Cocos2d-X V-3.6, WP8.1 Resources duplication issue in VisualStudio 2013 - c++11

I have added "hd" and "sd" graphics support in my game, it works fine on Android and IOS, but when i build it for WP8.1, it gives the following error:
Error 14 error APPX1101: Payload contains two or more files with the same destination path 'test_image.png'. Source files:
If I add only a single file i.e either its in "sd" or "hd" directory, it runs fine. but i need both to support various screen sizes

Ok i got this sorted out.
Actually you dont need to add those folders & files into visual studio too.
I am not adding those files into visual studio, just building direct and its working fine now


Xamarin Forms Previewer not working in Visual Studio for Mac. Giving error message: The base class associated with this XAML file could not be found

I'm running Visual Studio for Mac and for quite some time all of my xaml files are not showing anything in the previewer and are giving the following message: "The base class associated with this XAML file could not be found. Please double check the class referenced in the 'Class' attribute exists and that the project has been compiled"
Of course I've checked that it does exist and everything compiles successfully. This has been going on for some time in this project in all xaml files even though it runs just fine in the simulator and on devices.
How do you fix this? Here's a screenshot:
I had the same problem.
Since there is no compilation error. Just run the app, check if all the pages you added are working fine and then close app.
Now Rebuild the solution and the design error will be gone.
I don't know why but it worked for me. Hope this helps!
This is the bug exist in Xamrain.Forms Previewer in Visual Studio 15.5 onwards. This issue has already been filed by me on VS developer community.
There is solution like cleaning, rebuilding and deleting obj & bin folder of android project. Best option is to use VS2019.
I had this problem fairly recently in a new project. Something was crashing in my code when using the designer (worked fine at runtime on device and simulator). As the exception wasn't going away, I deleted the bin and obj directories throughout the project, and restarted Visual Studio.
Then, the exception went away, but this exact problem occurred: base class associated with the XAML not found.
I rebuilt, restarted, did all that, it just wouldn't go away.
That was until I built the iOS project for the device (not the simulator). The key to this was looking in the log file (~/Library/Logs/VisualStudio/7.0/iOSDesigner.TIMESTAMP.log), where there was this line:
[2019-02-19 14:49:52.0] INFO: These assembly will not be uploaded as they cannot be found on disk:
[2019-02-19 14:49:52.0] INFO: /Users/***/src/my-app/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/my-app.dll
Debug is the device build, not the simulator.
After I rebuilt the device build ("generic device" was fine), suddenly the XAML previewer started to work again.
It would seem that the previewer uses a mix between device and simulator builds, and the text editor itself to update the preview. How.. weird.

Could not load UI satellite dll 'FileTracker32UI.dll'

I've run in to an issue where I can't build a freshly created C++/CLI Class Library project in Visual Studio:
Even though I haven't made any changes I get an error when I try to compile:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Could not load UI satellite dll 'FileTracker32UI.dll'. Make
sure it exists in an LCID subdirectory of 'C:\Program Files
(x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\'. TestProject c:\Users\abcde\documents\visual
studio 2015\Projects\TestProject\TestProject\FileTracker 1
I've created C++/CLI Class Library projects in the past on the same computer using Visual Studio 2015 without encountering this problem. Any idea what has gone wrong?
I ran into this strange issue today without making any code change. I suspect it appeared due to overnight windows update.
In my case , I copied the two files FileTracker32UI.dll and FileTracker64UI.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\15.0\FileTracker\3082\
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\3082\
and it worked. My visual studio version is
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015
Version 14.0.25123.00 Update 2
I am hoping the info helps someone.
I had the exactly same problem, after some windows update by my IT.
According to the information (, I renamed the file "FileTrackerUI.dll" to "FileTracker32UI.dll" in the latest LCID folder (latest numbered folder in same location)
Then, it worked at my PC.
Good luck
In my case it was a path issue. Using another directory (shorter path without special characters) solved the problem

Visual Studio for Mac throwing MTOUCH MT0008 error "You should provide one root assembly only"

Recently upgraded from Xamarin Studio to Visual Studio for Mac. Trying to build an existing iOS project I'm receiving the following build error:
/Projects/ACME Networks/Alpha Xamarin/iOS/MTOUCH: Error MT0008: You should provide one root assembly only, found 3 assemblies: 'Networks/Alpha', 'Xamarin/iOS/obj/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/device-builds/iphone9.1-10.3/Entitlements.xcent/', '/Projects/ACME Networks/Alpha Xamarin/iOS/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/MyNetApp.iOS.exe' (MT0008) (App)
It appears to me that something in the IDE is getting confused because the path to the solution includes folders that have spaces in them, "ACME Networks" and "Alpha Xamarin".
I've got no clue how to fix this. Tried cleaning and rebuilding.
Usually this problem means that you have spaces in the directory names of your project.
Visual Studio for Windows allow us to create projects with spaces in the directory names, but Xamarin or Visual Studio for Mac doesn't. When you copy a project from Windows to Mac, it should work right away as they say. But it doesn't, and this is one of the problems.
You can change the spaces to a different character like "_" or "-" or just remove the spaces.
Be sure to edit yourproject.sln file lines pointing to your .csproj files to the new path and you should be good.

error MSB3541 when deploying a Windows UWP cross platform application

Recently I created a sample Xamarin cross platform application using Visual Studio 2017. The Android project under this solution runs and it is debugged without any error, but the Windows UWP project solution, previously needs to be build and deployed in order to debug it. There is an MSB3541 error when trying to deploy UWP project.
This is the detailed error:
Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(4686,5): error MSB3541: Files has invalid value "obj\x86\Debug\DebtAppXamarin.UWP.c_.users.dafpc.documents.visual_studio_2017.Projects.DebtAppXamarin.DebtAppXamarin.DebtAppXamarin.Views.ItemDetailPage.xaml.g.cs". The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
The specified file ...ItemDetailPage.xaml.g.cs actually does not exist in the directory ...DebtAppXamarin.UWP\obj\x86\Debug\.
I have tried to clean and rebuild solution but the same problem is again.
Also I have created the same new project but the same error is present.
Is there any problem when naming project files in obj directory , or the error might be somewhere else?
I could not find a solution for my current project even by reinstalling Xamarin Forms or updating VS 2017. What I did is that I created a new cross platform project using Xamarin Forms , but this time I choose a different code sharing strategy like Portable Class Library (not a shared project), after setting up project template details the application was running smoothly, without any build errors or warnings.

The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b) when copying from one project to another

I'm using MS Visual studio 2010 and openCV 2.4.8.
I get the following error when I execute some project.
Suppose I have a solution which contains only 1 project. That was built by me.
And, I have one other solution created by someone else and there are 2 projects in it. Out of the 2 projects created by that person I chose one and I copied the required header files, cpp files, DLLS and everything and put them in my project.
Then I get the above error.
Both the projects works fine when executed separately. Have I made a mistake in copying ? Or else, is there something else behind this ?
to solve this problem you should copy the DLL files from the direction of opencv like C:\opencv\build\x64\vc12\bin to the debug or release file in the project files
The problem is due to 32/64-bit mismatches of various system dlls required by Visual studio. Somehow the dlls it needs got replaced by 64-bit versions that it couldn’t load.
Replacing the dlls mentioned below from a machine that is working, solves the problem:
The Application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application" when starting Visual Studio 2010
I've found another solution of this issue. In VS window you can just change the machine type from default 'Win32' to 64-bit (default 'x64').
