managedbean live cycle listener - jsf-2.2

I use a managed bean with a view scoped because I need it ( for a p:datatable with lazy and selection modes ), but i'd like to do some things into this managed bean at the render response phase, is there a convenient way to do that ?
I need a view scoped to save a lazyDataModel, but I noticed that the rowCount method is called several times, each time a request ( Select count ) is executed.
So I deciced to save the result of the request. But if I add a data and refresh the datatable with ajax, the row count still contain the same result because of the scope. I use a boolean to know if the rowcount method has been already executed and I can set this boolean to false each time I add or remove a data but if I could do that a the render response phase it would be more convenient for me.
public class ListBean {
protected MyLazyDataModel myLazyDataModel = new MyLazyDataModel();
public MyLazyDataModel getMyLazyDataModel() {
return myLazyDataModel;
public void reloadList() {
this.reloadList = true;
protected class MyLazyDataModel extends LazyDataModel{
private int rowCount ;
public List load(int first, int pageSize, String sortField,
SortOrder sortOrder, Map<String, Object> filters) {
public Object getRowKey(Type object) {
public Type getRowData(String rowKey) {
public int getRowCount() {
if( reloadList ) {
this.rowCount = getDao().getRowCount().intValue();
reloadList = false;
return rowCount;


Trying to bind request parameters to nested object with spring controller using the dot notation and I keep getting a bad request error

I have searched and everything seems to say as long as you use spring 4+ I should be able to use dot notation to bind request parameters to a pojo.
This is what my request looks like:
And this is what my controller looks like:
And my dto:
I even tried adding #RequestParam("") int page in the controller to make sure my endpoint was getting hit and it does. Am I missing something obvious or am I not allowed to use dot notation to populate a pojo with a spring controller?
And the parent class:
public class JhmPageableDto
private String query;
private int page;
private int size;
private String sort;
private boolean sortAsc;
public String getQuery()
return query;
public void setQuery(String query)
this.query = query;
public int getPage()
return page;
public void setPage(int page)
{ = page;
public int getSize()
return size;
public void setSize(int size)
this.size = size;
public String getSort()
return sort;
public void setSort(String sort)
this.sort = sort;
public boolean isSortAsc()
return sortAsc;
public void setSortAsc(boolean sortAsc)
this.sortAsc = sortAsc;

Android: update single Room column with Dao call from repository?

I have a Room database and RecyclerView that shows a list of CardViews. One of the database columns holds Sort Index values so the CardViews can easily be sorted and moved within the RecyclerView list. I have a Dao call to update the Sort Index values whenever a CardView is moved, deleted or added.
Room requires CRUD on a background thread and the syntax I have in the AsyncTask() in the respository that calls the Dao method is wrong. I am trying to pass the individual "int" sortOrders and the "int" sortIds. What am I missing here? Or would " Executor mExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();" be a better solution here?
int sortId = -1;
int sortOrder = -1;
mViewModel.updateSortOrder(sortOrder, sortId);
public void updateSortOrder(int sortOrder, int sortId) {
repository.updateSortOrder(sortOrder, sortId);
public void updateSortOrder(int sortOrder, int sortId) {
new UpdateSortOrderColAsyncTask(quickcardDao).execute(sortOrder, sortId);
**I think this is where the syntax is not correct**
private static class UpdateSortOrderColAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Integer, Void, Void> {
private QuickcardDao asyncTaskDao;
UpdateSortOrderColAsyncTask(QuickcardDao dao) {
asyncTaskDao = dao;
protected Void doInBackground(final Integer... params) {
return null;
#Query("UPDATE cards SET cardSortorder = :sortOrder WHERE cardId = :sortId")
void updateSortorder(int sortOrder, int sortId);

unable to set radio button in struts2

I am not able to get the value of radio button selected in a page
I have a JSP page as
<s:form action="/YYY" id="frmPersonalPage" name="frmPersonalPage" >
<s:radio name ="radio" list="skillMasterData"></s:radio>
This renders properly . In my struts.xml I have
<action name="YYY" class="com.tdi.atom.actions.CCC" method="showEditSkillMasterPage">
<result name ="success">/jsp/modules/skillmap/createskillmaster.jsp</result>
In my action class I have this
public class CCC extends BaseActionSupport {
private ArrayList skillMasterData;
public String radio;
private ArrayList l1;
private ArrayList l2;
private ArrayList l3;
public ArrayList getSkillMasterData() {
return skillMasterData;
public void setSkillMasterData(ArrayList skillMasterData) {
this.skillMasterData = skillMasterData;
public String showEditSkillMasterPage()
{"at showEditSkillMasterPage");
System.out.println("radio buttoneee : "+getRadio());//this is null
return SUCCESS;
public String showListSkillMasterPage()
SkillMasterDB pddb =new SkillMasterDB();
JdbcHelper helper;
l1 =new ArrayList();
l2=new ArrayList();
l3=new ArrayList();
return SUCCESS;
public String getRadio() {
return radio;
public void setRadio(String radio) { = radio;
In BaseActionSupport class I have
public class BaseActionSupport extends ActionSupport implements SessionAware {
private Map userSession;
public UserDTO user;
public UserDTO getUser() {
return mgr.getUser();
public boolean isAdmin() {
return mgr.isUserADMIN();
public void setSession(Map session) {
userSession = session; mgr = new SecurityManager(userSession);
I just can't figure out why such simple code is not working. Else where very similar code works fine.
There are some strange things in your code.
Assuming CCC and YYY are obfuscated names created only for posting them here (otherwise, you should use CamelCase with first letter capitalized for class names, like MyAction),
you should respect JavaBeans conventions, then userSession should become session, because the accessors methods (getters and setters) should always respect the name of the private variable);
skdto variable is not initialized nor defined in your showListSkillMasterPage method;
I'm not sure if using ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> for radio button is good. You could try with a simple ArrayList<String>, like:
public String showListSkillMasterPage() {
SkillMasterDB pddb =new SkillMasterDB();
JdbcHelper helper;
List<String> skdto = new ArrayList<String>();
return SUCCESS;
Finally, you can test with Firebug's Net module what is going out of your page, check the radio parameter value now and after the edit to see what is going wrong now and how it will be going (hopefully) right later...

ObjectContext not retrieving recent changes

This code works fine, However, if I run execute a storedprocedure in my unit of work class (or any update, delete, add operation), I'm still getting original the data. Actually, I have already a solution(posted below in controller) but Im sure this is not the most elegant way, I hope someone can help me refactor the code. please help. Thanks
My unit of work
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork, IDisposable
private readonly ObjectContext _context;
private BookRepository _books;
public UnitOfWork(ObjectContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Context was not supplied");
_context = context;
public IRepository<Book> Books
if (_books== null)
_books= new BookRepository (_context);
return _books;
public void UpdateAuthor(int id)
_context.ExecuteStoreCommand("sp_UpdateAuthor #param1",
new SqlParameter("param1", id));
public void Commit()
Book Repository
public class BookRepository : Repository<Book>
public BookRepository (ObjectContext context)
: base(context)
public override Machine GetById(object id)
return _objectSet.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id== (int)id);
Generic Repository
public abstract class Repository<T> : IRepository<T>
where T : class, IAuditEntity
protected IObjectSet<T> _objectSet;
public Repository(ObjectContext context)
_objectSet = context.CreateObjectSet<T>();
public abstract T GetById(object id);
public IEnumerable<T> GetAll()
return _objectSet;
public IEnumerable<T> Query(Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter)
return _objectSet.Where(filter);
public void Add(T entity)
public void Remove(T entity)
Controller Code
public class HomeController : Controller
private IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
#region Core Action Methods
public HomeController()
this._unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(((IObjectContextAdapter)new BookContext()).ObjectContext);
private IEnumerable<BookViewModel> GetBookdsViewModels(int id)
//var query = _unitOfWork.Books.GetAll().Where(d => d.Id== id);
ObjectContext objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)new BookContext()).ObjectContext;
ObjectSet<Book> set = objectContext.CreateObjectSet<Book>();
set.MergeOption = MergeOption.OverwriteChanges;
var query = from a in set
where a.Id== id && !a.IsDeleted
select a;
return query
c => new BookViewModel
Id = c.Id ,
Name = c.Name
I believe the problem is because you're executing things directly against your database, and then trying to refer back to the local copy that's stored in your repository and they're different.
public void UpdateAuthor(int id)
_context.ExecuteStoreCommand("sp_UpdateAuthor #param1",
new SqlParameter("param1", id));
When you run this query, you're making a change in your db instead of your local - why dont you do something like this:
public void UpdateAuthor(int id)
var book = Books.GetById(id);
/* make changes to your book object */
If you're wanting to make changes using store procs, you're going to have to dispose of your context, and recreate the repo's so that you're working with data from the DB instead of the local copy.
Expanding on Mark Oreta's answer, you need to ensure your Model is updated after manually executing a stored proc on your database. If you must manually call that stored proc then try this afterward:
Which might be:

Problem using Stateful EJB in ManagedBean with RequestScope

I'm using JSF 2.0 and EJB 3.1 in the Glassfish v3 app server. And I'm facing actually the follwing problem:
In a MenagedBean with RequestScope I want to access a session object (an EJB with #Stateful) which should store some session relevant information as the seleced category, the seleced page (with a datatable paginator for each category), etc. - nothing special I think.
The first time a category is selected, the datatable is created and displayed. Allright so far.
Now, if an item (row) is clicked (to show the item's details) or if the next page should be displayed, the session (the stateful EJB) is recreated and again the default values are used to display and render the page.
The code looks like:
public class TableViewBean {
SessionBean session;
public DataModel getTable() {
return session.getDataModel();
public SessionBean getSession(){
return session;
public void next() {
public void previous() {
// some other code
and the session EJB:
public class SessionBean {
private String selectedType = "Entity";
private DataModel dataModel;
private int rowsPerPage = 5;
private Paginator paginator;
public void setSelectedType(String type){
selectedType = type;
public void resetList() {
dataModel = null;
public void resetPagination() {
paginator = null;
public int getRowsPerPage() {
return rowsPerPage;
public void setRowsPerPage(int rowsPerPage) {
this.rowsPerPage = rowsPerPage;
public Paginator getPaginator() {
if (paginator == null) {
paginator = new Paginator(rowsPerPage) {
public int getItemsCount() {
return selectedService.getCount();
public DataModel createPageDataModel() {
DataModel model = null;
if(selectedService != null){
model = new ListDataModel(....);
return model;
return paginator;
public DataModel getDataModel() {
if(dataModel == null){
dataModel = getPaginator().createPageDataModel();
return dataModel;
If I change the Scope of the ManagedBean to SessionScope everything works fine, but I don't like this, because of use of memory concerns.
What's wrong with my code...please help me.
Greetz, Gerry
Your RequestScoped ManagedBean is re-instantiated for each request (that's what RequestScoped means after all). Therefore, with each instantiation it gets injected with a new SFSB instance.
