons/
remember, import searches for modules, and /Library/Python/XXX is by default in the search path.
