Understanding goroutines for web API - go

Just starting out with Go and hoping to create a simple Web API. I'm looking into using Gorilla mux (http://www.gorillatoolkit.org/pkg/mux) to handle web requests.
I'm not sure how to best use Go's concurrency options to handle the requests. Did I read somewhere that the main function is actually a goroutine or should I dispatch each request to a goroutine as they are received? Apologies if I'm "way off".

Assuming you're using the Go's http.ListenAndServe to serve your http requests, the documentation clearly states that each incoming connection is handled by a separate goroutine for you. http://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#Server.Serve
You would usually call ListenAndServe from your main function.
Gorilla mux is simply a package for more flexible routing of requests to your handlers than the http.DefaultServeMux. It doesn't actually handle the incoming connection or request just simply relays it to your handler.
I highly suggest you read a bit of the documentation, specifically this guide https://golang.org/doc/articles/wiki/#tmp_3 on writing web applications.

I'm providing an answer even though I voted to close for being too broad.
Anyway, none of that is really necessary. You're over thinking it. If you haven't read this it looks like a decent tutorial; http://thenewstack.io/make-a-restful-json-api-go/
You can really just set up routes like you would with most typical rest frameworks and let the webserver/framework worry about concurrency at the request handling level. You would only employ goroutines to generate the response of a request, say if you needed to aggregate data from 10 files that are all in a folder. Contrived example, but this is where you would spin off 1 goroutine per file, aggregate all the information by reading off a channel in a non-blocking select and then return the result. You can expect all points of entry to your code are called in an asynchronous, non-blocking fashion if that makes sense...


Microservice Architecture: Can you eliminate the synchronous calls between services completely in a system?

Anywhere you read about Microservices, it says microservice should communicate asynchronously. It is understandable why asynchronous communication is preferred as it removes dependencies and provides low-coupling, and availability, etc.
Suppose, there is a common authorization service that is invoked every time a user calls an API. In this scenario you cannot move further util you have the response from the authorization service. Although you can call the authorization service asynchronously using Async IO, however, it is still a request/reply pattern.
Questions I have
Is possible to get rid of synchronous communication or more appropriately request/reply pattern in microservices-based system design?
Although it is possible to implement a reply/response pattern asynchronously through messaging and callbacks, which add significant overhead and latency but is it worth converting every request/reply to asynchronously?
If synchronous calls cannot be eliminated completely, then which scenarios it is ok to have synchronous calls among microservices?
I think the short answer for your question is: request-reply pattern doesn't mean synchronous. It can also be asynchronous. Which you already mentioned.
Long answer:
Request-Reply is just a principle. For example you send an email to a friend. The message contains data relevant to you and you are expecting a response but didn't say that explicitly. Your friend will see the email when he will get back from work and then he may or may not reply to you. Only you know that you need an answer from him.
Now there are a few options while waiting for your response. Either block your entire life until your friend responds (which will mean synchronous communication) either do something else until the response arrives in your inbox (which is asynchronous).
Now, to the point:
Is possible to get rid of synchronous communication or more appropriately request/reply pattern in microservices-based system design?
Yes, you already have answered that at the second point. Even though it is possible I think it should be used where it is required.
Although it is possible to implement a reply/response pattern asynchronously through messaging and callbacks, which add significant overhead and latency but is it worth converting every request/reply to asynchronously?
For the right scenario, yes. The messaging system have very good performances so the latency should not be an issue. When a latency problem occurs in a messaging system there are other options to improve it.
If synchronous calls cannot be eliminated completely, then which scenarios it is ok to have synchronous calls among microservices?
There is one more thing that needs to be added. Synchronous doesn't always mean blocking. In a reactive world, if you make an HTTP call to another service the caller sends the request and then awaits for the response in a non-blocking manner. When the responses arrives, the caller is notified the the response has arrived and so the process continues. While "awaiting" the CPU can do other stuff.

IO callbacks on goroutine

I'm a beginner at golang. Looking at all golang tutorials, it looks you should create goroutines for everything. Coming from something like libuv in C where you can define callbacks for socket read/write on a single thread, is the right way to achieve that in golang to create nested goroutines for any IO tasks needed?
As an example, take something like nginx where a single thread will handle multiple connections. To do something like that in golang, we would need a goroutine for every connection?
Go stands out in the area of tools to write networked services specifically because of the fact it has I/O-awareness integrated right into the runtime scheduler powering any running GO program.
The basic idea is roughly like this: a goroutine performs normal, sequential, callback-free operations on sockets — that is, plain reads and plain writes, — and as soon as the next I/O operation would block (yes, the relevant syscall on a Unix-like kernel returns EWOULDBLOCK), the goroutine is suspended, its socket is handed out into a component of the runtime called "netpoller", which is implemented using the platform-native socket I/O multiplexor such as epoll, kqueue or IOCP, and the OS thread the goroutine was running on is handed off to another goroutine which wants to run. As soon as the netpoller signals the I/O on the socket caused the goroutine to suspend can proceed, the scheduler queues that goroutine for execution and then it contnues to run exactly where it left off.
Because of this, the usual model employed when writing networking services in Go is to have one goroutine per socket. When you're writing plain TCP server, you should create a goroutine yourself (and hand it the socket returned by the listener once it accepted a client's connection).
net/http.Server has this behaviour built-in as it creates a goroutine to serve each incoming client request (actually, for HTTP/1.x, two or even three goroutines are created per connection, but it's invisible to HTTP request handlers).
Now, we've just covered the basics. Of course, there might exist legitimate reasons to have extra goroutines to handle tasks needed to be carried out to complete a request, and that's what #Volker referred to.
More info:
"What color is your function?" — a classical essay dealing with I/O multiplexing implemented as a library vs it being implemented in the core.
"Go's work-stealing scheduler"; also see this and this and this design doc.
State threads library which implements the approach quite similar to that of Go, just on much lower level. Its documentation is quite insightful on the approach implemented in Go.
libtask is a much more recent stab at
the same problem, by one of Go's creators.

JSON RPC in Golang with AMQP

I use "github.com/streadway/amqp" for async processing requests via queue (RabbitMQ).
And I use "github.com/gorilla/rpc" to register my service without workaround, but I have to use ugly solution for conversion amqp.Delivery to http.Request (mux.Server can works with http.Request only).
Can I use more elegant solution for this task?
I can't find JSON RPC router for AMQP.
First, RPC and pub-sub (e.g. AMQP) are two very different beasts; trying to use one to implement the other isn't necessarily wrong or bad, but it's definitely suspicious, and implies that there could be a breakdown somewhere in the design. So I would highly recommend reconsidering the design starting with your business goals and make sure that what you're trying to implement is actually the correct way to achieve the desired functionality.
That said, what you're describing is basically possible, but you want to move your abstraction up a level. Trying to send a http.Request via AMQP is mixing protocols in a way that's only going to lead to more problems. The cleaner way to implement this behavior would be to have an HTTP handler that handles http.Requests (as normal), and a AMQP handler that handles amqp.Deliverys (as normal), and have each of those handlers call a shared business logic handler which deals only in your domain model.
So, your HTTP handler would parse an HTTP request and turn it into a domain object - you don't give any concrete details in the question so I'll invent something like maybe myapp.UserRegistration. Your HTTP handler would pass that to a myapp.UserService which would handle the actual business logic of registering a user, it would return a result, which you would then transform into the appropriate type, marshal to JSON, and send back to the client in an http.Response. myapp.UserService would know nothing about HTTP or AMQP; it operates only on your own domain types.
Your AMQP handler would pick up a message, parse it into the same myapp.UserRegistration type, pass it to the same myapp.UserService handler, and get the same response back - ensuring that the business logic for AMQP and HTTP behaves the same way. Then you'd get your response back, and... well, this is AMQP, so you don't get to send a response to the client. I don't know your setup, maybe you have another queue you can send the response back on, maybe you don't care about the response and can discard it. This is where the difference between RPC and AMQP is most apparent.
This also makes your business logic, HTTP handler, and AMQP handler more testable in isolation because you're separating the protocol logic from the business logic, which can be helpful even when you aren't trying to deal with multiple protocols (i.e. it's not a bad idea even if you're only doing HTTP)
I hope that at least gives you enough info to put you on the right track in your implementation. Good luck!

C++ IRC Client design

I'm attempting to write an RFC 2812 compliant C++ IRC library.
I am having some trouble with the design of the client itself.
From what I have read IRC communication tends to be asynchronous.
I am using boost::asio::async_read and boost::asio::async_write.
From reading the documentation I have gathered that you cannot perform multiple async_write requests before one is completed. You therefore end up with rather nested callbacks. Doesn't this defeat the purpose of doing async calls? Wouldn't it just be better to use synchronous calls to prevent the nesting? If not, why?
Secondly, if I am not mistaken, each boost::asio::async_write should be followed up by a boost::asio::async_read to receive the server's response to the commands sent. My client's functions, therefore, would need to take a callback parameter so a user of the class may do something after the client receives a response (ex. send another message...).
If I were to continue implementing this with async, should I keep a std::deque<std::tuple<message, callback>> and each time a boost::asio::async_write is finished, and there is a tuple in the queue, dequeue and send the message then raise the callback? Would this be the optimal way to implement this system?
I'm thinking since messages are sent all the time I'm going to have to implement some kind of listener loop that queues up responses, but how would you associate these responses with the specific command that triggered them? Or in the case that the response is just a message to the channel from another user?
The IRC protocol is a full-duplex protocol. As such, one should always be listening to the server connection expecting commands to process. It could be argued that one should primarily use the messages received from the server to update state, rather than correlating request and responses, as the server may not respond to a command or may respond much later than expected. For example, one may issue a WHOIS command, but receive multiple PRIVMSG commands before receiving a response to WHOIS. For a chat client, a user would likely expect being able to receive chat messages while waiting for a response to WHOIS. Hence, having a async_write() to async_read() call chain may not be ideal in handling the protocol.
For a given socket, the Asio documentation does recommend not initiating additional read operations if there is an outstanding composed read operation and not initiating additional write operations if there is an outstanding composed write operation. Queuing up messages and having an asynchronous call chains process from the queue is a great way to fulfill this recommendation. Consider reading this answer for a nice solution using a queue and an asynchronous call chain.
Also, be aware that the server may send a PING command even on an active connection. When the client is responding with a PONG command, it may be necessary to insert the PONG command near the front of the outbound queue so that it gets sent out as soon as possible.
Doesn't this defeat the purpose of doing async calls?
The usual solution is to use strands:
Why do I need strand per connection when using boost::asio?
You are free to queue multiple asynchronous operations on the same io objects using an (implicit) strand¹.
Using a strand ensures that the completion handlers are invoked on that same logical thread.
On the Protocol
You could indeed keep a queue of commands and await responses for each command before sending the next.
You might be a little bit smarter about this if you can spot the correlation due the different type of reply, but then you'd need to keep queues per type of command. I'd consider that premature optimization.

Idiomatic Golang goroutines

In Go, if we have a type with a method that starts some looped mechanism (polling A and doing B forever) is it best to express this as:
// Run does stuff, you probably want to run this as a goroutine
func (t Type) Run() {
// Do long-running stuff
and document that this probably wants to be launched as a goroutine (and let the caller deal with that)
Or to hide this from the caller:
// Run does stuff concurrently
func (t Type) Run() {
go DoRunStuff()
I'm new to Go and unsure if convention says let the caller prefix with 'go' or do it for them when the code is designed to run async.
My current view is that we should document and give the caller a choice. My thinking is that in Go the concurrency isn't actually part of the exposed interface, but a property of using it. Is this right?
I had your opinion on this until I started writing an adapter for a web service that I want to make concurrent. I have a go routine that must be started to parse results that are returned to the channel from the web calls. There is absolutely no case in which this API would work without using it as a go routine.
I then began to look at packages like net/http. There is mandatory concurrency within that package. It is documented at the interface level that it should be able to be used concurrently, however the default implementations automatically use go routines.
Because Go's standard library commonly fires of go routines within its own packages, I think that if your package or API warrants it, you can handle them on your own.
My current view is that we should document and give the caller a choice.
I tend to agree with you.
Since Go makes it so easy to run code concurrently, you should try to avoid concurrency in your API (which forces clients to use it concurrently). Instead, create a synchronous API, and then clients have the option to run it synchronously or concurrently.
This was discussed in a talk a couple years ago: Twelve Go Best Practices
Slide 26, in particular, shows code more like your first example.
I would view the net/http package as an exception because in this case, the concurrency is almost mandatory. If the package didn't use concurrency internally, the client code would almost certainly have to. For example, http.Client doesn't (to my knowledge) start any goroutines. It is only the server that does so.
In most cases, it's going to be one line of the code for the caller either way:
go Run() or StartGoroutine()
The synchronous API is no harder to use concurrently and gives the caller more options.
There is no 'right' answer because circumstances differ.
Obviously there are cases where an API might contain utilities, simple algorithms, data collections etc that would look odd if packaged up as goroutines.
Conversely, there are cases where it is natural to expect 'under-the-hood' concurrency, such as a rich IO library (http server being the obvious example).
For a more extreme case, consider you were to produce a library of plug-n-play concurrent services. Such an API consists of modules each having a well-described interface via channels. Clearly, in this case it would inevitably involve goroutines starting as part of the API.
One clue might well be the presence or absence of channels in the function parameters. But I would expect clear documentation of what to expect either way.
