CRM 2013 : Closed activities navigation missing for system entities - dynamics-crm

I have a problem with my CRM 2013.
In custom activities, when I open the navigation, I can see both "activities" and "Closed Activities". But if I look in Contact, Account or Lead, I only have "Activities" and the "Closed Activities" is missing.
I think this is not related to my organization since I checked with others and it's the same.
I tried to export the contact entity with one custom entity and I opened customization.xml : The NavBarByRelationshipItem is present in contact (but not in the custom entity where it works...weird...) and it looks totally valid:
<NavBarByRelationshipItem RelationshipName="Contact_ActivityPointers" Id="navActivityHistory" TitleResourceId="Tab_Label_History" Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_history.gif" ViewId="21E2B905-6FDB-470d-8517-AD69B4C01268" Sequence="21" Area="Info">
<Privilege Entity="" Privilege="ReadActivity" />
<Title LCID="1033" Text="Closed Activities" />
Users really want this and I really don't understand why I can't find any info on this problem.
Thanks a lot!

Create a new Form for the entity (i.e. Contact) and publish it. Open a new Contact record using the new Form. If you see that the new Form shows the Closed Activities navigation menu, then download the customization of Contact and compare the FormXml of the original Form and the new Form.


MAPI showing details of contacts

We are currently using MAPI to load contact information into a form.
Within a MapiSession we are creating a RDOAddressEntry "recepient" with this bit of code
using (MapiSession session = new MapiSession())
//open outlook contact dialog
RDOAddressEntry recipient = session.GetAddressEntryFromID(contact.EntryId);
if (recipient.Type == null)
throw new ArgumentException("type not defined");
Our problem seems to be that the dialog that opens with the last line of code creates two different dialogs. One for exchange contacts and another one for SMTP contacts.
In the last version of our application it was always opening the same dialog for both RDOAddressEntry-types and we did NOT change anything in our code...
Can you help me fix this issue so that both SMTP and exchange will bring the same dialogs again?
I am not sure why you were getting the same dialog for both before - the dialog is actually provided by the particular address book provider, so it will be different for the entries from different providers.

Connections entity - Audit menu missing

We have migrated a CRM 2011 successfully to Dynamics 365, Version 9.
We have determined that the audit history for connections is not present in the UI.
Is it because the connection form is still in CRM 2011 style (out-of-the-box)? If so, where do you find the connection audit history?
Auditing is enabled in CRM, on the connection entity and also some fields are configured for auditing.
I would assume this is expected behavior & working as per design in various CRM versions.
Connection entity Form editor showing left navigation with "Audit History" menu.
Actual Connection form rendering is not showing the left navigation. I remember this was the case with CRM 2011 form also.
If you want to show the "Audit history" explicitly, you can always go for some unsupported solution like discussed here.
Keep an iframe & point the url something like this: (Obviously you have to script to parameterize it) History&oId={3877A32E-EA20-E911-A952-000D3A34E213}&oType=3234&pagemode=iframe&rof=true&security=852023&tabSet=areaAudit&theme=Outlook15White
Code from the above UG discussion link:
function buildIframeSource() {
var url = window.parent.Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl();
var recordId ="{", "").replace("}", "");
var element = document.getElementById("areaAuditFrame");
element.src = url + "/userdefined/areas.aspx?formid=52078acf-77c4-4e18-86b8-ebffcafc0698&inlineEdit=1&navItemName=Audit%20History&oId=%7b" + recordId + "%7d&oType=10270&pagemode=iframe&rof=true&security=852023&tabSet=areaAudit&theme=Outlook15White";

Dynamics 365 Get Guid Button

Does anyone know of a managed solution to import into Dynamics 365 that adds functionality for a custom button to copy the Guid of any entity to your clipboard?
In a previous environment we used this one
Of course this can't be imported into the newer Dynamics 365.
I know how to parse out the Guid from the URL, but the button to autocopy it to the clipboard was amazing.
The Chrome Extension Level Up has button for Record Id, or you can use the bookmarklet code. Just add the below code to a bookmark in your browser:
//get record id
javascript: (function () { var form = $("iframe").filter(function () { return $(this).css("visibility") == "visible" })[0].contentWindow; window.prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter",, -1)) })();
Try Level Up for Dynamics 365 Chrome Extension, it provides a great variaty of common JScript actions and shortcuts to help with extensibility, diagnostics and administration
if what you need is to pulish an option to your user to get the GUID of a record and prevent the execution of other JS logic such as display all hidden attributes, then you will have to create a ribbon button and execute JS logic contained in a webresource, to make it compatible with CRM v9 and forward, past the execution context to your function (PrimaryControl) and call the native Xrm function executionContext.getFormContext().data.entity.getId()
Another extremely useful Chrome called Dynamics Power Pane. Use it together with Level Up for Dynamics 365 will be very powerful.

Sharepoint Designer says: "The list of workflow actions on the server references an assembly that does not exist"

I successfully deploy my custom Action to the list of Actions available for use in my SharePoint Designer, but when opening an existing workflow, or creating a new one in the Designer, I get the message (and of course my custom action is not on the list of actions)
The list of workflow actions on the server references an assembly that
does not exist. Some actions will not be available. The assembly
strong name is {Actual Assembly strong name}. Contact your server
administrator for more information.
I checked the Strong Assembly name, Global Assembly Cache, package options, .ACTIONS file, web.config... Everything seems ok. Any new Ideas?
I am assuming the custom action is a farm deployed activity, which inherits from System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Activity (perhaps using subclass SequenceActivity, but really that doesn't matter)
I'm guessing that you haven't created the required ACTIONS file, which gets deployed to TEMPLATE\1033\Workflow
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Actions Sequential="then" Parallel="and">
<Action Name="Description for SP Designer"
Category="SPD category"
<RuleDesigner Sentence="Line as it appears in SPD workflow" />
<Parameter Name="__ActivationProperties" Type="Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowActivationProperties, Microsoft.SharePoint" Direction="In" />
SPD reads the list of activities from the ACTIONS files. Adding the file will get it into the menu. To actually add it to the workflow, you also need to authorize the custom workflow activity by class name.
To add the authorized type, I use a feature receiver with the following spwebmodification:
private SPWebConfigModification CreateWebConfigModification(string assembly, string assemblyNamespace)
return new SPWebConfigModification()
Type = (SPWebConfigModification.SPWebConfigModificationType)0,
Name = String.Format("authorizedType[#Assembly='{0}'][#Namespace='{1}'][#TypeName='*'][#Authorized='True']", (object)assembly, (object)assemblyNamespace),
Path = "configuration/System.Workflow.ComponentModel.WorkflowCompiler/authorizedTypes",
Owner = assemblyNamespace,
Sequence = 0U,
Value = String.Format("<authorizedType Assembly='{0}' Namespace='{1}' TypeName='*' Authorized='True' />", (object)assembly, (object)assemblyNamespace)
this will generate an SPWebConfigModification which can be used during install/uninstall.
Check you local admin privleges. This error comes up if you don't have local priveleges
create a new web and site collection and create a new a new workflow for the new site. you'll get the error message. don't save the work flow. and close the SPD.
reopen the designer and create a new work flow it'll solve the problem.

How to display custom Entity under 'Extensions' tab on workplace?

I have created a new custom entity called Sports Leagues.
Now i am wondering how to display/ accessible this under 'Extensions' tab on workplace?
On the screen where you customize the new entity there's a section on the General tab called 'Areas that display this entity' - check the 'Workplace' checkbox.
Export Site Map, look for Area with Id="Workplace". Look for the Extensions group, or add:
<Group Id="Extensions" ResourceId="Group_Extensions">
<SubArea Id="sportsleagues" Entity="new_sportsleagues" />
Import the SiteMap back into the system. (Settings then Customization)
did you remember to publish the new entity? ticking the workplace box and publishing the entity should be all you need to do.
