Can't access Mosets Tree on Joomla 3.4 - joomla

I upgraded Joomla from 2.5 to 3.4 yesterday, after backing our website up. After the upgrading was done the whole website was down from about 10 minutes and then up and running again, but not completely.
We have 2 modules added that were not working (RSEvents Pro and Mosets Tree.) I was able to fix the issue with RSEvents Pro by changing the memory limit but no luck with Mostes tee. When I login to the backend of Joomla, go to Components, then Mosets Tree, I get 404 no component found error.

Did you upgrade the Mosets component as well. Like RS Events you have to install the latest version compatible with Joomla 3, than only it will work.


Pasting table cells which become image (ckeditor4)

In a web site I have written I used to copy a table from Libreoffice Calc into ckeditor4 without problems (back in June 2019). Now it is copied as an image and an image is uploaded (image uploading has been working fine by itself).
Besides starting with a very basic configuration and adding features one by one I am clueless about this behaviour change. Going back to ckeditor 4.11.4 hasn't helped. I wonder if this is caused by recent browser changes as the ckeditor configuration has been stable.
Observed with:
Firefox 70.0.1 on Linux Mint 19.1.
Firefox 70 on Windows 10.
MS Edge
Chrome on Windows
Things work correctly with:
Chromium 78.0.3904.108 on Linux Mint 19.1.
The issue should be resolved with fix which will be available with CKEditor 4.13.1 version. The version which fix should be released very soon (i a couple of days). Follow for blog post about the release. If you will still struggle with the issue after upgrading to 4.13.1, report a bug on CKEditor4 Issue Tracker.

Remove Windows 8 build of app from Windows Store

I have had a Windows 8 build associated with my app, say with version 1.0.4. I also have an active 1.3.4 version which targets Windows 10. I wanted to make the 1.0.4 build unavailable so I removed it. But it still appears in the Windows Store on Windows 8 devices. Then I read that I need to submit an update and change the pricing & availability. But I don't see a way to do that without also removing the 1.3.4 version from the Windows Store. Any ideas?
EDIT: I added an image of the dashboard which shows which packages are installed. The Windows 8 package is still available even though it is not visible in the dashboard.
Based on your description, can I understand that your app has two packages, one version is 1.0.4 that targets Windows 8, another version is 1.3.4 that targets Windows 10, and you just want to make the package version 1.0.4 unavailable, am I right?
I suggest you to remove package version 1.0.4 from the submission and you don’t need to change the pricing & availability, after the update is published(new submission submitted in the store), no new customer on Windows 8 will be able to acquire the app(though customer who already have is can continue to use it). The app will still available for new customer on Windows 10.
More detailed info, please refer to guidance for app package management
In addition, there are just Windows Phone store and Windows Store now, please note it.

Ambari version tab not displaying anything

I am relatively new to Hadoop and have been trying to set up a development environment for a project I am involved with (CentOS 6.5 is the OS). I originally set up the environment using Ambari 1.7 and installing the Hortonworks Data Platform version HDP-
Now, I am trying to upgrade to Ambari 2.0.1 and HDP-
Ambari upgraded with no problems at all. I also was able to register the new version of HDP through the Ambari Manage Version page. That all went fine.
The problem is when I try to finish the upgrade. The instructions say to go from the Admin menu to "Stack and Versions" then the "Versions" tab. There, I am supposed to see my registered versions and a link to complete the upgrade. However, all I get is a blank page.
FYI, I tried multiple browsers to rule out a browser issue. I tried Firefox and Opera. (I've heard that Chrome is no longer supported for CentOS so didn't try that).
Anyone know why this page would just be blank and/or how I can fix it?
BTW, I tried to post images, but I don't have enough reputation points so I can't. You'll have to take my word for it that Manage Versions is showing the correct versions but the Versions tab under Stack and Versions is completely blank.
Have you clicked on button on the picture? Ambari redirects me to Versions page automatically, when I am doing that:

When installing Moodle 2.8 on Windows 7, at moodle/user/editadvanced.php goes to a blank page

I'm trying to install moodle 2.8 on Windows 7, locally, and the installation goes to a blank page after editing the admin user profile. It links: localhost/moodle/user/editadvanced.php and it just a blank page.
What can I do to solve this? I've seen installation tutorials on youtube, but they don't have to deal with this.
Also, I've already tried using XAMPP 3.2 and WampServer.
Moodle 2.8 requires PHP 5.4.4 or later. Please confirm you are using the correct PHP version.

OS X 10.8 browsers not reflecting code changes on local development

I just purchased a MacBook air and for some reason whenever I'm testing a project locally (on MAMP) I'm forced to refresh the page about 6 or 7 times for the changes that I've made in the text editor to be reflected in the browser. Originally I thought that this was because I wasn't using private browsing. So, I switched to chrome incognito. That didn't work. So, then I switched to firefox and then opera. That, too didn't work. These problems happen both with backend and front end code. It's very strange it makes the task of local development very very difficult and time consuming. Any ideas?
are you using MAMP 2.2 with php 5.5 enabled? Then it's likely that it's because OPcache is enabled per default. See here: Stop caching for PHP 5.5.3 in MAMP
