Cirrussearch results in Mediawiki - elasticsearch

when I search in my private wiki for a word that it is located in different sections on the same page it only displays the first section where the word is located omitting the rest of the appearances
I am using cirrussearch 0.2 as my search engine for mediawiki 1.23.4
Any help will be appreciated

You should probably try the fancy highlighter Wikimedia uses, found at , and customise it for your snippet needs.


Sphinx search results page not showing subsections

I am using the Sphinx document generator to create documentation for one of my apps. When I search for some text that is in the documentation, it appears in the search results page, but the sub-section (----) in which it appears is not displayed in the search results. In examples online, the sub-section does display, e.g.,:
For me, only the main section displays:
I think that Sphinx does not index sub-sections. The example I showed, that has sub-sections in the search results, uses ReadTheDocs.

How to display a sidebar TOC for all parts in Sphinx

Maybe it is just me, but I often have a hard time to understand and navigate
Sphinx based documentation, because the Table Of Contents only shows the
structure of the current page (in the standard themes at least).
There is also a previous and next, but what I really would like to see is
a TOC in the sidebar that shows all parts, with the current part expanded.
For example the main page (i.e. index.rst) would be 'Overview' and opened by
default. Introduction and Quickstart are Sections of index.rst:
'Tutorial' would be offered as next.
When the 'Contribute' item is selected, the TOC is updated like so:
Install for development
Style Guide
Search, Index, API should link to the generated pages, that are typically
inserted like this in the Sphinx tutorials:
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`
Is there a simple way to achieve this on Read the Docs,
or can anyone point to existing templates?

Frontend Joomla Search Plugin - Joomla2.5

I am in the need of a Joomla Front end search module in Joomla 2.5, which on search , searches in articles, modules, text in any media files, text in pdfs and displays the result all together in a list.
For example: If "phpranav" is the keyword used in any article say "My Nick name", in a module called "Mynickname", in any image named as "phpranav.png", or in any pdf file containing 3 paragraphs with 3 times occurance of "phpranav" keyword, as a metatag in a page, as a heading in a page.. etc...
Then on searching the keyword "phpranav"
I must get the list of all the occurrence from above given description as a data retrieved from search.
Guide me if there is any such plugin already available or I have to create it of my own?
There are several search extensions on the JED that integrate Google etc with Joomla! While we haven't used it for a while the RokAjaxSearch did a good job for one our clients with PDF file. Not sure how it goes with images though.

Adobe InDesign Server examples

I'm new to Adobe InDesign Server and I'm having a hard time finding a good kitchen sink app. All the examples I got from the SDK seem to partially work. All I'm trying to do is use a master page from InDesign from the server side and edit certain text fields. For example placing first and last name in particular text fields. Does anyone know of a good place to get examples code that shows all the features or how I would approach this problem? Has a lot of resources that is useful when starting out. In particular includes a number of code examples for various common operations.
As to your specific example, the typical way to go about it is:
1. Get the page object from the master pages list.
2. Iterate over each text field on the page.
3. Somehow identify the fields, for example by setting the script label in the template document and checking the labels of each text field you iterate through.
4. Set the contents of the text field.
A lot of the official InDesign documentation is partial.
Jongware also hosts the complete reference documentation:
Probably the reason why teh IDS documentation isn't that exhaustive is that dealing with the server version is an extension of the classical indesign use. So the exception of some peculiarities detailed in the ids sdk docs, you will find most of the help with InDesign Scripting guides ;)

Firefox bar to quickly find API docs

This question is related to this one
Tricks to Google for desired page quickly
Firefox can do some magic and bring exactly the required pages. E.g.
java 6 SimpleDateFormat
ruby doc rexml
But some times it fails giving a usual google results:
ruby rexml
And some times I whould like it to go to different a location:
javascript array slice
I see
but whould like it to be
How it works, btw? Where can I find all existing mappings, and how can I add/edit them? If they can be viewed/edited as text document, it whould be cool.
You can add YubNub as a search engine, (It's my default) and then your api docs of choice as a YubNub command if it doesn't exist already. I use it for Ruby all the time, e.g. rdoc String
You have several options:
Use the right-hand side search box where a search provider is available. MDC once had such a provider, but their search engine sucks big times. For example SO has such a provider. It's denoted by a shade of blue on the arrow right there.
Navigate to a particular search engine, right click the search field and "Add a Keyword for this Search". You may add "js" for example. In the future all you have to do is to type "js array slice" in the address bar and FF will bring you to the search results page of that particular search engine.
If there's no search engine on that site, use Google Custom Search, define engines as you like and then follow steps at point 2.
If you want to modify the built-in search engine for address bar, open a new tab, go to about:config and then search for "keyword.URL".
These aren't mappings, it's a Google Lucky search, isn't it?
