Debug certain project among several - visual-studio

I open two project in VisualStudio2013 "GoodBye" and "SayHello". I open and edit project "SayHello" but when I press button Debug in Top - startup the project "GoodBye".
How select the project "SayHello" as main and then I can sturtup it?

Right click on the project then choose the option "set as startUp project"


When created a project with IntelliJ plugin TornadoFx the build fails

Installed the IntelliJ plugin for TornadoFx and then restarted the IDE.
Got a message: The build is failed.
On the right side of the IDE there is a "grade" menu tab, select it.
In the opened side window choose the "Gradle settings" icon (the right one).
At the bottom, under the Gradle title, you will see a spinner with the title "Use Gradle from", select "'gradle-wrapper.properites' file"
That's it.

Debug yii console app using netbeans

I can debug yii web app using netbeans but can't find the way to debug console app. I have enable debug according to instruction here =>
But still cannot make my console app break at break point set in IDE. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
If you can debug web apps in netbeans its very easy to configure netbeans to debug console yii applications.
You must add a run configuration at project properties: Right click at project name, in projects tab and select the properties menu option.
Click in the "Run Configuration" categorie, at left column.
In the field "Configuration" ,Add a new configuration pressing "new..." button and give a name to the new configuration profile (i.e. console config).
In the Run As field,select "Script (run in command line)" option.
In the field "Index File" enter protected/yiic.php
In the "Arguments" field, enter the name of you yiic command and, if needed, other arguments.
Press OK button.
Now you have 2 run configuration profiles. To debug the console app, right click at project name in the Projects and switch to the new configuration profile in "Set configuration" option and use the IDE to debug as usual.
You can create a run configuration for each console command you have.

How do you completely delete projects in Xcode?

So if I go into my selected save folder for my projects and delete my project it no longer shows up in Xcode. However I can still find some other files if I look under my user name/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData. There are other files Xcode creates and I'm afraid if I make, and delete a bunch of projects, it is just gonna clutter my Mac with a mess of unneeded files. So how do I completely remove a project in Xcode?
Appreciate the help.
Xcode 9
In Finder, delete the project folder. (If you don't know where it is, open the project in Xcode and right click on project name in the Project Navigator. Choose Show in Finder.)
In Xcode, remove the deleted project from the menu. (Go to File > Open Recent > Clear Menu. This will clear all of your recent projects from this menu and the startup menu.)
For Xcode projects in version 11:
Open Xcode
Click on File
Open recent: Clear menu
It will remove all the projects that you have on your Xcode.
For Xcode 4, you can go to the Organizer by clicking the button at the top right, and then you'll see your projects. Right click the one you want to remove, and choose "Remove from Organizer..." This will remove all the associated data. I don't know if this is an option in previous versions of Xcode.
Solution for Xcode 7.3
To delete Xcode project:
Locate the project directory in finder, right-click, and select Move to Trash
To delete Xcode project data:
(From the Xcode welcome screen) Go to Window > Projects, select the project, then click Delete next to the derived data and/or snapshots
Note: deleting project data can free 50+ MB even from simple projects!
The easiest way I found to do this in Xcode 9.1 was to open Xcode (which may "open" only as an icon on the dock if there are no current projects) and select 'Window' from the Xcode application menu.
Select the 'Welcome to Xcode' option, then click on 'Open another project...' in the right pane of the window. This should take you to the root of your projects folder in a Finder window. (Mine end up in /Applications by default.) From there you should be able to select the project name and 'Move to Trash'. Empty your trash to get rid of it entirely.
Physical deletion : Go to where project folder is. Simply delete folder
By default it is Documents/[Project name]
To remove as start-up choice list :
On Terminal: open /Applications/
File -> Open Recent -> Clear Menu
this is the build folder for your project. You can delete it in finder or in Xcode by pressing Command-Option-Shift-K before delete the project itself.
For Xcode Version 8.2 (8C38), you can remove the projects completely (project name in Xcode, programs, data, etc.) one by one by doing the following: [Note: the instructions are not for just remove the project names from the Welcome Window]
Launch the Xocde and wait until the Welcome window is displayed. The projects will be shown on the right hand side (see below)
Xcode Welcome Window
Right click the project you want to remove completely and a pop window [Show in Folder] jumps out; selec it to find out where is the project in the [Finder] (see below)
Find the project folder
Right click the project folder in the Finder to find it’s path through [Get Info]; use path in the Info window to go to the parent folder, and go to there[Locate the project folder path][3]
Right click the Project Folder (e.g. DemoProject01) and Porject file (DemoProject01.xcodeproj) and select [Move to Trash] ; you will see that (a) the folder in finder is removed AND (b) the Project in the Xcode Welcome Window’s Project List is removed.
To Delete XCode Projects in Ver.7.3 you must:
Open up the Project you would like to delete
Select the 'Window' option from the Active App Menu for Mac programs. The one where you find - File, Edit, View etc..
Select the Projects option
Then you will see a full list of projects
Highlight the ones you want to remove - Shift + Click >>> Click
Then Right Click and Select Remove projects

How to set the Startup Project in VB6?

Can you set the startup Project in the Visual Basic 6 IDE?
I looked all through the Settings and can't find a way to do it.
I assume you have multiple projects in a Group e.g. a dll and a dependent exe and you want to set the exe as the 'start up' project. Do so this, select the exe project in the Project Explorer, right click and choose 'Set as Start Up' from the context menu. The 'start up' project's name will be shown as bold text in the Project Explorer.
Dave and OneDayWhen are correct in saying that you need to right click the desired project in the IDE and select Set as Start Up when you have multiple projects loaded and you want to choose which one is executed.
Anyone know how I can set the VB6 IDE
to load either the last project loaded
or change the default one loaded?
Copy the Icon change the target to something like
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\VB6.EXE" "D:\MyProjects\MyOneProject\trunk\MyOneProject.vbp"
Change Startup In to D:\MyProjects\MyOneProject\trunk
I found it more just to change the StartupIn to my Master Project Directory rather than have icons for specific project. Like D:\MyProjects
Rob Conley
P.S. In case you are wondering on why you would ever select a non-EXE project as startup. You do this at times when you are debugging a non-EXE. When you startup a non-EXE you have several options. Among them you can fire up a application,or have sit there until something calls it. Useful when you are debugging a Active DLL or Control and using Excel or another 3rd party software that you don't have the source too.
I'm not aware of a "startup Project" settting in VB6, but you can select the "Startup Object" by opening the Project menu, choosing the last menu item ("X properties", where X is the name of your project), and then selecting the General tab in the Project Properties window. The selector you seek is in the upper-right corner.

VS2008: Launching the executable for a project that isn't the active project in a solution

In VS2008, Is it possible to launch the executable for a project that is not the active project in the solution? (i.e. its name is not in bold).
Not debugging it - just launching it. As far as I can see, you just have to drop in to Windows Explorer and double click the .exe! Am I missing a menu item or shortcut?
You can right-click a project to debug it. Right-click project -> Debug -> Start New Instance.
EDIT: I'm not sure of a way to do this outside of debug mode. That is essentially what the facility of the 'Active Project' is for. I typically set the active project and then use Shift+F5 to launch the application.
Right-click your solution and choose Properties.
Select Common Properties > Startup Project.
Select Multiple startup projects.
Next to the one you want to run, where it says None, change it to Start without debugging.
Does that do what you want?
