control p5 slider.setRange() not found in subclass - processing

Im trying to set the Range of a slider within a subclass, catching the respective controller using getController, which works fine, proven by the returned value i get within the print. But controller.setRange() doesnt get recognized as a function.
can the range only be initialized during the creation of the object or does getController return a different object than i expect it does?
class Stepper
String stepperName = "default";
int ID = motorID;
int stepperValue;
Stepper(String givenName) {
stepperName = givenName;
.setPosition(sliderPosX+(sliderWidth+100)*surgeonBotID, sliderPosY+90*servoList.length+30*(motorID-servoList.length))
.setSize(sliderWidth, int(sliderHeight*0.5))
//.setRange(0, 179)
println("Created new Stepper: "+stepperName+ " ID: "+ID);
void setRange(float min, float max){
println("object: "+cp5.getController(getStepperName()).getValue());
cp5.getController(getStepperName()).setRange(min, max);

Questions like these are best answered by consulting the API.
The getController() method returns a Controller. The Controller class does not have a setRange() function. That instance happens to be an instance of Slider, which is a subclass of Controller, but the compiler has no way of knowing that. That's what's causing your error.
You can tell the compiler that the instance is indeed a Slider by casting the returned value to a Slider, and then you can access the methods defined by the Slider class:
((Slider)cp5.getController(getStepperName())).setRange(min, max);
To make that easier to understand, here it is split up into two lines:
Slider s = (Slider)cp5.getController(getStepperName());
s.setRange(min, max);


SetInternalFieldCount on constructor->InstanceTemplate() did not work for the instantiated object

This post is about exposing C++ objects to the v8 javascript engine. To attach a C++ object to a javascript object, I make use of the GetInternalField() and External APIs. Before you can set or get any internal field, you have to call SetInternalFieldCount() on the corresponding ObjectTemplate. Since I want to expose a constructor function to the JS, I created a FunctionTemplate, set a C++ function that attache the native object to the JS object to that template, and finally SetInternalCount() on the InstanceTemplate() of that function template. Too much words for the description, here is what I did:
struct Point {
int x, y;
Local<FunctionTemplate> CreatePointContext(Isolate* isolate) {
Local<FunctionTemplate> constructor = FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, &ConstructorCallback);
constructor->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1); // I set internal field count here.
constructor->SetClassName(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "Point", NewStringType::kInternalized).ToLocalChecked());
auto prototype_t = constructor->PrototypeTemplate();
prototype_t->SetAccessor(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "x", NewStringType::kInternalized).ToLocalChecked(),
return constructor;
// This callback is bound to the constructor to attach a C++ Point instance to js object.
static void ConstructorCallback(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
auto isolate = args.GetIsolate();
Local<External> external = External::New(isolate, new Point);
args.Holder()->SetInternalField(0, external);
// This callback retrieves the C++ object and extract its 'x' field.
static void XGetterCallback(Local<String> property, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info) {
auto external = Local<External>::Cast(info.Holder()->GetInternalField(0)); // This line triggers an out-of-bound error.
auto point = reinterpret_cast<Point*>(external->Value());
info.GetReturnValue().Set(static_cast< double>(point->x));
// This function creates a context that install the Point function template.
Local<Context> CreatePointContext(Isolate* isolate) {
auto global = ObjectTemplate::New(isolate);
auto point_ctor = Point::CreateClassTemplate(isolate);
global->Set(isolate, "Point", point_ctor);
return Context::New(isolate, nullptr, global);
When I tried to run the following JS code with the exposed C++ object, I got Internal field out of bounds error.
var p = new Point();
I wonder setting internal field count on the instance template of a function template has nothing to do with the object created by the new expression. If so, what is the correct way to set the internal field count of the object created by new while exposing the constructor function to javascript? I want to achieve the following 2 things:
In javascript, a Point function is avaible so we can var p = new Point;.
In C++ I can make sure the JS object has 1 internal field for our C++ Point to live in.
Edit: As #snek pointed out, I changed Holder() to This() and everything started to work. But later When I changed SetAccessor to SetAccessorProperty, it worked even with Holder.
Although the behaviour are very confusing, I think the major problem may not lie in the difference between Holder and This, but rather in SetAccessor and SetAccessorProperty. Why? Because in many docs I have read, Holder should be identical to This in most cases and I believe without using Signature and given that my testing js code is so simple (not with any magic property moving), in my case This should just be Holder.
Thus I decided to post another question about SetAccessor and SetAccessorProperty and leave this post as a reference.
For why I am so sure about in my case This() == Holder() should hold, here are some old threads:!topic/v8-users/fK9PBWxJxtQ!topic/v8-users/Axf4hF_RfZo
And what does the docs say?
* If the callback was created without a Signature, this is the same
* value as This(). If there is a signature, and the signature didn't match
* This() but one of its hidden prototypes, this will be the respective
* hidden prototype.
* Note that this is not the prototype of This() on which the accessor
* referencing this callback was found (which in V8 internally is often
* referred to as holder [sic]).
V8_INLINE Local<Object> Holder() const;
Note in my code there is not Signature, literally. So This and Holder should make no difference, but with SetAccessor, they made a difference.

Unity UI Onclick inspector with Enumeration

I have a question.
Here's My inspector Window.
In case of On Click() window, I'd like to set parameter that is type of Enum.
not string or int.
In other words, I'd like to use
void GoToNext(DATA_TYPE type).
But that doesn't show up.
Even if I set my enum as [SerializedField], that doesn't show in this window.
How can I do this?
I found a great solution to this from the user 'TobiLaForge' on this Unity forum. At least it is the best solution worked for me where I had only a few enums to handle.
1) Declare your enum outside of your class you use it in or create it anywhere else outside of a MonoBehaviour.
2) Create a script, attach it to your button:
using UnityEngine;
public class GetEnum : MonoBehaviour{
public MyEnum state;
3 Add this or change your orginial function where you use the enum
public void GetEnumState(GetEnum g)
{ if(g.state == MyEnum.something)
4) In the OnClick() function slot select your function and drag the GetEnum script into the slot.
This will need a new MonoBehaviour script for each enum you use in that way. Here is my inspector after.
You can't currently do this, Unity doesn't support it. But, since enums are basically ints, perhaps you could setup your function to accept an int and somehow cast it to the appropriate enum?
I tried this little experiment in some code I have with an enum, and it seemed to work fine:
public enum unitType {orc_warrior, archer, none};
int test2 = 0;
unitType test;
test = (unitType)test2;
test2 = 1;
test = (unitType)test2;
Debug correctly printed out orc_warrior and then archer
To make clear how it works what nipunasudha suggest, here the full code example how I use it. Please notice the need of ´SerializeReference´ instad of ´SerializeField´ otherwise all your buttons would end with the same state - which is usually not what you want to achieve.
using UnityEngine;
public class MenuInvoker : MonoBehaviour
private enum State { Main, Settings };
[SerializeReference] private State state;
public void InvokeMenu(MenuInvoker currState)
switch (currState.state)
case State.Main:
case State.Settings:
Debug.Log("Default Menu");

JavaFX binding image property to image (MVC)

I stumbled upon this question while searching for an answer. But it doesn't seem to be a solution for my case.
In my viewcontroller I've the following:
public void setModel(CarcassonneModel model) {
this.model = model;
private ObjectProperty<Image> getImage(String filename) {
File file = new File("src/carcassonneapplicatie/resources/tiles/" + filename + ".png");
Image image = new Image(file.toURI().toString());
ObjectProperty<Image> imageProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(image);
return imageProperty;
However, the displayed image doesn't change when I change the filename in my model using an action event. I've got other bindings for my labels and they seem to work perfectly, except for this one.
If you do
then someProperty is updated automatically whenever someOtherProperty.set(...) is invoked.
In your code someOtherProperty is the ObjectProperty<Image> you create in your getImage() method. Since you don't even retain a reference to this property, there's no possible way you can ever call set(...) on it. So the image in ivHoveringTile never updates.
You need to bind to an observable object in the model, representing the actual value that may change.

Determining if all items in a collection meet established critera

This seems to be a problem that comes up a lot. I've been coming up with the same solution nearly every time but was curious if people have a better method of accomplishing this.
I have one class that is a list of instances of another class. The state of the parent class is dependent upon state of ALL the children
As an example. Say I have the following classes
class Box
int _objectId= <insert_unique_id>;
int _itemCount = 0;
public void AddItem()
_itemCount = Max(_itemCount + 1, 5);
public int GetId()
return _objectId;
public bool IsFull()
return _itemCount == 5
class BiggerBox
Map<int, Box> _boxes;
public void AddToBox(int id)
public bool IsFull()
foreach(var box in _boxes.Values)
return false;
return true;
All additions to a "Box" are done via the BiggerBox.AddToBox call. What I would like to do is be able to determine box.IsFull() without iterating over every single item every time we add an element.
Typically i accomplish this by keeping a SET or a separate collection of what items are full.
Curious, has anyone come up to an ingenious solution to this or is the simple answer that there is no other way?
There are two things you need to do in order to accomplish what you want:
Be able to control every entrypoint to your collection
React to changes to the objects in the collection
For instance, if the objects in the collection are mutable (meaning, they can change after being added to your collection) you need your main object to react to that change.
As you say, you could create a separate set of the objects that are full, but if the objects can change afterwards, when they change you either need to take them out of that set, or add them to it.
This means that in order for you to optimize this, you need some way to observe the changes to the underlying objects, for instance if they implement INotifyPropertyChanged or similar.
If the objects cannot change after being added to your main object, or you don't really care if they do, you just need to control every entrypoint, meaning that you basically need to add the necessary checks to your AddItem method.
For your particular types I would implement an event on the Box class so that when it is full, it fires the event. Your BiggerBox class would then hook into this event in order to observe when an underlying box becomes full.
You can upkeep the number of complete (or non-complete) boxes in BiggerBox class, and update it in all the functions.
E.g., in AddToBox it could be:
bool wasFull = _boxes[id].IsFull;
if (!wasFull && _boxes[id].IsFull) // After this update box has become full.
completeBoxes += 1;
It is also possible to implement this upkeep procedure in other hypothetical functions (like RemoveFromBox, AddBox, RemoveBox, etc.)

Win32/C++ Class Inheritance problem

I am writing an GL effect system in my application so i have a superclass called
cEffect - which handles loading/parsing configuration file for each effect
and other inherited classess
cFX<name> - for every effect i add ( blur, bloom, chaos,... ).
The code is simplified here but looks like this:
Class cEffect
bool ParseString(...);
int m_nStartFrame;
int m_nEndFrame;
float m_fSpeed;
// Blur effect
Class cFXBlur : public cEffect
bool RenderFrame(...);
// Bloom effect
Class cFXBloom : public cEffect
bool RenderFrame(...);
// Scene drawing effect
Class cFXScene : public cEffect
bool RenderFrame(...);
// Clear the depth/color buffer
Class cFXClearBuffers : public cEffect
bool RenderFrame(...);
Now, the demo engine handles a
std::vector<cEffect *> m_pvEffects;
Vector that has a list of effects added.
And when an effect is added to the current time (let's say i add a blur)
i add it like:
// Blur to be added
cEffect *newEffect = new cFXBlur;
// Now add the effect to the effects list.
Now, when i render i iterate through m_pvEffects list - but also i would like to call
an RenderFrame method ( which is public in every CFX<name> effect).
But compiler says:
error C2039: 'RenderFrame' : is not a member of 'CEffect'
I kinda understand why it happens but can't really think of a way how can i fix this,
can you guys help me out please - it seems like i lost the plot ...
Thanks for any suggestion, what can i do to add CFX to a cEffect vector and later
use -> RenderFrame method?
You should change your class cEffect to:
Class cEffect
bool ParseString(...);
virtual bool RenderFrame(...) = 0;
int m_nStartFrame;
int m_nEndFrame;
float m_fSpeed;
You need the keyword virtual, if you want to redefine a method in a subclass. The = 0 makes the class cEffect abstract (i.e. you cannot create an object directly of the type cEffect), therefore subclasses must implement the method RenderFrame(...)
The error occurs, because cEffect has no member function called RenderFrame. What you want is a virtual function, a fundamental concept of object oriented programming. Basically you need to add a function
virtual bool RenderFrame(...);
to your cEffect definition. The virtual keyword basically tells the compiler to resolve it at runtime. This means if you call this method on a cEffect pointer or a reference, the corresponding method of the concrete derived class this pointer or reference point to is called. In this case you should also declare the method as virtual in all derived classes (although this is not neccessary, it makes your code clearer).
If you do not want the base class method to do anything and you want to require all derived classes to override it with their own implementation, then you can make this method pure virtual in the base class, by decralring it like
virtual bool RenderFrame(...) = 0;
This basically tells the compiler, that this is an abstract method, which doesn't have a concrete implementation and is only implemented by derived classes.
This is a very simplified explanation (appologies to every expert who thinks my wordings not 100% exact). You should read some more material on object oriented programming, especially in conjunction with C++.
