How to get command line argument using optparse? - ruby

I'm working on command line search tool which searches through source files using given keyword. I use optparse to parse command line options. For now it look like this:
qs -p ~/Desktop/project -k line
if no -p argument is provided I use default(current) directory:
qs -k line
But, what I really want is doing the same as above but without -k, like this:
qs line
For now I have this: do |options|
options.banner = "Usage: qs [options] [path] [keyword]\n" \
"\nSearch through files for a given keyword at specified path.\n" \
"If path is no specified current directory used by default."
options.separator ""
options.separator "Specific options:"
options.on("--no-rec", "Looking in files only at that level.") do |r|
$values[:recursion] = r
options.on('-p', '--path PATH', String, 'Path where to start search') do |path|
$values[:path] = path
options.on('-k', '--key WORD', String, 'Word you are looking for ') do |key|
$values[:keyword] = key
options.on_tail("-h" , "--help", "Help documentation.") do
$stderr.puts options
exit 1
As you can see it's impossible to do something like this:
$values[:keyword] = ARGV[2]
because there is no guarantee that all arguments will be present.
Is it possible to do this, without losing all this support from optparse ?
Thanks in advance.

When you use parse! (with the !), Optparse removes the options from ARGV, so afterward any other items (that Optparse doesn’t recognise) will be at ARGV[0] onwards.
So you should be able to do something like this: do |options|
# as before, but without k option
# At this point all the options optparse knows about will be
# removed from ARGV, so you can get at what's left:
$values[:keyword] = ARGV[0]


optionparser pass an array to ruby file

I have a trouble with passing an arguments to my ruby file. IE, do |opts|
opts.banner = 'Usage: mp3split.rb [options]'
opts.on('-f', '--filename fName1,fName2,fName3', Array, 'absolute or relative pathes to file') { |f| options[:filenames] = f }
This approach requires me to write this commands:
ruby mp3split.rb --filename fursov_13.mp3,fursov_14.mp3,fursov_14_2.mp3,fursov_15.mp3,fursov_16.mp3,fursov_17.mp3
But I want to get array by this:
ruby mp3split.rb --filename fursov_13.mp3 fursov_14.mp3 fursov_14_2.mp3 fursov_15.mp3 fursov_16.mp3 fursov_17.mp3
How can I implement this functionality? I can't find anything helpful about this in docs.
With OptionParser you can’t. There is a workaround, though, when there is the only list you need to handle that way and you won’t pass other arguments to the script. OptionParser splits the input by spaces before it processes it. The unkeyed arguments remain in ARGV global constant after parsing. Assuming everything described above is met, here we go: do |opts|
options[:filenames] = []
opts.banner = 'Usage: mp3split.rb [options]'
opts.on('-f', '--filename fName1 fName2 fName3', Array,
'absolute or relative pathes to file') do |f|
options[:filenames] |= [*f]
options[:filenames] |= ARGV
I apparently fixed another glitch within your code: options[:filenames] should be appended not overwritten on every occurence of -f switch, OptionParser supports script -f f1 -f f2 -f f3.

Optparse doesn't seem to return ARGV array. Argument Required Error

This is homework and I do not expect you to give me the complete answer.
I'm trying to parse a command line entry such as:
./apacheReport.rb -u testlog.txt
When I enter this:
./apacheReport.rb -u testlog.txt
I get:
Argument required
My code is:
require_relative 'CommonLog'
require 'optparse'
# puts ARGV.inspect
optparser =
optU = false
optI = false
optS = false
optH = false
optparser.banner = "apacheReport.rb [options] filename"
rescue => m
puts m.message
puts optparser
if ARGV.length < 1
puts "Argument required"
userInputFile = ARGV[0]
file =
It should parse the leftover portion of the command into ARGV[0] then should store it as userInputFile and then create a CommonLog object using the file as the constructor. At that point I call the methods that were specified in the command.
It seems that for some reason my ARGV is not being returned. I'm not sure what the issue is.
Ruby's OptionParser is easy to use, but you have to puzzle through the documentation. Here's a little example that'd be useful for your code:
require 'optparse'
options = {} do |opt|
opt.on('-u', '--use_this FILE', 'Use this file') { |o| options[:use_this] = o }
options will contain the flags. In this case, if you pass in -u foo, options[:use_this] will be foo.
Save that and try running it without and with a parameter. Also try running it with just a -h flag.
You can search StackOverflow for more answers where I was dealing with OptionParser.
It's hard to tell what's wrong since you code doesn't seem to be working at the moment. The problem may be that the parse! method removes found options from ARGV. So when you write:
It removes your two parameters (-u testlog.txt) and this code always fails:
if ARGV.length < 1
puts "Argument required"
Instead of looking at ARGV, you need to set up optparser correctly. Perhaps something like:
optparser = do |opts|
opts.banner = "apacheReport.rb [options] filename"
opts.on("-u", "--u-short-for-this", "Whatever u stands for") do |u|
optU = u
Then optU will be true only if the user passed -u and the filename will be in ARGV[0].

How do I use command-line options in Ruby?

How do I use command options in scripts?
I have a script that connects to a device, runs commands and prints the output. I would like to use a file for the hosts, and one for the user and passwd info. When I try to run the script I get these errors:
ruby threat_detection.rb --host_file=hosts --config_file=config
threat_detection.rb:61:in '<main>': needless argument: --host_file=hosts (OptionParser::NeedlessArgument)
ruby threat_detection.rb '--host_file=hosts' '--config_file=config'
threat_detection.rb:61:in '<main>': needless argument: --host_file=hosts (OptionParser::NeedlessArgument)
ruby threat_detection.rb --host_file-hosts --config_file-config
threat_detection.rb:61:in '<main>': invalid option: --host_file-hosts (OptionParser::InvalidOption)
This is the code:
options ={}
opt_parser = do |opt|
opt.banner = 'Usage: opt_parser COMMAND [OPTIONS]'
opt.on('--host_file', 'I need hosts, put them here') do |host_file|
options[:host_file] == host_file
opt.on('--config_file', 'I need config info, put it here') do |config_file|
options[:config_file] == config_file
opt.on('-h', '--help', 'What your looking at') do |help|
options[:help] == help
puts opt
How do I make these options get read? This is my guess (based off python experience). I'm just looking for it to print the lines right now:
if :config_file == true, r) do |params|
puts params
if :host_file == true, r) do |host|
put host
For taking arguments you need to use the following formats
"--switch=MANDATORY" or "--switch MANDATORY" # mandatory argument
"--switch[=OPTIONAL]" # optional argument
"--switch" # no argument
You are currently using the third format, which is being interpreted as taking no argument. You should use the first or second.
Also worth noting you probably want to be doing an assignment instead of a comparison when a flag is on
You want this
options[:host_file] = host_file
not this
options[:host_file] == host_file

OptionParser to parse arguments form file instead of command line

I am using Ruby to execute a code that takes command line arguments.
now i trying to use the same program with differnt options so i am putting the options in a file and i want the program to read each line interpret the options and execute the program accordingly.
but i get this error. "C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/1.9.1/optparse.rb:1348:in block in parse_in_order': undefined methodshift' for "--c execue --query unix --Servername abc123":String (NoMethodError)"
i understand that its reading the file and treating the line as string. but wondering if there is a way to overcome this shift error and treat the line as if it was entered in command prompt. or any better solution.
here is my code.
require 'optparse'
require 'micro-optparse'
# --command execue --query unix command --Servername abc123
f"list_of_commands.txt", "r")
f.each_line { |line|
line= line.chomp
#line = "--c execue --query unix --Servername abc123"
#line = eval("\"#{line}\"")
puts line
options = {} do |opts|
opts.on("-c", "--command result,execue,chart,scpfile", String, "Single command to execute ") do |c|
options[:comd] = c
opts.on("-q", "--query remote command, unix command", String, "performs the command on local or remote machine") do |q|
options[:query] = q
opts.on("-s", "--servername CHSXEDWDC002 ", String, "server name to execute the command") do |v|
options[:hname] = v
opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do
puts opts
p options
the contents of the file are below
--c execue --query unix --Servername abc123
i also tried to use micro-optparse but facing same error. any workaround ?
as per suggestion from "#mu is too short" i tried below options.
end.parse!("#{Shellwords.shellsplit(line)}") and/or
but none of them worked.
i also tried to split the line as array using "line = line.split("\t")" and then
end.parse!(line). out put as
--c execue
--query unix
--Servername abc123
but now i get error as block in : invalid option --c execute
looking at the error, the issue is with the wrong parameter(-c. but thanks to user "#mu is too short" for suggesting to use Array.
Update: 3
passing the array only worked for short form of the arguments such as -c but when long form was supplied it failed with invalid argument erorr.
i dont see much documentation on the optparse. i even tried micro-parse but it requres default valuves and its not an option for me :(
The parse! method wants an array as its argument, not a string. You'll probable want to use Shellwords.shellsplit rather than String#split (or similar hand-rolled method) to convert your line to an array just in case you have to deal with quoting and whatnot. Something like this: do |opts|
While you can put your command-line arguments into a file, flags and all, there are better ways to remember configuration settings.
Instead of storing the flags, use a YAML file. YAML is a great data format, that translates easily to Ruby hashes and objects. "Yaml Cookbook" is a very useful page for learning the ins and outs of the format with Ruby. There are YAML parsers for a myriad other languages, making it easy to share the settings, which can be useful as a system grows.
With a little creative code you can use your YAML as the base settings, and let your CLI flags override the stored settings.
If you're not familiar with YAML, it's easy to get a start on the file using something like:
require 'yaml'
data = {
'command' => %w[result execute chart scpfile],
'query' => ['remote command', 'unix command'],
'servername' => 'CHSXEDWHDC002',
puts data.to_yaml
Which outputs:
- result
- execute
- chart
- scpfile
- remote command
- unix command
servername: CHSXEDWHDC002
Redirect that output to a file ending in .yaml and you're on your way.
To read it back into a script use:
require 'yaml'
data = YAML.load_file('path/to/data.yaml')
A quick round-trip test shows:
require 'yaml'
data = {
'command' => %w[result execute chart scpfile],
'query' => ['remote command', 'unix command'],
'servername' => 'CHSXEDWHDC002',
Which looks like:
{"command"=>["result", "execute", "chart", "scpfile"],
"query"=>["remote command", "unix command"],
If you want to have defaults, stored in the YAML file, and override them with command-line flags, read the data from the file then use that resulting object as the base for OptionParse:
require 'optparse'
require 'yaml'
# Note, YAML can deal with symbols as keys, but other languages might not like them.
options = {
:comd => %w[result execute chart scpfile],
:query => ['remote command', 'unix command'],
:hname => 'CHSXEDWHDC002',
# we'll overwrite the options variable to pretend we loaded it from a file.
options = YAML.load(options.to_yaml) do |opts|
opts.on("-c", "--Command result,execue,chart,scpfile", String, "Single command to execute ") do |c|
options[:comd] = c
opts.on("-q", "--query remote command, unix command", String, "performs the command on local or remote machine") do |q|
options[:query] = q
opts.on("-s", "--Servername CHSXEDWHDC002 ", String, "server name to execute the command") do |v|
options[:hname] = v
opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do
puts opts
That's not tested, but we do similar things at work all the time, so save it to a file and poke at it with a stick for a while, and see what you come up with.

Extracting filenames from command line arguments with Ruby

I'm trying to use optparse to parse command line arguments. I would like my program to accept arguments like that:
$ ./myscript.rb [options] filename
I can easily manage the [options] part:
require 'optparse'
options = { :verbose => false, :type => :html }
opts = do |opts|
opts.on('-v', '--verbose') do
options[:verbose] = true
opts.on('-t', '--type', [:html, :css]) do |type|
options[:type] = type
But how do I get the filename?
I could extract it manually from ARGV, but there has to be a better solution, just can't figure out how
The "parse" method returns the unprocessed ARGV. So in your example, it will return a one element array with the filename in it.
I can't just use ARGV.pop. For example
when the last argument is "css" it
could either be a file or belong to
--type switch.
But if your script requires the last argument to be a filename (which is what your usage output inquires) this case should never happen the script should exit with a non-zero and the user should get a usage report or error.
Now if you want to make a default filename or not require a filename as the last argument but leave it optional then you could just test to see if the last argument is a valid file. If so use it as expected otherwise continue without etc.
Hope this answer can still be useful.
Ruby has one built-in variable __FILE__ can do this type of work.
puts __FILE__
it will print out your file's name.
I don't think extracting it before sending it to OptionParser is bad, I think it makes sense. I probably say this because I have never used OptionParser before, but oh well.
require 'optparse'
file = ARGV.pop
opts = do |opts|
# ...
