I'm about to start coding a new RESTful service with the CRUD methods and it needs to meet the HIPAA compliance, so I'm wondering if the 2-Legged OAuth 2.0 fits on that requirement.
Is there any source I can look at, so I can confirm if yes or no? I did a quick Google search, but could not find anything in detailed.
Thanks in advance
In LUIS, we have text/synonym recommendation in the entity/phrase list generation. Do anyone have idea on the api that is used for the synonym recommendation. We wanted to integrate the cognitive service api to get the synonym of the input text in one of the client application but we could not get any relevant Microsoft service to attain this.
[I am unable to provide sample code because of the nature of the question]
Luis Text Analytics
TextAnaytics API
Unfortunately, we don't have any API for synonym recommendation yet. You can request this as feature here.
I am new to this API Blueprint tool. Can anyone explain me how to use this tool for capturing all my Restful web services API using API Blueprint like this (https://clever.com/developers/docs/explorer#endpoint_districts_districts)?
Any Help
I am afraid we do not really offer a tool to generate an APIBlueprint starting from real API calls.
The main reason behind this choice is, as said, we believe that documentation and API definition is the first step to design great APIs, and not the last one.
I hope this clarifies the point of view.
I have a REST API which uses Azure Active Directory and OAuth 2.0 to authenticate.
How can I set this up using api blueprint in apiary.
I can see it works for http://docs.powerbi.apiary.io/
Just cannot seem to find an example.
Any pointers?
actually APIBlueprint does not support any authentication scheme.
However, something is definitely moving in the right direction: you can notice it looking at this pr and its subsequent discussion
Actually Apiary has some sort of private-beta OAuth 2 support but it is enabled on request and it's definitely not a feature of APIBlueprint itself (yet).
I hope this clarifies the issue.
I am new the webAPI2, so please excuse me if my question is trivial. I want to implement token based security for my webAPI, so that other applications (apart from my SPA) can also call my webAPIs.
I started with Owin OpenAuth and implemented a POC. Everything worked well. But when I had to send client to Authorization to Authorization server, I could not find any inbuilt function to do that. I had to build this my self. Then I came across DotNetOpenAuth that provides APIs to set the communication as well. As far as I could find out, Microsoft is favoring Owin OpenAuth over DotNetOpenAuth.
Can anybody please provide the differences between these two? Also, which one is recommended?
Thanks In Advance
Brock Allen answered a similar question here
The OWIN middleware is grated more for just the protocol bits, but has
none of the necessary persistence bits (or replay protection or
refresh token support or many other things). If you are interested in
working directly with the protocol because you want to learn it and
really learn how to build a server, then the OWIN middleware is an ok
place to start. But if all you want is a sever that already has all of
those pieces implemented, then consider looking into IdentityServer
or DotnetOpenAuth
I need to use ASIHTTPRequest , but it is not support oauth2 protocol .If there is a way to make ASIHTTPRequest to support oauth2?
You should take a look at What's the best iOS OAuth2 framework question here on StackOverflow. There MattDiPasquale mentioned the FROAuth2Request project on github which does exactly what you're looking for. It adds OAuth2 support to ASIHTTPRequest.
OAuth is not a protocol as, for example, HTTP or FTP, but builds ontop of HTTP and adds authentication. So what you're looking for is a implementation of OAuth (like https://github.com/thekarladam/MPOAuth) ontop of ASIHTTPRequest.
A short googling brought me to this project on github: https://github.com/mdales/asi-http-request . Maybe it's that what you're looking for? I don't know it, so I can't tell if it's good.