(WindowsIoT) Visual Studio 2015 RC Cannot find connection on Subnet - windows

In Visual Studio 2015 RC, When trying to remote connect to another machine for remote diagnostics ( or to deploy an app to a Raspberry Pi ), Whilst searching for Remote connections it fails and returns with "Found 0 Connections on my subnet" even though there are 2 devices currently visible to the IoT Core Watcher.
If we ignore this and set the IP of the machine and build -> Deploy, It will fail and bring an error up of
Error : DEP2100 : Cannot copy the file "FILENAME" to the target machine "IP / Name".
Attached is a screenshot of our problems.
Visual Studio Failing to find devices and IoT Core found 2

Reason for the error: Ethernet was connected to Router not Host PC.
Connecting to Host PC and enabling network sharing works.

The search is not currently working.
Deploying an application by manually providing the IP address is working though. I reviewed the screen shot that you attached. I don't understand why you have entered an address of when the device is at Is this a typo? Everything else looks ok.
Mark Radbourne (MSFT)


How to deploy a UWP to a Galaxy TabPro S with windows 10 OS?

I'm trying to deploy a UWP app from my Alienware 18, Laptop with Windows 10, version 1803 to a Tablet Galaxy TabPro S with Windows 10 version 1803 as well.
I had activated developer mode on the device target and the USB device discovery option as well.
First I tried connecting a USB Cable from my laptop to the tablet which has a USB-C port.
But My laptop doesn't even find it.
What I want is to find a way to deploy a UWP from my laptop to the tablet, I made some research and I found out that, only HoloLens and Windows Phone 10, are findable using USB Connection.
So what step should I follow to successfully remote debug my app to a windows 10 Tablet.
I would appreciate details because I tried to follow remote deploying but I haven't been able to successfully find the tablet.
The Windows 10 on your tablet, just like on your development machine, supports remotely debugging over the network rather than over USB. Make sure both machines are in developer mode, with the other machine also having Device Discovery turned on as described here. Both should connect to your WiFi as a private network. After that it should be as simple as configuring your project to deploy to the other machine, rather than locally, as described here and here. Don't forget to pair them with a PIN.
If you host a web API on your development machine, configure your firewall as described here.
Use remote debugging over at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/debugger/remote-debugging?view=vs-2017
Make sure you follow the instructions, sometimes remote debugging is barred by firewall so check that.
Alternative right click your main project, go to store then click create packages for sideloading and then send the package over at your Samsung device.
So what step should I follow to successfully remote debug my app to a windows 10 Tablet.
To run a UWP app on a remote machine, you must attach to it using the Remote Tools for Visual Studio.
In some scenarios, the remote tools are automatically installed when you deploy to a remote device. For example,
For Windows 10 PCs running Creators Update and later versions, remote tools will be installed automatically.
Then, your remote device and the Visual Studio computer must be connected over a network or connected directly through a USB or Ethernet cable. Debugging over the internet is not supported.
After that, you need to configure the Visual Studio project for remote debugging. In the properties of the project, select the Debug and choose the Remote Machine from the Target Device list. In general, I will input the remote machine's IP address, you could choose Find to choose the device from the Select Remote Debugger Connection dialog box.
Next step, please move to your Tablet, you need to Set up the remote debugger. You must have administrative permissions on the remote computer. Then, open the Start menu and search for Remote Debugger. If you could find it, just start it normally. If you cannot find it, you need to install it Remote Tools manually. See this link to Download and Install the remote tools. Once the Remote Debugger started, you could do some configurations. After that, you could choose Start Debugging on the Debug menu (Keyboard: F5). The project is recompiled, then deployed to and started on the remote device. Please read Run UWP apps on a remote machine in Visual Studio for more information.

Resolving Host in remotebuild on Visual Studio

Went to Tools --> Options --> Tools for Apache Cordova --> iOS Configuration in Visual Studio on my Windows machine.
On my Mac Machine I ran remotebuild certificates generate and got back:
Enable remote iOS processing: True
Host: hostname
Port: 3000
Secure mode: True
Security PIN: 000000
(I replaced host and pin such that this question may be useful to others in the future).
In Visual Studio on my Windows machine I filled in my hostname, secure mode, pin, etc according to the remotebuild certificates above. I have also tried replacing hostname with my mac IP address.
I am getting the message The host hostname could not be resolved. However, when I go to my Mac machine and do localhost:3000 I get a page saying
Remote build Express server open for business on port 3000
and on my terminal, the server responds with GET / 304 2.185 ms - -, so I know the server is active. What is the solution to fixing this on the Visual Studio side?
I found the solution : turns out my computers were on two different WiFi networks..

What port does Visual Studio use to deploy an app to Windows 10 IoT

When a device is on a remote location (so not within the local network), how can I deploy an application to the Windows 10 IoT device from within Visual Studio? What ports need to be forwarded in the router. And second, (quiet important actually) how would the authentication work? When Windows Authentication is selected, does it use the current windows user? I would expect to be able to provide credentials that are set from within the web dashboard of Windows 10 IoT.
The port used to deploy an application by Visual Studio 2015 is 4020 assigned by default. You can set a different port number of you like in Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor. Also, you can choose permissions to add or remove users that have permission for remote debugging.
For Windows IoT device you can select your device in IoT Dashboard and right click and select "Open in Device Portal". Then you can enter credential information.
In Debugging of Device Portal, you can start Visual Studio Remote Debugger if "msvsmon.exe" is not in Live process dumps list.
After that, you can deploy your app within Visual Studio using "<your device ip address>:<port>" as remote machine name. You can find "port" number after starting Visual Studio Remote Debugger like this:
You will be request to enter remote debugging PIN after deploying. This PIN you can edit in Home page of Device Portal like this:
More information about credentials processes in Windows Authentication you can reference here.

How to deploy and debug wdk 8 kernel mode driver

I’m trying to set up automatic driver deployment and debugging to test a win 8.1 driver from Visual Studio 2013.
Host machine:
Win 7
Target Machine:
Win 8.1
My host machine is set up with 2 network cards, 1 which connects to the corporate network and one spare. The target machine also has a network adapter.
My question is: is it possible to set up automatic deployment and debugging of drivers in Visual studio 2013 by connecting the host and target via a LAN whilst still being connected to the corporate domain and if not, is there a way of debugging wdk drivers on a target pc outside of visual studio, maybe via another application?
The documentation I found here only makes it seem possible by connecting to the same domain name or workgroup.
link to documentation
Many Thanks
Yes you can set up automatic deployment of the driver as well as getting visual studio to do the provisioning of the target pc over a local network as well as being connected to a corporate domain.
Admin rights are needed on the target
An extra ethernet card is needed in the host
All networks connections on the target are open with printer and file sharing options enabled
The ip and name of the target are listed in system32/etc/host in the host PC
A switch is needed and DHCP setting are enable with automatic IP
A good place to start:
Basically, this was a nightmare and started dropping its connection. I reverted back to using WinDBG using:
custom scripts to copy everything over to USB
devcon to automactially load the driver
WinDBG to autoload appropriate settings on startup and load source files in to debug

Visual Studio 2010 Remote Debug across domains

I'm trying to set up remote debugging across domains. My Windows 7 workstation running Visual Studio 2010 is on one domain and I'm trying to debug an ASP.NET app running in IIS 7 on a Widows 2003 server box in another domain. I have found many instructions on how to set this up, this being the best, most clearly written one: http://blogs.interknowlogy.com/2011/11/16/remote-debugging-from-visual-studio-2010/
However, I can only seem to connect to the remote debugging monitor on the server if Visual Studio is being run as the local user on my workstation, not as the domain user. This creates a number of challenges, such as loss of source control connectivity. When I try to connect using the domain user I get the following error: "Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visaul Studio Remote Debugging Monitor named 'username#servername'. The specified account does not exist." (I have substituted a generic username#servername for the actual values)
I have found a number of sources suggesting this will work with the domain user running VS2010 but have had no luck. Any idea what I might be missing?
First, i've read #KyleMit's answer on the same question and done all steps.
But, for across domain debugging also need to edit C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file on local computer.
Just add remote computer's ip address like this: SRV-TEST-ADRESS
Where: - ip address of your remote server
SRV-TEST-ADRESS - Server's name from Visual Studio Remote Debugger
Monitor on remote computer
You can know your server's ip address by ipconfig in cmd
After that, i could attach to proccess on remote computer across domain.
