Regular expression escape warning - ruby

For code
url.gsub(/"|\[|]| /, '')
ruby raises warning
warning: regular expression has ']' without escape: /"|\[|]| /
How to fix it?

Your regex would be reduced to,
url.gsub(/[ "\[\]]/, '')


Silence Ruby regular expression warning

I have a - in my regular expression. When I run it, I get warning: character class has '-' without escape: /[^a-zA-Z0-9-_\\.]/
How can I silence this warning?
At this place [^a-zA-Z0-9-_\\.] there is a possibility of an error. Usage of '-' either means the new range(with mistyping) or just a symbol. Either move single characters in front of ranges or prefix with '\'
verbosity = $VERBOSE
$VERBOSE = nil
/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_\\.]/ #=> /[^a-zA-Z0-9-_\\.]/
$VERBOSE = verbosity
Add a backslash (\) to escape the lonely dash. It appears the offending dash is immediately after [^a-zA-Z0-9. Add \- instead of just the dash character -. The full regex including the minor change is
This will remove the warning. Escaping it with the backslash clearly instructs the regex engine that you mean to search for that character and not that you forgot to complete a range like [a-z]

Preg_ match using?

I use preg_match to the program like this
if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]+\:/{1,2}', $filename))
But it shows an error like this
Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Unknown modifier '{'
how to change this?
You are missing '/' at the end of the regex and you should escape '/' in the regex itself. This should work i.e. warning should be gone (ignoring if regex you've written is doing what you want):
if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]+\:\/{1,2}/', $filename))

How to use şŞıİçÇöÖüÜĞğ characters in a regular expression in Ruby?

I tried using a regular expression to capture names:
But, it gives me an error:
syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting ')'
...atches = r[1].scan(/^([A-Z]|[ŞİÇÖÜĞ])([a-z]|[şŞ�...
I see that the problem is the Turkish characters I'm using. Is it possible to use unicode values of the characters in regexp? How can I use these problematic characters in this regexp?
Use ruby 1.9
Go with /\p{Word}+\p{Space}\p{Word}*/

preg_match warning

I have deprecated "eregi" problem.
if (eregi("data/cheditor4[^<>]*\.(gif|jp[e]?g|png|bmp)", $edit_img, $tmp))
So I changed into this,
if (preg_match("/data/cheditor4[^<>]*\.(gif|jp[e]?g|png|bmp)/i", $edit_img,$tmp))
But I got new warmingmessage,
Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Unknown modifier 'c'
Please let me know what is wrong.
Thanks in advance.
You have a '/' inside your regex ('data/cheditor') but you are also using '/' as the regex delimiter ('/myregex/flags'): you can either escape the internal '/', or use a different regex delimiter.
E.g. first option:
or (second option, I chose '#' as the delimiter):
Also note I changed the " around your regex to ' because otherwise you need to double the backslashes within double-quotes in PHP.

negative lookbefore for a blackslash in ruby 1.9

I want to match every '[' or ']' that's not preceded by a backslash in ruby 1.9
I tried:
but I get a 'target of repeat operator not specified'
You will need to wrap the negative lookbehind in parenthesis.
