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How to add image icon to title bar and hide bottom bar in Compact Framework.?
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have my own custom keyboard. So I don't want this bottom bar to be present on my screen. PFA. How to disable the default keyboard..
I have seen the same question using the same screen shot last week.
You need to set the form's main menu to null then there will be no menu bar with a SIP symbol inside.
DUPLICATE with How to add image icon to title bar and hide bottom bar in Compact Framework.?
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Xamarin.Forms - Change StatusBar Color
(10 answers)
Closed last year.
I have seen many app they have a background image that goes up to the very top of the phone. I've been trying to achieve that on my xamarine project, but still not working. The navigation bar is still show the blue background color ..etc
How can I change the background of the navigation bar and also the very top bar which has the time and battery and wifi? I would like to change whole background color of the app.
Set the code below in OnCreate method of MainActivity:
Add the values into Info.plist(right click the file to view code).
Or you could double click the file to select the Hide status bar.
The System Preferences app feature a combined title bar and toolbar with vertically centered buttons and the title. I am trying to mimic this exactly in my app. I have been able to combine the title bar and toolbar using Interface Builder (on the NSWindow check Title Bar and Unified Title and Toolbar), but this does not center the content vertically. I discovered via this question you can simply set the window's titleVisibility to NSWindowTitleHidden which will vertically center the stoplight buttons. Unfortunately this of course hides the title. How can one vertically center content in the unified titlebar/toolbar and also show the window's title just like System Preferences - either in IB or programmatically?
I ended up setting titleVisibility to NSWindowTitleHidden and manually created an NSView that contains an NSTextField that mimics the standard title appearance, providing that to the window's addTitlebarAccessoryViewController method. Still would like to find a better solution to use the default title appearance, if possible.
I used WAYAppStoreWindow on GitHub to do this. I created a fork of the WAYWindow subproject to vertically centre the document title since this wasn't supported. This means any applied themes/appearances are honoured.
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Cocoa - Capturing NSStatusItem mouse hover event
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
I've successfully added a NSStatusItem to the menu bar, showing an regular NSMenu.
Is it possible to capture a hover event on this and in that case, display a different menu?
You need to create a new custom view, override method [NSView mouseEntered:] with [NSView addTrackingRect:...] and then set to the status item [NSStatusItem setView:]
Safari on iPad has this bar at the top (it isn't called "toolbar" on iOS, right?), with some icons and input are for searching.
How to put such buttons and input field into Navigation Bar? Is it even a Navigation Bar? From what I read a Navigation Bar has one button on the left, another one on the right and one Label in the middle. But how to create something like that "top" bar from Safari?
If I'm in XCode 4.0 and choose "View-based app", should I then set in the ViewController > Simulated Metrics > Top Bar > Navigation bar? And how to add buttons to it?
Sorry for the confusion - I don't know if the proper way is to add to a Navigation Bar. I'm just asking for a general overview how such "top "bar" is made. What kind of View do such items belong under?
You probably don't want to use a navigation bar. They are very limited in what controls you can put in them. Try using a UIToolbar instead.
I think you may be looking for the UISearchBar
UISearchBar Sample Code
In the interface builder you should be able to just drag and drop objects onto the navigation bar, as for the little icons, those are just buttons with no border and images. Those images are preloaded in the iOS SDK, so you won't have to make them, but if you want your own then you can make them yourself.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am coding up a Windows Phone 7 app and as large as my screen is, I'd like to separate the designer from the XAML coding window and throw it onto another screen.
I'm not sure if this is what you want but if you double click on the "XAML" or "Design" tabs in-between the two panes it will maximize that tab and you can then use the tabs to switch back and forth between design view and XAML view.
Hope this helps
Edit: If you want to go back to split pane view there are three very small icons at the bottom right and you can click one of those to either split vertically or horizontally. The one with the double arrows will also let you switch back and forth between single and split pane views.
Edit: I found this on MSDN which makes it seem that they had the split view so that
...if you drag a control from the
Toolbox to Design view, the XAML is
immediately updated to reflect the new
element. Likewise, if a new element is
added by typing the markup in XAML
view, the visual representation will
appear in Design view immediately,
once the XAML is correctly formed.
Edit 3: Looks like someone found an answer before. You may want to try this:
Separating designer from XAML window for WPF in VS2010