Email Alert for Inserting/updating/removing files inside folder in windows7 - windows

i have above mentioned case happen at our company, they need to know under certain folder whether its shared or not if any files inserted or removed or update to send alert by email periodically for that action, any thought an ideas please

You can fairly easily create an application in C# that monitors a folder using the FileSystemMonitor class:
With that you can then have it perform whatever actions you want.


Power Automate: Send eMail mit Sharepoint attachement

I have a problem creating a flow. All files for the flow are in a sharepoint. In an Excel list, I call up various information such as name, surname, e-mail and also the file name of the e-mail attachment. The e-mail attachment is also stored on the Sharepoint in a different underlying folder. How do I include the attachment in the flow?
The whole flow works fine. However, when I let the attach file be selected dynamically like,
the flow runs into an error:
Without a dynamic attachment (hard coded) it runs through without error:
Here the eMail result - hard coded attachement:
Any idea how to select the attachment dynamicaly?
Thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards
You'll want to use this specific action ...
... there are two and the one I have shown is the one you'll need to use.

Trigger event for new file in Netsuite File Cabinet

I'm new to SuiteScript. Is it possible for SuiteScript 2.0 to create a trigger to start some funcionality as soon as a new file is uploaded to a particular folder in Netsuite's File Cabinet (by web services or manually by drag and drop zone)?
Thanks in advance for helping me out.
I do not see that a server side User Event script can fire for the File object like it can for so many other objects. It is not listed in the "Applies To" field for a script's Deployment record.
Additionally, Workflows have a similar field called "Record Type", and it is not listed there, either.
If you are creating File objects via SuiteTalk, you can execute logic after the "add" method is executed synchronously, or you can call a RESTLet if you would like to execute logic server-side in NetSuite.

Call services from workflow

I am trying to set up a workflow were the content item is either deleted or moved to another folder, if rejected. No wfFunctions seems to be able to do this, only thing related to deleting content is the services, specifically the DELETE_DOC service. But i can't seem to figure out how to call it from the workflow step.
Related question: I have tried to wfUpdateMetaData on the xCollectionID, with no result. Is there a metadata/path i can change to move the file.
Thank you in advance
You should be able to move the item by updating the folder. Note that wfUpdateMetaData will only update the latest revision.
Some additional reading:

TFS Alert when label is created

Can I configure an alert when a TFS Label is created ? I don't find that option in the current predefined alerts. These are the ones I found:
And I want when a label is created:
Send an email notification.
No, this is not possible using the standard Alert features.
I created my own solution! I don't know how much access you have to your on-premise TFS instance, but you need to be able to execute t-sql scripts against the TFS mssql database. My solution is here:
And when anyone creates a TFSVC label I get an email alert that looks like this:
Basically, I created a database trigger to populate a table. I query that table and send an email out, then mark the label as sent. I also have a trigger to delete form that table just in case the label gets deleted. I wrote the service in .NET Core just in case anyone wants to convert it to run within a container. Let me know if this helps or not.

How To Write Your Own FTP Uploader with Automator

Is it possible to write your own application/command that will allow you to automatically upload your files to your ftp server?
Basically the flow I want to achieve is this
My app/action/whatever is scheduled to upload at a certain time
When the certain time arrives, the files in my specified folder will be uploaded
Of course, to upload, some data must be set like the username, password, ftp server etc...
After my files have been uploaded, the local files will be wiped-out.
I don't exactly know where to start. Can someone help me with this. Thank you.
Take a look at It comes with the source code so you can modify it to fit your needs. You can combine it with an Automator action to delete the files after upload.
To schedule it,
