How can I assemble a file from iSCSI blocks? - disk

I am new to iSCSI programming. I have security camera videos written in iSCSI blocks in a SAN. I need to construct playback of the some video from those blocks. I have hard time finding any tutorial or lead to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance.

I'd start with the libiscsi tools. That should let you read the contents of the LUN from anywhere. Beyond that, there are no tutorials. Unless you've omitted details, you've basically lot a large block of data with video hidden in it somewhere.
Start by trying to figure out the structure of the contents of the LUN. If you're really lucky, it's just constantly rewriting a raw MPEG stream over the whole LUN, so you might copy some of the contents to a file and see what ffmpeg says about it. If you're unlikely, you've just got a bit file format reverse engineering problem on your hands, and that's far outside the scope of stack overflow, even if you gave us details. Some places to start looking:


What does an Area Description File (ADF) looks like?

I'm starting to work with the Google Tango Tablet, hopefully to create (basic) 2D / 3D maps from scanned areas. But first I would like to read as much about the Tango (sensors / API) as I can, in order to create a plan to be as time efficient as possible.
I instantly noticed the ability to learn areas, which is a very interesting concept, nevertheless I couldn't find anything about these so called Area Description Files (ADF).
I know the ADF files can be geographically referenced, that they contain metadata and an unique UUID. Furthermore I know their basic functionalities, but that's about it.
In some parts of the modules ADF files are referred to as 'maps', in other parts they are just called 'descriptions'.
So what do these files look like? Are they already basic (GRID) (2D) maps, or are they just descriptions?
I know there are people who already extracted the ADF files, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
From Tango ADF Doco
Important: Saved area descriptions do not directly record images or
video of the location, but rather contain descriptions of images of
the environment in a very compressed form. While those descriptions
can’t be directly viewed as images, it is in principle possible to
write an algorithm that can reconstruct a viewable image. Therefore,
you must ask the user for permission before saving any of their
learned areas to the cloud or sharing areas between users to protect
the user's privacy, just as you would treat images and video.
Other than that there doesn't seem to be much info about the file internals - I use a lot of them, but I've never been compelled to look inside - curious yes, but not compelled
Without any direct info from the project Tango folks anything we provide would be merely speculation. I'm with Mark, not much compelling reason to get details. My speculation: probably contains a set of image descriptors, like SIFT, and whatever other known device settings are available, like GPS location, orientation (gravity), time(?), etc.
I got the ADF file, basically coded binaries and seems difficult to decode.
I will be happy to share the file if anyone is still interested.

Censor Plugin or Extension for VLC Media Player

I'm having an idea to create a Censor Plugin/Extension for VLC Player..
Problem Scenario :
An Adult-Scene for 1 minute in a nice movie makes it not watchable with Family.
My Solution :
Create a Plugin/Extension which does the following
Reads time positions from a file similar to subtitle files
Skip these time positions (which are adult or inappropriate) when playing
Help i needed :
I searched in Google and in videolan website, But can't find an exact solution
Are there already similar Plugins available?
Where should i start?
Please help me if you could guys.. thanks..
Same looking for having/developing Exact same solution. This might be helpful to you.
A similar thing is also available on github:
You may also want to read this discussion thread:
finding great similar answer here
If you chop random bytes out the movie is likely not playable. The player might crash or fail to resynchronize the stream – the video might just stop. Plus, you're gonna have a hard time figuring out where the "adult" bytes are, so to speak.
If you already know where the parts are that you want to cut out, I would edit the file in any of the numerous video editors. Even Windows Movie Maker or iMovie would do the job, and those are easily available on both major OSes.
This is a requested feature for VLC. Not really anything user-friendly out there. Still, VLC offers the possibility to create playlists in a certain format that would mute or skip parts of a file. This is called XSPF. You might be able to figure out the proper format for this.
Also, there's movie-content-editor:
A VLC based editor built in python that allows users to create and use custom filter files to make movies more family friendly. Allows users to have the player automatically mute specific words or skip certain scenes based on the content of those scenes.
And sensible-cinema:
Clean Editing Movie Player allows you watch edited movies by applying delete lists (EDL's) (i.e. "mute out" or "cut out" scenes) to DVD's/files, with preliminary support for also applying them to arbitrary web/internet based players like netflix instant, hulu/hulu plus etc
See also these threads on The VideoLAN Forums:
auto skip unwanted parts of a video
Clearplay-like (content filter) module exists?

Extracting the serialized data from unknown files

My dearest stackoverflowers,
I want to access the serialized data contained in files with strange, to me, extensions. The bulk of the data seems to be in a .st and an .idt file.
The program is meant to be run on Windows, and the unix file command gives me only false positives. Any ideas on either what these extensions mean or on how to investigate and extract their contents?
Below I provide the entirety of the extensions in a long list in hope somebody recognizes them. Googling also gives me false positives. For example: .st is commonly used for ATARI emulation files.
Thanks in advance!
Some general advice on how to approach this:
One way to approach this is to use a site like to try to figure out where the files came from. This can be tough, because it's not like there's a file extension standard anywhere - anyone can use any extension, so you're going to have a lot of conflicts/disambiguation issues to solve.
Sometimes you can get lucky, and if you open up the files in a plain text editor you can occasionally see plain string data that is readable, which can help identify the general sort of data contained in a file, and therefore help cut down on the possible number of sources for a file. For example, I have often helped people who received a file as an email attachment with no extension, figure out what file type it was using this technique, adding the file extension, and then opening it in the appropriate program.
There are also sites like that keep old versions of programs that you (typcially) can download for free. This is especially helpful if the data you're working with was created 5+ years ago, in a proprietary program, and that program is no longer available/purchasable from the vendor who created it.
Once you have a good idea of what files belong to what programs, then you're probably going to spend a lot of time trying to find online resources for what the structure of the files are. If that isn't available, you can get a copy of the original program, but either the program won't open the files you're interested in or you still want raw access to the data, then try generating some sample output files with data that you input, and go Rosetta Stone on it, comparing your known file to the original file.
From there, the additional knowledge you'll probably want, is to try to find out what language/compiler the software was written in, which can give you a lead on what code libraries were used to serialize the data in the first place. Once you know all that, then it's matter of reading through any available documentation on the serialization process, and then writing a deserializer.
The one thing this technique won't solve is, if you're dealing with corrupt/truncated data files, it may be very difficult to tell the difference between that and whether or not you have the file structure correct. The "Rosetta Stone" technique might be helpful in that case.
Depending on how many different pieces of source software you're talking about, sounds like a pretty big project. Good luck!

Duplicate file in Isolated Storage

I hope this is not a stupid question. So, I simply want to duplicate a file from the Isolated Storage to be used as a backup. However, speed is really important in this case and I wondered what's the fastest way to do that. Should I open the file from the IS, read it to a stream, then create a backup file and write to it, well from what I've seen so far this will take at least half a second which is a lot.
There's no API for copy/duplicate so yes, your answer is the best way.
If you want to avoid the half a second delay then you'll need to do that via your application design - e.g. writing new data to a new file, or perhaps using smaller files.
If you're interested in the details of IsolatedStorage performance, then this blog has done a superb analysis:

What's the algorithm for generating the time map (VTS_TMAP) data for a DVD's IFO file?

I'm looking to create an IFO file for a VOB so that I can produce a video DVD.
I have the specifications for the contents of the VTS_01_1.IFO file however I'm not sure on how to generate the time map data for the VTS_TMAP section.
I think the entries are based on frame rate but this is not obvious from the example DVD's I've looked at.
Any help or pointers to the appropriate source would be greatly appreciated. is a patch describing its use. also lists the spec. also has some information, and
