how to write output channel from itemWriter in spring batch and spring integration? - spring

firstly thanks for attention, i combined spring batch and spring integration, i defined a job flow and retrieve files from ftp adapter and sent to jobChannel, and process on it with spring batch , i want to write to output channel and consume the channel after processing, my code is:
<int-ftp:outbound-gateway id="gatewayGET"
local-directory-expression="'./backup/' +#remoteDirectory"
expression="payload.remoteDirectory + '/' + payload.filename"/>
<int:channel id="toProcessChannel">
<int:wire-tap channel="logger2"/>
<int:channel id="outboundJobRequestChannel"/>
<int:channel id="replyJobChannel"/>
<service-activator input-channel="jobLaunchReplyChannel"/>
<int:transformer input-channel="toProcessChannel" output-channel="outboundJobRequestChannel">
<bean class="ir.isc.macna.configuration.FileMessageToJobRequest">
<property name="fileParameterName" value="fileName"/>
<batch-int:job-launching-gateway request-channel="outboundJobRequestChannel"
and my writer code is:
public class MacnaFileWriter implements ChunkMessageChannelItemWriter<FileInfo> {
private MessageChannel messageChannel;
public void write(List<? extends FileInfo> list) throws Exception {
// send Message to replyJobChannel channel with Send method
and use ftp adapter to write files on the server:
<int-ftp:outbound-gateway session-factory="ftpSessionFactory"
remote-directory-expression="payload.remoteDirectory + '/' + payload.filename + '.out'"
Is this standard way to run batch job and consume result?

MessageChannel has send method. For this purpose you can use MessageBuilder to create a Message<?> for your payload.
Since it is just a <channel> there is no difference with any other MessageChannel to consume. The standard way define a consumer like this:
<service-activator input-channel="jobLaunchReplyChannel"/>
However it isn't clear why you are going to send messages to the jobLaunchReplyChannel, when this channel is specific for the result from <batch-int:job-launching-gateway> (JobLaunchingGateway class):
jobExecution = this.jobLaunchingMessageHandler.launch(jobLaunchRequest);
So, that jobExecution is sent to the jobLaunchReplyChannel.
See Spring Batch Integration Documentation.
Maybe do you need AsyncItemWriter or ChunkMessageChannelItemWriter?


Tracing input & output of message channels of Spring Integration

I have build a small application using Spring Integration. I have also written some jUnit for more service and other classes.
I have used XML configuration for the channel and en-point configuration, I am wondering if I can test the input and output of a perticular channel.
Is there a way we can test the input and output of the channels?..
I am trying to the below flow. How shall i proceed?
<int:channel id="getPresciption" />
<int:channel id="respPrescription" />
<int:channel id="storePrcedureChannell" />
request-channel="getPresciption" reply-channel="respPrescription"
supported-methods="GET" path="/getAllPresciption">
consumes="application/json" produces="application/json" />
ref="prescriptionServiceActivator" method="buildPrescription"
input-channel="getPresciption" output-channel="storePrcedureChannell" />
ref="prescriptionServiceActivator" method="storePrescription"
SO how can i write the Test contex?
Let below are the methods which are called by channel flow.
public Message<List<Prescription>> buildPrescription() {
//Do some processing
public Message<List<Prescription>> storePrescription(Message<List<Prescription>> msg) {
//Do something and return the List.
First of all you can take a look into the Spring Integration Testing Framework:
And then use a MockIntegration.mockMessageHandler() together with the MockIntegrationContext.substituteMessageHandlerFor() to replace a real handler in the endpoint and verify incoming data from the channel.
If that is still hard for you, you always can inject those channels into your test class and add to them a ChannelInterceptor and verify messages in its preSend() implementation.

Spring poller roll back on exception after a particular retry count

My poller fetches data from DB and pass it to a service activator.
If any exception happens in the service activator method,i should roll back the data fetched to its previous state and should again send the same data to the service activater only for a specific retry-count(say 3). **Is it possible to do this in a xml configuration. ? For details i will share the poller configurations and the service activator.
<int-jdbc:inbound-channel-adapter id="datachannel"
query="select loyalty_id,process_id,mobile_uid from TBL_RECEIPT where r_cre_time
=(select min(r_cre_time) from TBL_RECEIPT where receipt_status=0)"
data-source="dataSource" max-rows-per-poll="1"
update="update TBL_RECEIPT set receipt_status=11 where process_id in (:process_id)">
<int:poller fixed-rate="5000">
<int:channel id="errors">
<bean id="poller" class="" />
<int:channel id="executerchannel">
<int:dispatcher task-executor="taskExecutor" />
<task:executor id="taskExecutor" pool-size="2" />
<int:service-activator input-channel="datachannel"
output-channel="executerchannel" ref="poller" method="getRecordFromPoller">
<int:retry-advice recovery-channel="errors" />
<int:service-activator input-channel="executerchannel"
ref="poller" method="getDataFromExecuterChannel">
service activator method
#SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public void processMessage(Message message) throws IOException {
int capLimit = Integer.parseInt(env.getProperty("capping_limit"));
List<Map<String, Object>> rows = (List<Map<String, Object>>) message
for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) {
String loyaltyId = (String) row.get("loyalty_id");
String processId = (String) row.get("process_id");
String xid=(String)row.get("mobile_uid");
i have heard about int:transactional being used in poller configuration.But when i added it,its taking the same record even after successful transaction.(means its getting rolled back everytime).
Can anyone please help me on this ?
You can add a retry request-handler-advice to the service activator.
To make retry stateful (throw the exception so the transaction will rollback) you need to provide a RetryStateGenerator. Otherwise the thread will simply be suspended during the retries.
Regardless of using stateful or stateless retry, you really should use a transactional poller so that the update is only applied after success.
means its getting rolled back everytime
The transactional poller will only rollback if an exception is thrown. So if you're seeing the same row, something must be failing.
Turn on DEBUG logging for all of org.springframework to follow the message flow and transaction activity.

Problems with unit testing a spring integration program

I am trying to unit test an xpath router, but having problems with it. here is my context file:
<int:channel id="toTransactionTypeRouterChannel" />
<int-xml:xpath-router id="transactionsTypeRouter"
input-channel="toTransactionTypeRouterChannel" resolution-required="false"
evaluate-as-string="true" default-output-channel="errorChannel">
<!-- Select node name of the first child -->
namespace-map="archiveNamespaceMap" />
<int-xml:mapping value="sch:bulkRequestDetail"
channel="bulkChannel" />
<int-xml:mapping value="sch:transactionalRequestDetail"
channel="transactionChannel" />
<int:channel id="bulkChannel" />
<int:channel id="transactionChannel" />
<int:transformer input-channel="bulkChannel"
output-channel="consoleOut" expression="'Bulk channel has received the payload' " />
<int:transformer input-channel="transactionChannel"
output-channel="consoleOut" expression="'Transaction channel has received payload' " />
<int:transformer input-channel="errorChannel"
output-channel="consoleOut" expression="'Error channel has received payload' " />
As you can see here, there are 2 different routes(bulk,trans.) + error channel.Here is my unit test case for trans channel route:
public void testTransactionFlow() throws Exception {
try {
Resource bulkRequest = new FileSystemResource("src/main/resources/mock-message-examples/SampleProcessArchiveTransRequest.xml");
String transRequestStr= extractResouceAsString(bulkRequest);
Message<?> outMessage = testChannel.receive(0);
context file for junit
<int:bridge input-channel="transactionChannel"
<int:channel id="testChannel">
As you can see, in the junit context file, I am connecting transactional channel to the test the junit test case, I am sending a payload to the router in the junit method, and trying to receive it from the input channel and use it for assertion. however the assertion fails, as the message from transaction channel directly goes to consoleOut before getting routed to inputChannel as given in the junit coontext file. How do I intercept the message before it goes to consoleOut? I also tried adding wireTap interceptors but they didnt work:
WireTap wireTap = new WireTap(someChannel);
boolean w = wireTap.isRunning();
Basically, I need a separate flow for unit testing.
With that configuration, you are just adding a second consumer to transactionChannel - messages will be round-robin distributed to the transformer and bridge.
You can unsubscribe the transformer for your test case by autowiring it by id as an EventDrivenConsumer and stop() it before sending your message.

Sending Message to QueueChannel

My knowledge of JMS is extremely weak so please bear with me.
I am trying to send a simple message to a Queue Message Channel.
private MessageChannel myChannel = null;
public void testRecieveMethod() {
Message m = ((QueueChannel)myChannel).receive();
The program hangs like its supposed to but when I try and send a message from another program, it doesn't seem to be getting recieved.
private MessageChannel channel = null;
public void testMessage() {
channel = super.ctx.getBean("myChannel", MessageChannel.class);
jackMessage message = new ameerMessage("Hello my name is jack");
Message<ameerMessage> msg = MessageBuilder.withPayload(message).build();
channel.send(msg, 10000);
Here is my applicationContext
<int:channel id="myChannel">
<int:queue capacity="10"/>
<jms:inbound-channel-adapter id="JmsAdapter"
<int:poller fixed-rate = "1000"/>
<bean id="myQueue"
<constructor-arg value="MYQUEUE"/>
<bean name="connectionFactory" class="org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory">
<property name="brokerURL">
<bean id="myProcessor"
Not sure where I why the message is not being recieved. Can someone help?
You say "another program". If it's really another program then they are different myChannels.
I think what you want to do is send a message to JMS so the first program's myChannel will get the message from JMS.
You need to use an outbound channel adapter in the second program to send the message to the JMS queue.

Spring splitter/aggregator handling exceptions

Version : spring-integration-core - 2.2.3
Here is the simplified version of my splitter/aggregator setup.
<task:executor id="taskExecutor" pool-size="${pool.size}"
rejection-policy="CALLER_RUNS" keep-alive="120"/>
<int:channel id="service-requests"/>
<int:channel id="service-request"/>
<int:channel id="channel-1">
<int:dispatcher task-executor="taskExecutor" failover="false"/>
<int:channel id="channel-2">
<int:dispatcher task-executor="taskExecutor" failover="false"/>
<int:gateway id="myServiceRequestor" default-reply-timeout="${reply.timeout}"
<int:splitter input-channel="service-request"
ref="serviceSplitter" output-channel="service-requests"/>
<!-- To split the request and return a java.util.Collection of Type1 and Type2 -->
<bean id="serviceSplitter" class="com.blah.blah.ServiceSplitter"/>
<int:payload-type-router input-channel="service-requests" resolution-required="true">
<!-- myService is a bean where processType1 & processType2 method is there to process the payload -->
<int:service-activator input-channel="channel-1"
method="processType1" output-channel="service-reply" requires-reply="true"
<int:service-activator input-channel="channel-2"
method="processType2" output-channel="service-reply" requires-reply="true"
<int:publish-subscribe-channel id="service-reply" task-executor="taskExecutor"/>
<!-- myServiceAggregator has a aggregate method which takes a Collection as argument(aggregated response from myService) -->
<int:aggregator input-channel="service-reply"
method="aggregate" ref="myServiceAggregator"
<bean id="myResultMessageStore" class="" />
<bean id="myResultMessageStoreReaper" class="">
<property name="messageGroupStore" ref="myResultMessageStore" />
<property name="timeout" value="2000" />
<task:scheduled ref="myResultMessageStoreReaper" method="run" fixed-rate="10000" />
If the processType1/processType2 method in mySevice throws a RuntimeException, then it tries to send the message to an error channel(i believe spring does it by default) and the message payload in error channel stays on in heap and not getting garbage collected.
Updated More Info:
For my comment on error channel. I debugged the code and found that ErrorHandlingTaskExecutor is trying to use a MessagePublishingErrorHandler which inturn sending the message to the channel returned by MessagePublishingErrorHandler.resolveErrorChannel method.
Code snippet from
public void execute(final Runnable task) {
this.executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {;
catch (Throwable t) {
errorHandler.handleError(t); /// This is the part which sends the message in to error channel.
Code snipper from
public final void handleError(Throwable t) {
MessageChannel errorChannel = this.resolveErrorChannel(t);
boolean sent = false;
if (errorChannel != null) {
try {
if (this.sendTimeout >= 0) {
sent = errorChannel.send(new ErrorMessage(t), this.sendTimeout);
When i take a heap dump, I always see the reference to the payload message(which i believe is maintained in the above channel) and not getting GC'ed.
Would like to know what is the correct way to handle this case or if i'm missing any in my config?
Also is it possible to tell spring to discard the payload(instead of sending it to error channel) in case of any exception thrown by the service activator method?
Looking forward for your inputs.
You don't have an error-channel defined on your gateway so we won't send it there, we'll just throw an exception to the caller.
However, the partial group is sitting in the aggregator and will never complete. You need to configure a MessageGroupStoreReaper as shown in the reference manual (or set a group-timeout in Spring Integration 4.0.x) to discard the partial group.
