Joomla / Gantry Multi language website error 404 - joomla

I found a lot of resource on the web talking about issue like mine but nothing worked for me.
I build a joomla 3.4.1 website, installed a rocket theme template (momentum) based on Gantry.
I created 3 categories, 1 for each language. I created the pages. Both pages and categories are correctly set for the good language.
I left a main menu for all language, with a module, deactivated.
I created 3 menus (one for each language) with each time a home page (the flags appear in the menu)
I installed the multilanguage module it seems to be good.
Then I went to the template manager. Let a style for "all languages" and created copies for each language. For each language, I choose the good menu.
Is there anything wrong with what I did ?
I'm really welcoming any kind of help...
The URL is:
(On safari, I've a too many redirect issue, not on chrome)

Settled thanks to:
Made some change to the .htaccess and it works fine now, hope this will help others


Magento 2.2.3 Top category menu suddenly disappeared

Sorry in advance I'm not very familiar with Magento.
I am working on a Magento Web Shop and one day the top navigation, where you can open the categories, just disappeared. I tried searching in the vendor folder for the Block or templates for it but no success there. Didn't find a solution in the Admin panel as well. Searched in Google, but the only thing I found was about Varnish, which I'm not using.
I'm open to any suggestions and questions.
Look in Vendor/magento/module_theme/view/frontend/layout/default.xml
remove ttl="3600" from
This happens on sites without ssl (local?)
Preferably you make a child theme first and put the catalog.topnav section in the default.xml of your theme otherwise you have to repeat this with every update..

Joomla 1.7 - can't find Meta Titles

we moved a site for a client a while back that someone else created. Its running on Joomla 1.7.
We want to do some light SEO work for them but I can't for the life of me find the Meta/SEO title field anywhere.
All the support posts I've looked at say its here or there but for me its not. It seems to be know where! In the meta options section when editing an artcile there is a description and keyword field but no title.
Some help would be appreciated. This client can't justify a new website.
we ended up upgrading this install to 2.5, still couldn't edit the meta titles anywhere. So I installed a plugin which gave me the title field but it had no effect! Can only assume the theme hasn't been put together properly. The conclusion is that its now quicker for us to just move them to WordPress where stuff works properly! :)
I'm working more with Wordpress than Joomla, but I think that you should download an extension if you want to have a meta-title in the pages. For the home page you can change it from Menu - Main menu - Home.

Joomla Multilanguage

I created a website in Joomla 3.4, but the Multilanguage feature is just not working for me. I have followed the steps here:
I do not see the flags for my FaLang module and now I have an error about my menu. (my site is
The Spanish site should be at but this does not load the website. Instead shows me the root directory.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
You might want to give our component a try Neno Translate it has a bunch of features in addition to Falang.
To make it work you have to be very meticulous. The ostraining link tells you how to work with third parties module/compontents. But you can achieve a multi-language website in Joomla with no extra help.
Install the language packages you need
Activate the related language plugins if need be
Create a "main menu" (for example choose the type blog)per language where you set at list one item which is the home page of your website. Select the language of that item in the language dropdown
now you can create content, but set every time the language of the post.
Joomla has a build in language switcher module that you can use. set it. Now if you select a language, only the post of that language will show up in your home page. you will need to set a main menu module per language published in the same position as well.

Joomla Alias Redirects to the Wrong Page

I have a weird issue where when I create a new article in Joomla, no matter what it's called and visit it, it shows content from a completely different page (consistently the same page). In the content that shows, if I click on the title which is hyperlinked to it's own page, it goes to a different URL with the same content.
The aliases aren't the same on any of the pages and the content that shows is from a completely different article. I don't see any redirects on the site and there are a bunch of other articles that have been on the site for a while now that work fine.
Any ideas on where to look?
There are several reasons for this problem:
sh404SEF gone mad (Here's an example of the myriad of problems we had with this extensions: ) if you have it installed.
Weird redirects in the .htaccess file (have you checked it thoroughly?)
Issues with your template
An unstable SEF plugin installed on your website (other than sh404SEF )

Session lost when switching language on Joomla 2.5

I am developing an intranet with Joomla 2.5 and I have two menu type modules, one for each language (English and Spanish). The type of access for both menu items registered user is of type (pre-installed by default in Joomla).
I have activated the module language change and the auto-login plugin (
When I access the website through the auto-login (I access directly in English) I can navigate successfully through all the menu items. The problem is when language change. Changing the language session is lost and I get the screen with the login form.
Why session is lost?, What is the problem?.
Thanks for the help.
ok, this might help:
On backend go to site->global->congiguration->system->session settings and try playing with options there.
The problem was not in the core of Joomla. The problem was in a module (which I developed myself) and made ​​a session_destroy(). In addition, this module was assigned to all menu items in Spanish.
I feel have made you waste time. Apologies.
