waitForPopUp() function does not seem to be identifying the popup from 'this.popups' if there is a <deleted> entry in 'this.popups' before the actual popup.
I have a main form in which one can create new data by clicking on a popup link. User creates new data on the popup window. User saves on the popup and it closes and also the main form is refreshed.
Trying to automate this for multiple new data entries. The problem is it works perfectly for the first time but then it errors out at waitForPop() on the second time. It gives the error that popup did not appear in the timeout (5 sec).
casper.waitForPopup(/add_new_tasks/, function () {
/* code */
I added the following code before this waitForPopup() to call the findByRegExp() function directly.
this.wait(2000, function () {
this.echo("popup list entries - "+this.popups.list());
this.echo("search popup " + this.popups.findByRegExp(/add_new_tasks/));
For the first time following are the messages -
popup list entries - http://blahblah/tasks/add_new_tasks.do?popupMode=true
search popup WebPage(name = "WebPage")
For the second time following are the messages -
popup list entries - <deleted>,http://blahblah/tasks/add_new_tasks.do?popupMode=true
FAIL Error: cannot access member `url' of deleted QObject
Casperjs version is 1.1. Phantomjs - 1.9.7. Have tried on phantom 1.9.8 and 1.9.2. Windows 8.1 OS.
I have added popup created, loaded and closed events and can see this.popups array getting updated properly. For the second time the created and loaded events are fired.
Any pointers to what I can do to workaround this, or anything i am doing incorrectly. Thanks...
I am a beginner in Xamarin and learning to write test using NUnit framework. I am testing an app where am getting some problems in writing test cases some of them i solved but i need some help in solving other issues that am facing. Referring the official Xamarin documentation and learning the scripts but i am not able to find solution for the below issues.
When i use repl() and tree method for a screen of the app not able to get the elements where as if i use uiautomatorviewver then am getting all the elements in the screen. so to tap these elements i used TapCoordinates method to click on the elements and its working fine.
My question is why am not getting the elements in UI if i use repl and tree commands?
If we use tapcoordinates Is the script works for scalability i.e for the other screen sizes? If its not works for other screen sizes then how to solve this problem?
I have script that has to wait for some time before executing a command Is there any method to stop execution till some Micro Seconds?
//Click on Next buttons available at first four pages
app.TapCoordinates(752, 1650);
app.TapCoordinates(752, 1650);
app.TapCoordinates(752, 1650);
app.TapCoordinates(752, 1650);
//Click on Launch Button to move to I agree checkbox
app.TapCoordinates(752, 1650);
// Click I agree button
app.TapCoordinates(772, 1685);
// Click Login Button on the same screen as I agree checkbox
app.TapCoordinates(315, 1240);
//Entering user name
app.EnterText(e => e.Css("input#cwsUID"), "qaqa68");
//Entering password
app.EnterText(e => e.Css("input#cwsPwd"), "Harmony1");
//Click Login button
app.Tap(e => e.Css("input#submitButton"));
In the above script i want to delay execution between the steps. The problem is its executing the scripts when i ran on a device after the first line execution its trying to execute second line but till then the second page is not loaded so i have to stop execution till that next page is loaded or some MS.
You can use app.WaitForElement() and wait for an element that exists on the second page, and the test will pause until that page is loaded.
I am getting crazy with a problem that I found when executing a Visual Studio Coded UI Test.
The scenario is as follows.
I recorded a Coded UI Tests that do the following steps in a Web Application (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011):
Login into an application
Navigate into a page
On the page set the selected value of a html combobox
The test is able to do all those steps without a problem, even selecting the value in the combobox.
The web application have a piece of Javascript that is executed when the selected item changes.
if one of the values is selected then an alert message is presented to the user and the application will set the selected item to a default one!
The javascript code look like this:
switch (Xrm.Page.getAttribute("status").getValue()) {
case 3: //Authorised
alert("Please use the method XPTO to update the record status to Authorised!");
return false;
The UI Test method that is performing the change in the combobox is as follows:
/// <summary>
/// Select a value in the Status dropdown box
/// </summary>
public void SelectStatus()
#region Variable Declarations
HtmlComboBox uIStatusComboBox = this.UIHttpsappWindow200.UIModuleUITEDocument5.UIWorkplaceDashboardsFrame.UIModuleUITEDocument.UIStatusComboBox;
// Select 'Authorised' in 'Status' combo box
uIStatusComboBox.SelectedItem = this.SelectStatus_SPParams.UIStatusComboBoxSelectedItem;
The test method is able to change the value in the combobox, and an alert message is displayed to the user. However this part of the code uIStatusComboBox.SelectedItem = this.SelectStatus_SPParams.UIStatusComboBoxSelectedItem;
never returns and the test just hangs there until it timeouts!
I have no ideia how to work arround this issue! I was thinking that maybe the problem could be in the fact that we have javascript code that is executed after the alert is displayed to the user. I changed the JS so that the alert message is the last thing to be displayed but it also didn´t help!
I also noticed that if I click Ok on the alert message the test Pass!
If I select other value that dont trigger any JS the test also Pass!
Does anyone have any idea about this issue?
Edit 1:
I noticed another thing, I can use the BrowserWindow object to send a JS script to the browser. If I try to create an alert message the call also gets blocked until I click on the Ok button, on the alert!
BrowserWindow bw = BrowserWindow.Locate("My window");
bw.ExecuteScript("alert('This is just a simple alert.');");
The ExecuteScript statement also gets blocked until I click on the OK button!
This seems very very strange!
I believe I have found a workaround.
I was googling to find anything that could help me with this issue and I end up finding this question on StackOverflow Coded ui test - Select an item from a combobox without using mouse coordinates
I try to select the same item in the Dropdown without using the "SelectedItem" property of the HtmlComboBox element.
I try to use the keyboard to select the element in the dropdown box, first I click on the Dropdown and then I use the Down key and Enter key to select the element that I want:
public void SelectStatus_SP(string SelectedItem)
#region Variable Declarations
HtmlComboBox uIStatusComboBox = this.UIHttpsappWindow200.UIpopupUITEDocument5.UIWorkplaceDashboardsFrame.UIpopupUITEDocument.UIStatusComboBox;
Keyboard.SendKeys(uIStatusComboBox, "{Down}{Down}{Enter}", ModifierKeys.None);
In my case the element that I want to select is the 3rd one, so I go down 2 times and then hit enter on the element I want to select.
This workaround is not so good because if the element changes position I will select the worng one! But this was the only way I got for the test not to be stock in that part!
I wonder if anyone had a similar issue. Because to me this seems like a bug in the Coded UI Test engine, It doesn´t make any scence for the test to be stocked while the alert is not closed!
I have 2 select controls. One change event updates the other. Also, it updates a grid inside update panel.
On page load, I call an ajax method to get the drop down values for both select. I populate the control and trigger a button click event which then updates the grid inside the update panel.
Everything works fine in all browsers, except in Firefox. Any idea as to why this might be happening?
Upon using break point i discovered that in other browsers the server side method is called first and then the ajax method while in Firefox its the other way around.
I narrowed down the issue to when using EndRequestHandler. I use EndRequestHandler event to change the class for a control. I remove that functionality and its perfect. The code for it is below:
Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_endRequest(EndRequestHandler); function EndRequestHandler()
var type = $('[id$=ddlType]').val();
$('a[data-categoryid="' + type + '"').parent().addClass('selected');
Finally, there was a typo in my code. I forgot the closing square bracket in the EndRequestHandler. Surprisingly, the other browsers didn't care about it!
Updated code.
Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_endRequest(EndRequestHandler); function EndRequestHandler()
var type = $('[id$=ddlType]').val();
$('a[data-categoryid="' + type + '"]').parent().addClass('selected');
I am trying to fetch data from a site by simulating events using CasperJS with phantomJS 1.7.0.
I am able to simulate normal click events and select events. But my code fails in following scenario:
When I click on button / anchor etc on remote page, the click on remote page initiates an AJAX call / JS call(depending on how that page is implemented by programmer.).
In case of JS call, my code works and I get changed data. But for clicks where is AJAX call is initiated, I do not get updated data.
For debugging, I tried to get the page source of the element container(before and after), but I see no change in code.
I tried to set wait time from 10 sec to 1 ms range, but that to does not reflect any changes in behavior.
Below is my piece of code for clicking. I am using an array of CSS Paths, which represents which element(s) to click.
/*Click on array of clickable elements using CSS Paths.*/
fn_click = function(){
casper.each(G_TAGS,function(casper, cssPath, count1)
casper.then ( function() {
casper.wait(5000, function()
I tried to use remote-debug option from phantomJS, to debug above script.
It is not working. I am on windows. I will try to run remote debugging on Ubuntu as well.
Please help me. I would appreciate any help on this.
Please have a look at following code as a sample.
Content before click and after click are same.
I am clicking on sorting options provided under tag (votes / activity etc.).
I had the same problem today. I found this post, which put me in the direction of jQuery.
After some testing I found out that there was already a jQuery loaded on that webpage. (A pretty old version though)
Loading another jQuery on top of that broke any js calls made, so also the link that does an Ajax call.
To solve this I found http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.noConflict/
and I added the following to my code:
this.evaluate(function () { jq = $.noConflict(true) } );
Anything that was formerly assigned to $ will be restored that way. And the jQuery that you injected is now available under 'jq'.
Hope this helps you guys.
I've been working on Chrome Extension for a website for the past couple of days. It's coming along really nicely but I've encountered a problem that you might be able to help with.
Here's an outline of what the extension does (this functionality is complete):
A user can enter their username and password into the extensions popup - and verify their user account for the particular website
When a user browses http://twitter.com a content script is dynamically included that manipulates the DOM to include an extra button next to each tweet displayed.
When a user clicks this button they are presented with a dialog box
I've made a lot of progress but here is my problem:
When a user visits Twitter the content script is activated and all tweets on the page get my new button - but if the user then clicks 'More...' and dynamically loads the next 20 tweets... these new additions to the page DOM do not get affected by the content script (because it is already loaded).
I could add an event listener to the 'More...' button so it then triggers the original content script again (and adds the new button) but i would have to predict the length of twitter's ajax request response.
I can't tap into their Ajax request that pulls in more tweets and call my addCurateButton() function once the request is complete.
What do you think is the best solution? (if there is one)
What you want to do is to re-execute your content-script every time the DOM is changed. Luckily there is an event for that. Have a look at the mutation event called DOMNodeInserted.
Rewrite your content script so that it attaches an event listener to the body of the DOM for the DOMNodeInserted event. See the example below:
var isActive = false;
/* Your function that injects your buttons */
var inject = function() {
if (isActive) {
console.log('INFO: Injection already active');
try {
isActive = true;
//inject your buttons here
//for the sake of the example I just put an alert here.
alert("Hello. The DOM just changed.");
} catch(e) {
console.error("ERROR: " + e.toString());
} finally {
isActive = false;
document.body.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", inject, false);
The last line will add the event listener. When a page loads the event is triggered quite often so you should define a boolean (e.g. var isActive), that you initialize to false. Whenever the inject function is run check whether isActive == true and then abort the injection to not execute it too often at the same time.
Interacting with Ajax is probably the hardest thing to coax a content script to do, but I think you’re on the right track. There are a couple different approaches I’ve taken to solving this problem. In your case, though, I think a combination of the two approaches (which I’ll explain last) would be best.
Attach event listeners to the DOM to detect relevant changes. This solution is what you’ve suggested and introduces the race condition.
Continuously inspect the DOM for changes from inside a loop (preferably one executed with setInterval). This solution would be effective, but relatively inefficient.
The best-of-both-worlds approach would be to initiate the inspection loop only after the more button is pressed. This solution would both avoid the timing issue and be efficient.
You can attach an event-handler on the button, or link that is used for fetching more results. Then attach a function to it such that whenever the button is clicked, your extension removes all the buttons from DOM and starts over inserting them, or check weather your button exists in that particular class of DOM element or not and attach a button if it doesn't.