Meteor Shell overwriting previous input - windows

Typing approximately 60 characters causes the cursor to jump back to the start of the same line, overwriting previously input text...
Tested in both ComEmu & default Command Line using Windows 7 64-bit so appears to be a Meteor issue
Is there something I can do to fix this?

This has nothing to do with meteor shell. This is caused by your terminal. You can just keep typing and meteor shell will still execute the right command (as you typed it, not as you see it) when you hit enter.
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Repeat last command windows terminal

On the Windows Terminal, is there a way to repeat the last command by starting character, similar to the feature on a Unix Terminal?
For example, if I type the command cd .. then laster type !cd on a Unix Terminal, it will do the command cd .. again. However, I can't find this feature on the Windows Terminal.
EDIT: Here is the terminal I am using (as installed by Windows, no specific configurations):
EDIT: I am aware that pressing the up/down arrow can navigate the history of commands, but I am in a situation where I use a multitude of different commands and use the arrow keys every time can be tedious. Accessing last command by starting letter will be a lot more useful, similar to the ! command on Unix mentioned above.
Two Solutions
Ctrl + r, then type initial letter(s)
type initial letter(s), then F8
If you are using PowerShell or Bash on your Windows Terminal, you can use a feature called Reverse Search. This will go through your history backwards and show you the recently used command based on the starting characters.
In order to activate reverse search, press Ctrl + R on the terminal and type out the initial characters and watch the recent command appear.
Bonus tip: You can press Ctrl + R further to show next recent command
Note: This does not work for Command Prompt (cmd.exe)

Emacs shell control of command output display

I've just upgraded OS from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 and for some reason emacs disappeared.
On reinstalling I've just noticed that running M-x shell then hg diff produces an error message:
WARNING: terminal is not fully functional
- (press RETURN)
I think I may have fixed this by running:
export TERM=xterm
After which I got a very colourful shell experience and no warning on running hg diff
However, its only displaying one page of the hg diff output then pausing with a : at a time now, previously it printed the lot without stopping.
I think this may be acceptable, if I could figure out what key allows me to print the next page of hg diff output, and ideally, what key would allow printing all remaining hg diff output and return me to the shell prompt.
If I hit return I get an additional line at a time, but this is a bit slow and not really ideal.
I think this is maybe a question about xterm shortcut keys? Possibly not emacs specific, but I'm not sure..
shell-mode is line-buffered, meaning the input won't be sent to the underlying process until you enter RET. In this case, the output should be running through a program like less where RET would give you another page instead of a single line.
So, in shell-mode you can use SPC followed by a RET. In term-mode where the default is not line-buffered (to resemble the underlying shell as transparently as possible) a single RET should suffice to give you a new page.

Pasting into OS X command line adds extraneous characters

When I paste text into the Terminal window, Terminal appends 0~ before the pasted string and 1~ after it. I've never seen this behaviour before. If I copy foo from anywhere (including the same Terminal window), pasting into the command line results in:
-bash-4.2$ 0~foo1~
I tried every method for pasting text into OS X terminal from How to paste into a terminal?, i.,e.
Command v; CommandControlv; Shift + Insert.
Pasting into text editors and browsers (basically, any place other than Terminal) does not add any extra characters. Why is this happening and how can I fix it?
I'm using macOS 10.14.2; Terminal version 2.9.1.
I don't know the actual answer for this but for me it works after restarting the terminal.
Command + Q
I will update once I will find something.

Fish shell startup command prints � characters on Hyper

I have the following problem with the fish shell on my mac. I recently figured how to modify the ~/.config/fish/ to automatically run a command upon starting the terminal.
Now, I want to run a particular script that prints some ASCII art, and it works just fine on the regular terminal app (so it shouldn't be a problem with fish or the script, I think) but prints only the � character in the Hyper terminal ( Now the trick is, if I just run the script in the shell, it works just fine.
My question is ; does anyone know why it doesn't work when launched on startup by fish, but works fine when I launch it ?
Solved the problem - I added a very small delay to the script before printing the ASCII art, and now everything works. I think it may be because executing this immediately upon launching of Hyper messed up with a plugin I used (I'm thinking about the hyper full plugin)

Run Windows command automatically before every command entered

Is it possible to have the command prompt automatically run a command before every command that is entered?
The problem is sometimes when I kill the web server I am running to develop with in the command prompt with 'CTRL' + 'c' the process will change the color of the command prompt. This will linger in the command prompt and leave the color purple, making things hard to read. Currently when this happens I run color 07 before I start the server again. Is there a way to automatically run color 07 in the background when I type the next command so I always start with white?
You can adjust the prompt text by setting the PROMPT variable. This may allow you to use an ANSI escape code to reset the text color to default. Since some command prompt windows have ANSI color support turned on and some do not, it is difficult for me to tell if this will work as-is, but you can try it:
set PROMPT=$e[0m$P$G
If it does not work as-is, you could try one of a number of solutions to enable ANSI escape codes.
Since it sounds like you want the color command before you run the server, you can just make an alias to your command which runs both.
Try this?
The general part of your question seems to be answered here for linux shell. If cygwin is available you could use that solution and still run your commands in windows. Could not find a trap equivalent for windows.
