I am using vertica 7.0 version and trying to add backupserver nodes during a connection failover. I tried to perform the similar steps as specified in the vertica 7.0 API programmer's guide. But I receive an error stating unknown host.
I am using this as the connection string : jdbc:vertica://badHostName:5433/dbName?connectionloadbalance=true
**A bad host name: **
If my current host name is xyz.abc.com then the bad host name I have mentioned as xyz.abc.comz.
Please let me know how to get through this.
I had added a wrong version of vertica jdk which I assume was not compatible for the new feature. So do check in your versions for such errors :)
Sorry to reach out, I searched for an answer but I didn't see anything relating to my specific issue, sorry if I missed it.
I used to connect fine to Snowflake using Datagrip with JDBC driver 3.13.5.
Yesterday, in order to be able to use Snowflake with Tableau, I installed the ODBC driver, as well as ODBC Manager. Since, then, impossible for me to connect using Datagrip, I get the following error message :
JDBC driver encountered communication error. Message: Exception encountered for HTTP request: <URL>: nodename nor servname provided, or not known.
The connection string is: jdbc:snowflake://:443 and used to work fine until yesterday.
I tried updating to 3.13.7 (last version), but same issue.
Does anybody have an idea of what I did wrong and what to do?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help and support, have a great day!
I have been trying to connect to Druid from Tableau using a JDBC Driver.
I have successfully connected using an ODBC Driver as per my answer to this post Connecting Tableau to Apache Druid
However, I want to be able to use a JDBC driver as well.
Though I have followed the steps in this post: https://support.imply.io/hc/en-us/articles/360025589574-Connecting-Tableau-to-Druid-with-JDBC,
I keep getting the error: "No suitable Driver installed or the URL is incorrect".
As per the article, I have ensured that the avatica driver is downloaded and installed in ~/Library/Tableau/Drivers, as I am on a mac.
I am also sure I am giving the right URL to my broker which I am otherwise able to access on a browser at port 8082.
Any pointers what might be wrong?
the issue may be that you don't have the avatica driver in your classpath. please see https://calcite.apache.org/docs/adapter.html
I found from this article: https://kb.tableau.com/articles/issue/locating-library-jdbc-directory-in-mac-to-install-the-athena-drivers-for-tableau-prep
that Tableau actually looks for the JDBC driver in the ~/Library/JDBC folder on mac (and it does not seem to read from ~/Library/Tableau/Drivers folder as mentioned in the original article in my question). Once I placed the avatica driver in this folder, Tableau desktop was able to find the driver.
I am trying to make a connection to Cloudera VM 5.10(CDH 5.10) hue hive interface sample database to test the right driver using dbVisualizer tool (https://www.dbvis.com/download)
I checked CDH 5.10 has hive version 1.1, I got this information from
I tested two drivers
1) Hive JDBC 1.1.0 standalone from
2) "hive-jdbc-1.1.0-cdh5.10.0-standalone.jar" directly getting from cdh VM.
Cunnection URL I am giving is :
When I connect I get this error message
"An error occurred while establishing the connection:
The selected Driver cannot handle the specified Database URL.
The most common reason for this error is that the database URL
contains a syntax error preventing the driver from accepting it.
The error also occurs when trying to connect to a database
with the wrong driver. Correct this and try again."
Please let me know if I am doing something wrong here.
I am running Neo4j 2.1.6, tried Neo4j 2.20 as well.
I can not connect it with DbVisualizer 9.1.13
And I can not find ANY step by step clear explanation on how to do it.
First I've got binary JDBC Neo4j-2.0.1-SNAPSHOT here
I can run my just installed Neo4j instance from the browser localhost:7474
and I don't know what the REST API is all about and if it is turned on by default.
I can run the Neo4j 2.20 same way that comes with a new feature of user authorization and I am not sure if that JDBC driver is compatible with it. My user:pass is neo4j:neo
So in DbVisualizer I clicked Tools->Driver Manager and filled out like this:
My connection properties are as follows:
I've got the error on connect:
Product: DbVisualizer Pro 9.1.13
Build: #2310 (2015-01-11 11:26:27)
Java Version: 1.8.0_25
OS Name: Windows Server 2012 R2
An error occurred while establishing the connection:
The selected Driver cannot handle the specified Database URL.
The most common reason for this error is that the database URL
contains a syntax error preventing the driver from accepting it.
The error also occurs when trying to connect to a database
with the wrong driver.
If you look at the documentation for the jdbc driver, you see that the database URL is:
Please try to make it work with 2.1.6 first.
For the 2.2. auth you have to use the token you got back as password.
This is the error message I get when I try to connect my local DataBase to the NetBeans IDE. I hardly have any experience using netbeans either, the URL I used to connect using Oracle thin is:
The corresponding error is:
Cannot establish a connection to jdbc:oracle:thin:#localhost:1521:KJT using oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver (IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection).
Please help me out.
this error means once check your port number
the oracle default port number is 1521 but i think u r changed at the time of oracle installation time so once check it
as well as oracle service name also u mentioned "KJT" once check!