Ldap search with negative parameter - bash

I'm trying to do a search on my LDAP base like that:
ldapsearch -x -h localhost -p 389 -D uid=xxxadmin,ou=administrators,ou=topologymanagement,o=netscaperoot -v -w 12345 -b "ou=Usuarios,ou=Alunos,ou=XXXX,o=xxXXXxx" -f (!(objectClass=ntUser)) 1.1
Basically I want to list all the entries without the objectClass ntUser and add the objectClass to them.
I'm getting this as an answer:
-bash: !: event not found

From http://www.openldap.org/lists/openldap-software/200104/msg00196.html
This message comes from the shell (bash). It states that the command
`!' didn't find the event you unintentionally asked for. This happens
because the double quotes in bash do not prevent some command
invocation. Use single quotes instead:
Your search should be like this:
ldapsearch -x -h localhost -p 389 -D 'uid=xxxadmin,ou=administrators,ou=topologymanagement,o=netscaperoot' -v -w 12345 -b 'ou=Usuarios,ou=Alunos,ou=XXXX,o=xxXXXxx' -f '(!(objectClass=ntUser))' 1.1

Your search should work. But, for bash, you will need to quote the parameters.
Something like:
ldapsearch -x -h localhost -p 389 -D uid=xxxadmin,ou=administrators,ou=topologymanagement,o=netscaperoot -v -w 12345 -b "ou=Usuarios,ou=Alunos,ou=XXXX,o=xxXXXxx" -f "(!(objectClass=ntUser))" 1.1
Tested both openLDAP
#(#) $OpenLDAP: ldapsearch (Ubuntu) (Mar 17 2014 21:19:27) $buildd#aatxe:/build/buildd/openldap-2.4.31/debian/build/clients/tools
(LDAP library: OpenLDAP 20431)
ldapsearch -x -h localhost -p 389 -D "cn=admin" -W -b "dc=example,dc=com" -s sub -a always -z 1000 "(!(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))" "objectClass"
and OpenDJ
ldapsearch --version
OpenDJ 2.7.0-20140727
Build 20140727000040Z
ldapsearch -h localhost -p 389 -D "cn=admin" -b "dc=example,dc=com" -s sub -a always -z 1000 "(!(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))" "objectClass"

Its happening because bash thinks ! as a special character
"!" Start a history substitution, except when followed by a space, tab, the end of the line, ‘=’ or ‘(’
So finally, you should be able to solve your problem by putting single quotes around the term as follow:
ldapsearch -x -h localhost -p 389 -D uid=xxxadmin,ou=administrators,ou=topologymanagement,o=netscaperoot -v -w 12345 -b "ou=Usuarios,ou=Alunos,ou=XXXX,o=xxXXXxx" -f '(!(objectClass=ntUser))' 1.1
Please refer following question on stackoverflow.
Which characters need to be escaped in Bash? How do we know it?


How can I loop over comma-separated lists *inside* each line of a file?

Need to write some status checker at bash-script:
Have file with strings like that:
domain.com;,; /link/to/somefile.js,/link/to/somefile2.js
domain2.com;,; /link/to/somefile2.js,/link/to/somefile3.js
Need to execute such commands at total:
curl -s -I -H 'Host: domain.com'
curl -s -I -H 'Host: domain.com'
curl -s -I -H 'Host: domain.com'
curl -s -I -H 'Host: domain.com'
curl -s -I -H 'Host: domain2.com'
curl -s -I -H 'Host: domain2.com'
curl -s -I -H 'Host: domain2.com'
curl -s -I -H 'Host: domain2.com'
The question is:
what tool do I need to use to have such result at total?
Maybe xargs with some arguments/flags can do that or gnu parallel?
Can you, please, show examples?
I can to separate lines and set result to different variables that's isn't problem at all:
domain=$(cut -d';' -f1 file| xargs -I N -d "," echo curl -H) \'N\'
ip=$(cut -d';' -f2 file| xargs -I N -d "," echo curl -H) \'N\'
and else
But question at other :) :
how after delimiting and separating strings to variables, I can execute curl with different variables at that case - the number of arguments for different variables will be different ?
The answer's that get Barmar doesn't cover task problem at all, cause it has greater than two list's. The problem is not at ignorance of bash, but of way I can resolve issue
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ^^^^- IMPORTANT: not /bin/sh
# print command instead of running it, so people can test their answers without real URLs
log_command() { printf '%q ' "$#"; printf '\n'; }
while IFS='; ' read -r domain addrs_str files_str; do
IFS=, read -a addrs <<<"$addrs_str"
IFS=, read -a files <<<"$files_str"
for file in "${files[#]}"; do
for addr in "${addrs[#]}"; do
log_command curl -s -I -H "Host: $domain" "http://$addr/$file"
...emits as output (as the list of commands if it would run if the log_command prefix were removed):
curl -s -I -H Host:\ domain.com
curl -s -I -H Host:\ domain.com
curl -s -I -H Host:\ domain.com
curl -s -I -H Host:\ domain.com
curl -s -I -H Host:\ domain2.com
curl -s -I -H Host:\ domain2.com
curl -s -I -H Host:\ domain2.com
curl -s -I -H Host:\ domain2.com
...as you can see at https://ideone.com/dTC8q8
Now how does this work?
Step 1: Read each line into domain, addrs_str and files_str, split on semicolons and spaces.
That's what's done by the line IFS='; ' read -r domain addrs_str files_str, which operates as described in BashFAQ #1, and in How to read variables from file, with multiple variables per line?
Step 2: For addrs_str and files_str, split them on commas into separate arrays. This is described in How do I split a string on a delimiter in Bash?
Step 3: Iterate over those arrays, and call curl for each combination. If you wanted to call the first IP with only the first file, and the second IP with the second file, you could use Iterate over two arrays simultaneously in bash; otherwise, it's a plain nested loop.
With GNU Parallel it would look like this
doit() {
parallel --dry-run -d ',' -q curl -s -I -H Host:\ "$domain" http://{1}/{2} ::: "$ips" ::: "$paths"
export -f doit
parallel --colsep ';' doit :::: input.file
Remove --dry-run when you are convinced it works.

How to retrieve error code from cURL on shell

I know a similar question was posted, but I can't get it to work on my machine.
I tried the 1st answer from the mentioned question, i.e. response=$(curl --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output /dev/null servername) and when I echo $response I got 000 [Not sure if that is the desired output].
However, when trying to do so with my cURL command, I get no output.
This is my command:
curl -k --silent --ftp-pasv --ftp-ssl --user C:is_for_cookies --cert localcert_cert.pem --key certs/localcert_pkey.pem ftps://
and I use it with
x=$(curl -k --silent --ftp-pasv --ftp-ssl --user C:is_for_cookies --cert localcert_cert.pem --key certs/localcert_pkey.pem ftps://
but when I try to echo $x all I get is a newline...
I know the cURL is failing, because when I run the same command, without --silent, I get curl: (7) Couldn't connect to server
This Q is tagged with both sh, bash because I've tried it on both with same results
I found this option which kind of helps (but I still don't know how to assign it to a variable, which should be easier than this...):
--stderr <file>
Redirect all writes to stderr to the specified file instead. If the file name is a plain '-', it is instead written to stdout.
If this option is used several times, the last one will be used.
When I use it like this:
curl -k --silent -S --stderr my_err_file --ftp-pasv --ftp-ssl --user C:is_for_cookies --cert localcert_cert.pem --key certs/localcert_pkey.pem ftps://
I can see the errors (i.e. curl: (7) Couldn't connect to server) inside that file.
I used --silent to suppress all output, and -S to un-suppress the errors, and the --stderr <file> to redirect them

Insert string after match in variable

I am trying to make some workaround to solve a problem.
We have a gtk+ program that call a bash script who calls rdesktop.
In a machine, we discover that the rdesktop call need on extra parameter...
Since i didnt write anything of this code, and i can modify the GTK part of the problem, i can only edit the bash script that make the middle call between the calls.
i have a variable called CMD with something that look like:
rdesktop -x m -r disk:USBDISK=/media -r disk:user=/home/user/ -r printer:HP_Officejet_Pro_8600 -a 16 -u -p -d -g 80%
i need to "live edit" this line for when the printer parameter exists, it append ="MS Publisher Imagesetter" after the printer name.
The best i accompplish so far is
ladb#luisdesk ~ $ input="rdesktop -x m -r disk:USBDISK=/media -r disk:user=/home/user/ -r printer:HP_Officejet_Pro_8600 -a 16 -u -p -d -g 80%"
ladb#luisdesk ~ $ echo $input | sed s/'printer:.*a /=\"MS Publisher Imagesetter\" '/
Which return me:
rdesktop -x m -r disk:USBDISK=/media -r disk:user=/home/user/ -r ="MS Publisher Imagesetter" 16 -u -p -d -g 80%
Almost this, but i need to append the string, not replace it.
Edit: i pasted incomplete exemples. fixed
With the help of who respond, i end up with
echo "$input" | sed 's/\(printer:\)\([^ ]*\)/\1\2="MS Publisher Imagesetter"/'
If you want the output to look like:
rdesktop -x m -r disk:USBDISK=/media -r disk:user=/home/user/ -r printer:"HP_Officejet_Pro_8600 MS Publisher Imagesetter" -a 16 -u -p -d -g 80%
This sed will do, it matches the printer: part first then the existing printer name and quotes both, if not you can adjust the replacement
variables to put the quotes/spacing where you want:
input="rdesktop -x m -r disk:USBDISK=/media -r disk:user=/home/user/ -r printer:HP_Officejet_Pro_8600 -a 16 -u -p -d -g 80%"
echo "$input" | sed 's/\(printer:\)\([^ ]*\)/\1"\2 MS Publisher Imagesetter"/'
rdesktop -x m -r disk:USBDISK=/media -r disk:user=/home/user/ -r printer:"HP_Officejet_Pro_8600 MS Publisher Imagesetter" -a 16 -u -p -d -g 80%
You can use this:
sed 's/printer:[^=]\+=/\0 "MS Publisher Imagesetter"/' <<< "$input"
The \0 in the replacement pattern outputs the match itself.

how to download weblinks using wget which do not end with .html?

I want to download this webpage using wget in Win7 : http://www.att.com/shop/wireless/devices/smartphones.deviceListView.xhr.flowtype-NEW.deviceGroupType-Cellphone.paymentType-postpaid.packageType-undefined.html?commitmentTerm=24&taxoStyle=SMARTPHONES&showMoreListSize=1000
I am using this command to do this :
wget -E -H -k -K -p -e robots=off -P /Downloads/AT&T_2013-01-29/ http://www.att.com/shop/wireless/devices/smartphones.deviceListView.xhr.flowtype-NEW.deviceGroupType-Cellphone.paymentType-postpaid.packageType-undefined.html?commitmentTerm=24&taxoStyle=SMARTPHONES&showMoreListSize=1000
I am getting taxostyle not defined, commitmentterm not defined or recognizble method error
Add quotes around address
wget -E -H -k -K -p -e robots=off -P "/Downloads/AT&T_2013-01-29/" "http://www.att.com/shop/wireless/devices/smartphones.deviceListView.xhr.flowtype-NEW.deviceGroupType-Cellphone.paymentType-postpaid.packageType-undefined.html?commitmentTerm=24&taxoStyle=SMARTPHONES&showMoreListSize=1000"
& is used as command separator in command window

curl upload command using bash & terminal

when i use bash to upload files to dropbox, it works fine but when i manually use command line it does not work.
I'm thinking it might be the & in the url.. im not sure..
Bash code:
#Note: This option explicitly allows curl to perform "insecure" SSL connections and transfers.
Manual code:
curl --insecure --progress-bar -v -i -o temp2.txt --upload-file temp.txt https://api-content.dropbox.com/1/files_put/dropbox/attachments/temp.txt?oauth_consumer_key=aaaaaaaaaa&oauth_token=aaaaaaaaa&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT&oauth_signature=aaaaaaaaa%26aaaaaaaaaa
curl --insecure --progress-bar -v -i -o temp2.txt --upload-file temp.txt "https://api-content.dropbox.com/1/files_put/dropbox/attachments/temp.txt?oauth_consumer_key=aaaaaaaaaa&oauth_token=aaaaaaaaa&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT&oauth_signature=aaaaaaaaa%26aaaaaaaaaa"
The solution is to add in the inverted commas "
