What is EXTPROC in Oracle? - oracle

For security reasons I asked DB team to add EXTPROC_DLLS:ONLY; but they said this:
"Please be informed that the KEY = EXTPROC1526 doesn’t refer to any
external process at all. This is just a key used by any process needs
to call Oraxxx via IPC protocol. The key can be any value and the same
key value should be passed via the tnsnames.ora"
To me, it seems wrong. Could you please help me on this? What is the exact use of EXTPROC and what happens if we don't add EXTPROC_DLLS:ONLY?

For any program to connect the oracle database you need Extproc agent.
PLS/SQL for example needs Extproc to work with oracle
You can find more information about the securit here
Ill past some of the link
The Oracle database server supports PL/SQL, a programming language. PL/SQ can execute external procedures via extproc. Over the past few years there has been a number of vulnerabilities in this area.
Extproc is intended only to accept requests from the Oracle database server but local users can still execute commands bypassing this restriction.
No authentication takes place when extproc is asked to load a library and execute a function. This allows local users to run commands as the Oracle user (Oracle on unix and system on Windows). If configured properly, under 10g, extproc runs as nobody on *nix systems so the risk posed here is minimal but still present.
and an example here

On contrary to other databases Oracle does NOT allow plugins to access it's own memory address space. In case of MySQL/PostgreSQL a .dll plugin (C stored procedure) is loaded by the main database process.
Oracle lets listener to spawn a new process by calling extproc (or extproc32). This process loads the shared library and the rest of the database talks to this process via IPC.
This approach is safer, because the external library can not crash the database nor corrupt data. On the other hand sometimes C stored procedures might be slower than Java ones.
This option can restrict path for .dlls being loaded by extproc. i.e. those created by CREATE LIBRARY statement.
PS: usage of C stored procedures is VERY rare, if you do not use them you can freely remove the whole extproc stanza from listener.ora.
PS1: there is possible scenario of exploiting the extproc feature.
User must have CREATE LIBRARY, which usually NOT granted
extproc is not configured to run with nobody's privs - but runs as oracle:dba
User creates malicious .so library, which will performs something "evil" during it's initialization.
User puts this lib into /tmp directory
User creates Oracle LIBRARY pointing into /tmp by using CREATE LIBRARY statement
User forces extproc to dlopen this library
exproc will execute evil code with OS privileges oracle:dba
When using this EXTPROC_DLLS:ONLY restriction, developers have to cooperate with DBAs, and only white-listed libraries can be used and loaded.


How can I make local connection in Oracle SQL Developer?

I have downloaded the SQL Developer. Currently, I am using my school database but it is for temporary use. I want to use it after finishing my college. I do not know how can I make local connection in SQL Developer. Can you please help me in this.
Oracle SQL Developer is a tool you use to access an Oracle database.
So, if you want to use Oracle on your own computer, regardless there is (or is not) a connection to your school network, you'll have to install the database as well. I'd suggest Oracle 11g Express Edition. The installation process is simple; more or less, clicking NEXT a few times does the job. I'd, though, recommend you to follow the Installation Guide and pay attention to what the Installer asks (for example, write down passwords you choose).
Furthermore, in order to "copy" the database (actually, I believe you mean "schema" in this case) to your database, the right way to do that is to use Data Pump. You'd use Export in school to export the database, and Import on your computer to import it.
However, as Data Pump requires access to a directory (it is an Oracle object which points to a file system directory, usually on the database server; it is created by SYS and other users are granted read and/or write privileges on it). If you can't get access to it, you can use the original EXP and IMP utilities. EXP creates the DMP file locally; you'd put it onto a memory stick (or, if you're on the network, copy it directly to your PC) and import it.
If you're unsure of whether you can (or can not) do that, ask your teacher.
Once the schema is imported into your database, use SQL Developer to access it. Should be no problem to do that.

Oracle pl/sql Read the contents of a file from Physical Directory

My questions is as follows:
I am trying to create a script which will execute in sqlplus and what this script will do is that i will have a file in which you can write inside 1 name on every line. So i wanted to use an Associative Array in which i will read the contents of the file line by line (1 name on every line) and store every name in the array.
My problem is that i cannot use the UTL_FILE package which has a ready GET_LINE procedure to get the name of every line because it has to take as argument a "Logical Directory" of Oracle.
My issue is that i cannot make changes to the database like to create a new directory or use one of the default directories for the in file. I have to come to a solution in which i will read the contents of the file from a physical location.
I am kindly asking for some assistance in 2 fields. If you can please help me if you know any other package which can work on a physical location or if know any other way in which maybe i can call sqlplus (sqlplus username/pass #myscript) and give there as an argument the input file or like initialize the array from there.
Thank you in advance.
Any help would be highly appreciated
Clearly the best solution is to use UTL_FILE or external tables. So not being able to change the database is a major problem. If you don't have the permission to create a directory object and you cannot persuade a privileged user to do so on your behalf, then your question basically becomes
"How can I circumvent the security restrictions imposed on the database?"
Well, there are two possibilities.
If the DBAs have been careless enough to enable the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter in the init.ora file you may still be able to use UTL_FILE, by passing an absolute file path to FOPEN().
Alternatively, you can write a Java Stored Procedure to interact with files on the OS. This requires privileges to be granted through the Java security model. Find out more. Again, you will only have this without asking if you have lax DBAs.
Let me make it clear, both these "solutions" are grey hat. You really should try to get the necessary privileges through the proper channels. If the DBA team won't create a directory are you can use you need to escalate it to your boss.
If you cannot make any change to the database and the existing database does not provide you the privileges you need, you're out of luck.
UTL_FILE either requires the presence of an Oracle directory object that points to a physical directory on the database server that you have privileges on or that you are using a physical directory that you have been given access to via the deprecated UTL_FILE_DIR parameter. It appears that you are stating that neither of these is a viable option. If that is the case, you cannot use UTL_FILE.
You could also create an external table that would read data from a file. That would require that you could create the Oracle directory object and the external table. Again, it sounds like you are saying that is not an option so external tables are out.
You could write a Java (or .Net if you're on Windows) stored procedure that would read from the file. That would require that you create the procedure and that you grant the owner the necessary file system privileges. It sounds like you're saying this is also not an option so Java stored procedures are out.
If you move the file to the client machine, you could use SQL*Loader on the client machine to load the data into a table in the database. That would require that you create a physical table in the database, though, which it sounds like you are saying is not possible. So SQL*Loader is out.
If you can move the file to the client, you could obviously write a program in whatever language you would like to read the file and build whatever PL/SQL block you'd like. But that won't work for files stored on the database server barring some sort of very odd permissions grants where your client machine can somehow mount a directory on the server.
So we're back to where we started. Reading a file from the server's operating system requires privileges to be able to read that file. You seem to be saying that you do not have and cannot get those privileges. Therefore, you're saying that you can't do what you want. Whoever in your organization is asking you to implement this change needs to talk with whoever is preventing you from getting the privileges you need to do your job. One of them needs to give ground.

Read only ODBC connection

Good Morning!
I'm working on a VB6 project which reads/writes to its database via an ODBC data source stored in the system. What I'm hoping to accomplish, is to temporarily set the ODBC connection to "Read Only" so that I can see what SQL the system would generate in particular scenario without it actually writing the change to the database. The application already takes care of logging all SQL queries. Is there a way to set the system ODBC connection to "Read Only" (within the "ODBC Data Source Administrator") immediately before I perform the action I care about within the system?
I appreciate any insight!
There is no connection parameter you can set to make the session read only. Your best bet is to either use a different user ID (that has only SELECT authority), although it would seem that this might cause your app to fail when it gets errors trying to perform inserts, updates and/or deletes.

How to use Oracle data pump export utility to create dump file in local machine?

Oracle data pump export utility expect a parameter DIRECTORY (DBA_DIRECTORIES) which exist in DB server. Is it possible to map this directory to local machine or is there any other way to export multiple table to local from oracle database?
If using Data Pump, there is no direct way to store a dump file on your local machine. That is the way how Data Pump designed.
However, there is one of possible ways to achieve what you want. A workaround has two steps:
Run expdp as usual, which creates a dump file on server
Use ocp tool to transfer a dump file from a database server to your local machine (and back, if you want to).
An ocp tool stands for "Oracle Copy" and written exactly for the purpose of copying dump files back and forth from/to a database server. It is available here: https://github.com/maxsatula/ocp/releases/download/v0.1/ocp-0.1.tar.gz That is a source distribution, so once downloaded and unpacked, run ./configure && make
(Hopefully you do not have Windows on a client side, because I never tried to compile it there)
That is a simple command-line tool with a simple syntax. For example, this command will pull a file for you:
ocp <connection_string> DATA_PUMP_DIR:remote_file_name.dmp local_file_name.dmp
The tool uses a database connection and a minimum set of database privileges.
Finally I was able to adjust the source code and build ocp tool for Windows 32-bit:
Compiled/tested with 32-bit Instant Client available here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/winsoft-085727.html
instantclient-basiclite-nt- (20,258,449 bytes)
I believe it will work with a full Oracle Client installation too (just watch for bits, should be 32), however did not check myself.
Unfortunately, Windows build of ocp does not have a fancy progress meter during file transfer. That piece of code had too much *nix-specific stuff, so I had to cut it off.
Also, since it uses popt and zlib libraries, which are compiled as a part of GnuWin project, and available in 32-bit only, ocp for Windows is 32-bit only too. Hopefully, not having of a 64-bit version is not mission critical to you.
Update 2:
Warning! Make sure you always use DEDICATED server connection when download files from server, otherwise (for SHARED server) the downloaded copy of the file will be corrupted with no error messages!
With a bit of a hack you can get data pump to do what you want, but you need to have a database on your local machine.
What you need to do is create a database link on your local machine to the remote machine.
Then in the datapump options, login to the local database as the db link owner, specify the 'network_link' option to be the name of the database link name you created. That way it should export from the remote database through the local database and create the file on your local instance. For example:
expdp directory=<local_dir_object> network_link=<dblinkname on local instance> dumpfile=.. logfile=.. tables/schema=...
No, data pump sucks that way, but Oracle can get faster throughput using the same server the db sits on, so thats the tradeoff. Other enhancements too, but I still think this is a big disadvantage for data pump. Use old exp/imp or third party tools for this purpose.
You should ask yourself: "Why do I want to keep data outside the database - the most secure place for my data? Where backup,restore and recovery is in place.
If you are going to move data from database A to database B, make sure both databases have access to a common file-area where they can access the datadump-files through their directory-object and use the datapump.
If you still want to export data to client side you can use the good old tools exp and imp.

UTL_FILE server side usage/ client side usage

I've used TEXT_IO package for creating files in the local(client) machine. From the documentation http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14258/u_file.htm#BABBBABB I see that it is "available for both client-side and server-side PL/SQL". What does this mean?. Does it mean I can use it to create file in both client and server side? If so, which method/option should I use to create a file in the client side. Thanks.
UTL_FILE is a PL/SQL database package. It can read from or write to any directory which the oracle OS account has the matching privileges on. In practice this means directories on the database server, although directories on other servers - or even your local PC - can be shared with that server, through the good graces of your network administrator, and the DBA creating the appropriate Directory object.
TEXT_IO is an Oracle Forms package for writing to the client. Naturally it only works in client/server versions of the product, although the webutils library provides an implementation which can work in webform deployments.
The oracle OS account is the user which installed the Oracle software. We create the account before running the OUI. The oracle user has no direct relationship to any database accounts.
Processes inside the database can only read or write files in directories which the OS account can access. These processes include UTL_FILE, Data Pump, external tables, Java stored procedures running OS commands and extprocs, as well as background things like the alert log, dumps and trace files .
No, I think it means that UTL_FILE and TEXT_IO provide equivalent functionality for server and client respectively.
