What are the minimal pom dependencies of Xpand? - xpand

I use Xpand for code generation inside a maven plugin project. So, I need to add the required libraries as dependencies in pom.xml in order to define and use Xpand templates. What is the minimum list of dependencies that should be added to the pom?

you may take the following as starting point


How to add maven dependencies into packaged jar? packaging type is as eclipse-plugin

I am building an eclipse rcp application using Maven/tycho. I have added few dependencies into pom.xml and now i want these dependencies to be part of packaged jar which will be created after building my application. In manifest file its giving me some error as "Package 'com.sun.xml.stream.dtd' does not exist in this plug-in". enter image description here
Attached is the manifest.mf and here is my pom.xml

How to change properties values via Spring Boot Admin Console?

I have a Spring boot application with Spring Boot Admin Console:
It shows Details, Metrics etc. Also there a Environment tab.
Is it possible to change application.properties values via Environment tab?
If I add new value to property key and push Update environment button nothing change in application. Why? Do i need to do any additional set ups?
Thank you.
My dependencies from POM:
<!-- <dependency>
I have setup a little test-Environment...
With SBA I have updated an environoment .. a little hello-world REST Endpoint shows the new value ... but inside the SBA is the OLD Value.
Perhaps you need a #RefreshScope annotation at your beans ?

how to create a web project with jersey2.25 , spring 4 ,mybatis3.1.1

i am trying to create a web project with jersey2.25 , spring 4 ,mybatis3.1.1 and tomcat.
i have to use jdk1.7 , the following are all jar file in my web project lib.
with that jar file, i can not start my tomcat.
so someone can help to create a pom.xml file , so that i can build my web project with maven ?
you can use Eclipse neon for project development, first you need to create maven ptoject and add dependencies into pom.xml, you can refer below sample code.
<description>ProjectName web api.</description>
<name>Spring Framework Maven Release Repository</name>
<!-- Test Case Dependency -->
in this pom you can get the Spring Framework with hibernate and JPA. for more you can refer below link
You can use online application called Spring Initializr that can generate a Spring Boot project
structure for you. It doesn’t generate any application code, but it will give you a basic project
Just Visit: start.spring.io
Specify the Build Tool (Maven or Gradle), language, Spring Boot Version, project Metadata and the dependencies and download the project. You'll also find the generated pom.xml in the downloaded file.

Is it currently possible to run Arquillian tests on Spring beans?

From what little experience I have of running Arquillian tests with the Arquillian Spring Framework Extension, it seems to me that things are severely broken at the moment.
I've tried running a test even simpler than the Spring Inject example from the arquillian showcase project (i.e. no classes, applicationContext.xml only, and a single test that has assertTrue(true) as its body).
Here are my project dependencies
However this only resulted in the following error
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.beans.factory.config.EmbeddedValueResolver from [Module "deployment.e5488c33-14dd-41b6-8996-d616c11cbbb5.war:main" from Service Module Loader]
I've tried using the Shrinkwrap resolver to include the necessary jars, but that error still showed up.
So tell me, is the Arquillian testing of Spring beans and components currently broken?
P.S: The version of Spring I am using is 4.3.2.

Resolving same classes defined in different dependencies

I'm running into a strange issue where I have two dependencies in my Maven file that both define BasicLineFormatter.class. The issue that I am running into is that one of my dependencies obviously uses a different version that the code is expecting and it throws and error.
How can I tell Maven that I want to use my standard http-core dependency for this class rather than the one that is causing an issue.
RESOURCE LOCATION: jar:file:/var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib/tika-app-1.10.jar!/org/apache/http/message/BasicLineFormatter.class
My pom.xml looks like this:
My code is getting the BasicLineFormatter class from the Tika dependency which is causing the issue. I want it to be coming from my defined http-core which is the correct version. It also seems to be ignoring the ordering the dependencies in the file.
Use - Shade Plugin - https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-shade-plugin/examples/includes-excludes.html
Reference - Maven dependency: exclude one class
