Condtional editable depend on the value in colModel jqGrid - jqgrid

I am trying to put editable value either true or false depend on the value of the cell in colModel. Is there is any way to do that?
{name:'keywords',index:'keywords', width:150, editable:true,edittype:'select',
editrules:{required: true},
editoptions:{value:{'one':'one','two':'two','three':'three','four':'four'},size:5} },
In this I want to set editable:false if the cellvalue exist else editable:true and editoptions:{value:{'one':'one','two':'two',...} for a particular cell.

The most easy way to implement the requirement would be to use free jqGrid. It's the fork (based on jqGrid 4.7) which I develop currently. Because of such requirements I implemented the feature described in the wiki article. It allows to define editable property as function. So you need just to define the callback from which you returns true or false base on any your custom criteria. The callback editable get many information about the context of execution as properties of the only parameter. The rowid, iRow, iCol and name properties allows you to use getLocalRow or getCell to get contain of any column of the row. So you can enable editing selectively in very simple way.
If you can't upgrade to free jqGrid then you can use old tricks which are specific for the editing mode which you use. I can forward you to the answer which can be used in case of form editing and this one which can be used in case of form editing if you call editRow directly. In case of usage inlineNav or formatter: "actions" there are alternative solutions which you can find also in my old answers.


Pass RowData to Custom_func in Jqgrid

I have a jqgrid with certain columns. I am trying to call a custom_function to validate the cell value.
I am also getting a regular expression from the database into rowData, which I want to use to validate the cell value.
var ret = jQuery("#settingsListGrid").jqGrid('getRowData', id);
cm.editrules = {
required: true,
custom: true,
custom_func: ValidateData,
So I need to pass rowData to a custom function.
ValidateData = function (value, colname, customValue) {
return customValue.test(value) ?
[true] :
[false, "Invalid Data"];
I want to pass the rowData using customValue
Please help?
The answer depend on the fork of jqGrid, which you use. I understand the problem which you wrote, but one have to change the code of jqGrid (the implementation of custom validation) to implement the requirement.
I develop free jqGrid fork of jqGrid after Tony Tomov changed the license agreement of jqGrid, renamed his product in version 4.7.1 to Guriddo jqGrid JS (see the post) and made it commercial (see the prices here). After starting the development based on the last free 4.7 version I made a lot of changes and improvements in the code and have implemented many new features. The feature which you need is implemented starting with version 4.12.1 (see here). Thus you can easy solve your problem after updating to the current free jqGrid 4.13.2.
The new feature works as following:
editrules: {
required: true,
custom: ValidateData,
custom_value: ret.RegX
It's important that one should specify the custom validation function as the value of custom property instead of usage custom_func. It allows free jqGrid to hold compatibility to old versions (via custom: true and custom_func), but providing new parameters of the validation callback via function as the value of custom property.
The new style ValidateData will look like
var ValidateData = function (options) {
return customValue.test(options.newValue) ?
[true] :
[false, "Invalid Data"];
with only one options parameter, which have many properties which you could use. Such style allows to provide many helpful information without the requirement to have a lot of unneeded parameters. Moreover the style of callback options allows to extend the options object in the future versions without breaking compatibility to previous versions.
The options parameter have the following properties
newValue - the current (modified) value which need be validated
oldValue - the previous value (the old value) of the cell before the modification
cmName - the column name. It could be practical if you use one callback function in many columns and you want to implement a little different behavior for different columns. It could be additionally helpful for producing readable error message in case of validation error.
iCol - the index in the current colModel which corresponds the column (the column cmName)
cm - the element of colModel, which represent the currently validating column.
rowid - the rowid of the current editing row. One can use getLocalRow for example to get the content of other columns before editing. It's important to remark that getLocalRow works only in case of usage datatype: "local" or loadonce: true. The method getRowData or getCell can be safe used to get data in form editing mode or to access the data, which are not currently editing (in cell or inline editing mode).
iRow - numeric index of the current editing row from the top of the grid (from the top of HTML <table>)
oldRowData - will be set only in case of usage inline editing or cell editing. It's not defined in form editing mode. It represent the values
mode - shows which editing mode is used now. It can be "addForm", "editForm" (in case of usage form editing), "cell" (cell editing), "add" or "edit" (inline editing). In some other callback function the property could have two other values: "filter" (field from the filter toolbar) or "search" (for validation of the field of the searching dialog)
tr and td - the DOM elements of the row and cell of the grid which will be edited using form editing mode. The properties will be set only in case of form editing.
I hope that the large set of properties of options parameter allows you easy implement your requirements on any custom validation.

CheckBox as jqGrid Filter

Is there any chance to use CheckBox as jqGrid Filter?
Assuming, that i have field with values only 0 and 1.
If checkbox will be checked then filtred value will be 1, no filtering.
The reason, why one don't use checkboxes in the filter toolbar, is very simple: one need 3-state checkbox: checked, unchecked and not-defined:
"checked" state means filtering by checked (1 value in your case)
"unchecked" state means filtering by unchecked (0 value in your case)
"not-defined" state means no filtering by the column
Because of that one use mostly the property like
stype: "select", searchoptions: { sopt: ["eq", "ne"], value: ":Any;1:Yes;0:No" }
to have drop-down select element in the filter toolbar. The texts "Any", "Yes" and "No", like the values 1 and 0 can be changed to another values depend on your requirements.
UPDATED: jqGrid allows to to create custom searching interface by usage stype: "custom" and implementing custom_element and custom_value callbacks of of searchoptions See the old answer and the Searching Dialog. I would still don't recommend you to do this, because it makes things more complex without any real benefit for the user. I'm sure that some users will ask you for filtering about non-checked state: the more users the more different opinions. Select is the standard interface which know everybody and everybody understand it's meaning in the same way.
I modified the old demo to the following which demonstrates the possibility of stype: "custom" in the searching toolbar. After the click on the custom control of the filter toolbar one will see the picture like below:
I used in the demo of cause free jqGrid fork of jqGrid - the fork, which I develop staring with the end of 2014.

JQGrid-Trirand. How to Edit Fields?

I have one page where i have bind data by using JqGrid, but My requirement is In editing one row of a grid, the editable fields must NOT BE builtin fields( builtin textboxs) i want to bind that to other textboxes, check boxes which are outside grid. The data which i want to edit must be supplied to other input controls other than jqgrid builtin input controls, Finally IS THIS POSSIBLE???
Hope iam clear with my question.
Please do help me in reply saying either YES or NO or How, and why.
I am not sure that I understand correctly what you mean, but it seems that you should just use form editing mode. To activate it on the client side you should just add editable: true property to all columns which are editable or use the option cmTemplate: {editable: true} which makes default value of editable for all columns as true. After it you can for example use navGrid to add Add, Edit and Delete buttons in the pager. The functionality on the client side will be ready after that. Now you have to implement editing part in the server code only. If you use commercial version of jqGrid like jqSuite you should address to the documentation or demos for more details.
try this
Try this
<ClientSideEvents BeforeEditDialogShown="beforeEdit"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function beforeEdit(rowID) {
var grid = jQuery("#<%= JQGrid1.ClientID %>");
lastSelectedRow = grid.getGridParam("selrow");

Does jqgrid have some functionality to use multiselect in toolbar search?

I need to make toolbar search with select filter, that give ability to chose several items for one column. Is it possible to do this in jqgrid?
No, it is not possible in the current version of jqGrid.
The option multiple: true can be used in editoptions and it change the behavior of the form editing or the inline editing, but it will be ignored in the toolbar search.

jqGrid onselectrow

I'm using a jqGrid, and it gets populated fine. From the UI perspective, one of the columns in the jqGrid is editable. How can I make one of the columns as editable (say like a text box)?
The reason is, in my case when the grid successfully loads, the UI is going to show one of the column's values as editable.
If you're looking to edit the column values directly in the grid, similarly to how you might in Excel, look into the inline editing API:[]=inline
In colmodel, you have to specify editable: true.Provide edit action link in editURL:... option of jqgrid.
you have to get the "id" of that column and then remove 'disabled' attribute on that.
for example -
In your colmodel you should specify editable as true i.e, editable:true and specify the editUrl:'localhost:8080/yourApp'
Also if you want to store it in the client side, then specify it as editUrl:'clientArray'
