Visual Studio, add connected service does not register app in azure AD - visual-studio-2013

I followed the steps as per and added the connected service. However this does not register the app under Windows Azure Active Directory Applications. I have properly linked my office 365 account into Azure. However when I add the connected service it is still empty. Is this a known issue and what is the work around?

No, this isn't a known issue. The "Add Connected Service" wizard is not generating a client ID and secret in your web.config?
As a workaround you could login to the Azure Management Portal and register the app manually, then put the client ID and secret into your web.config.

I just had the same issue and spend some hours on it. Finally it turns out that I had used a user account to log in in visual studio that was assigned to a different MS Azure account.
In my case I was using the user of production environment instead of my own developer account to log in.


Outlook add-in publish on a Cpanel

I want to know if it is possible to publish an Outlook add-in made in on VsCode on other servers like Cpanel or it's exclusive on Azure?
And after only put the manifest to point the domain that was publish.
You can publish/host your add-in on any web sever of your choosing.
One thing to keep in mind, however, is that, for your add-in to support Single Sign-On, you need to register it via the Azure portal for app registrations using the credentials of a Microsoft 365 tenant. Otherwise, you don't need to worry about Azure here. Just set the SourceLocation in the manifest to point to the location of your add-in's code on your domain.

Visual Studio: multiple accounts for Azure and license

For security reasons, we decided to create separate accounts for our Azure deployments.
Therefore, some users have an email account that holds Visual Studio license, and a separate account that has privileges on Azure subscriptions and no email address.
We use ADFS federation to log in to Azure. I tried to add the two accounts separately, but each time I validate authentication, it only displays my main (email) account.
I know that to log in to the Azure portal with my other account, I have to use Firefox.
Is there any way to do that with Visual Studio?

Deploy ASP.NET web app on Microsoft Azure using account added as co-admin to subscription

I have created a web app in ASP.NET. I want to deploy this on Microsoft Azure. I have been given an account from my IT company. We need subscription to deploy on Azure, for sure. Then, I have been added as co-admin to subscription by my company, but still I am not able to integrate my account with Visual Studio. Do I need to do any setting? Or, this permission is also not enough ?
Co-admin on subscription is definitely enough. You are allowed to do anything in the subscription. Have you tried logging in to with the account?
EDIT: Try opening a new Incognito/InPrivate window with no logins active, and try again with the credentials, making sure they are the ones that are co-admin.

How to enable Azure MFA for deploying web services?

We've enabled multi-factor authentication for our Azure subscription and it seems to work fine when logging on to the portal, but when I try to deploy a web service from Visual Studio it just goes ahead and does it without so much as confirming my password.
This is completely unacceptable for us, it must absolutely require prompting for both a password and an SMS code in order to able to deploy. Deploying something incorrectly, accidentally or without sufficient authorization has the potential to severely compromise the integrity of our service.
When you configure Visual Studio on the developer machine to connect to Azure subscription, did you uncheck "Remember Password" for login screen and "Trust this computer"?
Secondly, you can provide the developer only Read permission on the underlying artifact (i.e. Web App or Cloud Service) using the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). To deploy, they would have to use deployment credentials.

What is Service Account in TFS 2010?

I am very new in TFS 2010. I have setup my PC as server. I need to connect the client machine with this server. I have added a Service Account in TFS console. The client machine are connected with this account.
Now, my question is that, is the Service Account is intended to connect the client with server?
Can anyone explain me the purpose of this account?
Also I need to know, how to find(or setup) the TFS admin?
Are you referring to the "TFSSERVICE" service account from the installation guide? That account is used to run various services related to TFS, for example the TFS Task Scheduler. It should have the minimum privileges possible on the machine.
The client should not connect to the server with a service account, they should be using their own account which you grant access to the relevant repositories in TFS. If you connect all clients with the service account, how will you know who checked in each changeset?
You might find the installation guide of use which can be found here. See section entitled "Accounts Required for Installation of Team Foundation Components".
If you are using a domain, you should be able to follow the instructions in this article for how permissions work in TFS. You can allocate permissions to resources from the Team Explorer pane within Visual Studio.
If you're using TFS in a workgroup then it's a little different as you need to set up local accounts for your users. See this article.
