GWT : Automate tests of UIs with Selenium/FluentLenium - maven

I have such a big problem and I really need your help.
Basically, I'm working on a project whose core technology is GWT and I have to make functional tests and the tests of UIs. In fact, I have also to use Cucumber the framework which is BDD-based framework.
Now I come to the main problem : Indeed, at every Maven build, GWT generates automatically the ids of the widgets. Then, Selenium could not find these widgets because of the recent updates/changes of their Ids. Moreover, I can't find some widgets with the methods (findByName/xPath/cssSelector etc.). I'm working now on the FluentLenium which is an overlay of Selenium.. I don't know how to fix this problem because I have no control of how GWT generates the Ids behind ..
Does anynone met the same problem before ?
Thank you a lot.

I've worked with GWT/Selenium/Cucumber. We had a single class file with public static String fields for each ID used in the whole application. These id's were set with ensureDebugId. This same class file is then used in Selenium/Cubumber tests to find the widgets by id. I don't know if this works for you. But in our case the tester was in control of the id's.


How to set up the UI tests in a Hilt/Dagger App?

I use Dagger in a project and have studying a bit whether migration to Hilt would make sense.
My current setup is somewhat similar to the one presented in a (Hilt code lab)
i.e. I also have UserComponent with custom scope (from the moment the user logs in to the moment the user logs out). This is very handy as I have a lot’s of Repository classes caching user data and it’s very easy to cleanup all that data just by deleting the UserComponent. The migration strategy in my case would then be leaving Hilt and Dagger side by side.
In the Espresso tests I’m able to initialize the TestUserDataModule with useData that is needed for the test case. This makes it possible to launch Activity under test directly and make the app behave like there is a user already logged in.
This part is not covered by the Hilt codelab or any other documentation I have seen so far.
So, how should I set up the UI tests in a project where Hilt/Dagger co-exist?
Refer to this tutorial, it explains how to implement UI / Fragment testing with Dagger hilt. The Codelab does not provide this, because the logic of the Ui test does not change when using hilt, but the approach does. Explaining everything in one Stackoverflow answer is way too much, so I hope the Video helps you.

One set of tests for few projects with different parameters

i'm using Protractor and Jasmine and would like to organize my E2E test in the best way.
There is a set of the tests for check registration function (registration with right credentials, register as existed user, etc.).
I need to run those tests in three different projects. Tests are same, but credentials are different. For one project it could be 3 fields in the registration form, in another one - 6.
Now everything is organized in a very complicated way:
each single test is made not as "it" but as a function
there is a function which contains all tests (functions which test)
there is a file with Describe function in each
in that file there is one "it" which call the function which contains all tests
there is test suite for each project
I believe that there is a practice how to organize everything in a right way, that each test was in own "it". So will be happy to see some links or advice.
Thank you in advance!
Since it's a broad question, i will redirect you to few links. You should probably be looking at page-object model of Protractor. It will help you simplify and set a standard to organise your tests in a way that is readable and easy to use. Here's the link to it as described by Protractor team.
page-object model
However if you want to know why do we need to use such a framework, there are many shortcomings to it, which can be solved by using such framework. A detailed explanation is here
shortcomings of protractor and how to overcome them
EDIT: Based on your comments i feel that you are trying make a unified file/function that can cater to all the suites that will be using it. In order to handle such things try adding a generalised function (to fill form fields in your case), export that function and then require it into your test suites. Here's a sample link to it -
Exports and require
Hope this helps.

Testing ViewModels in MVVMCorss

I have just started working with MVVMCross for a cross platform app and I am having a hard time figuring out how to test my ViewModels. I tried following the testing done in TwitterSearch and ran into problems. Specifically in the MockSetup.cs I found that in the latest version of MvvmCross there no longer seems to be a IMvxViewDispatcherProvider but that is ok because I think its functionality has been rolled up into the IMvxViewDispatcher. However, when actually setting up the dipatcher for my test cases there is no RequestNavigate method for the dispatcher anymore and I can not find an implementation of MvxShowViewModelRequest. So I can not actually get any tests for my ViewModels to work.
I also tried to follow the testing here but again ran into issues with missing MvxOpenNetCfServiceProviderSetup.
So in summary, my issue has been getting a MockSetup working so that I can test my ViewModels. If I could just be pointed in the right direction on the dispatcher, I think that would help.
It looks like you are trying to test an mvvmcross v3 application using mvvmcross vnext objects.
The updated twitter search test for v3 is at
This test uses a single special mock object:
The role of this mock is just currently:
to provide a very simple main thread (it uses the current thread)
to provide simple storage for any navigation requests.
You can see it used in:

ASP.NET MVC3 UI Unit Testing

I feel like I'm stuck in this political/religious battle. From the research I've done I've found that many people believe very strongly that UI testing is silly to do via unit testing and is something much better done by an actual person. I agree.
However it seems the higher-ups have told me to unit test the UI. (Which is already strange since they had previously told me I only had to write a test plan and not actual test). In all sincerity I'm not very familiar with unit testing. I'm trying to use MOQ but all the tutorials I find for it use repositories and not services and I'm structuring my web application around services.
As an example here is (a part of) a service:
public class ProductService : Service<Product, EntitiesDbContext>
public Product GetProduct(int id)
return All().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == id);
My assumption is that I need to create let's say, a new Product using Moq, and then someone validate the hard-coded input using my model. I'm not sure how to do this.
Testing the UI is the bulk of my work as the website relies heavily on user input via forms. Again I find it quite silly to test with unit testing since my models are very strict and only allow certain inputs.
To my question:
How would I go about testing form input using MOQ or possibly another testing framework?
I've heard that there are programs out there that can track your actions and then replicate them, but I've been unsuccessful in finding them and I also believe that such a technology would cost money.
Try Selenium or Watin for UI testing.
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate has something called Coded UI test. Basically, you record your actions in Internet Explorer, which translate to C# code where you add assertions, and then you replay the actions in different browsers.
However, it is very difficult to test against a database backed web application, since you can hardly figure out which is the newly added row. To simplify matters, you might want to set up a sample database which will be reset to its initial state before running your test suite in sequence.
Take a look at the various TechEd videos on how to use Coded UI Test. E.g.
Are you testing the Actions for your UI or are you testing Actual UI.
If you are testing the Actions and what data they are sending to the view then doing unit tests using something like NUnit, xUnit, etc and using a moq framework like MOQ or Rhino Mocks would be the right thing to do.
if you are testing the Actual UI(the HTML returned by the web server) then using an automated testing framework like Selenium would be the right tool
You can also try Ivonna ( for MVC testing -- doesn't test your client side, but lets you test your Asp.Net server side code.
But first of all you should ask yourself (or your management) a question: what do I want to test? Client/server side validation? Your Service? Action Method?
There is a lot of opposition by developers to automate testing of the UI. What I did years ago was use "Selenium Core" This allowed me to fix do the testing in Firefox, then save out as C# , and then have a blend of C# and Html files in which I could have it do the following.
Forgot Password -- Automation random usernames from database would be entered and then encrypted passwords were emailed to various gmail accounts I set up and I had C# API to login to gmail and retrieve new reset password, then redirect and have application enter new password , and I could put this on a CI Server Hudson and automate this testing all day long, and logging of success and errors etc...
New Registration... similar to #1
So for your UI testing, lets call that Functional or UAT testing ...
Then for true Unit Testing, this is for NUnit / Xunit, MSTest etc... , and then MOQ etc... can assist.
Integration testing is truly testing of the entire application with connected systems... like a file system or WCF or Database , not being "mocked"
They all have their pros and cons and none of it is perfect, but most people end up saying Unit Testing is most bang for the buck.

What is the standard approach for setting up a Visual Studio 2010 solution for ASP.NET MVC 3 project

I am currently working on a ASP.NET MVC 3 project and I am setting up the solution file on VS2010.
I am not sure of what is the standard approach. I am using the following approach
Company.Dept.Data (contains the dbml file - Data Model)
Company.Dept.Business (Business logics)
Company.Dept.Web (contains ASP.NET MVC3 webapplication)
The first two are class libraries and the last one is MVC3 web application.
Anyother recommendations?
There is no single "standard" approach. It all depends on your project and what problems you are trying to solve with the software. Your proposed structure of having 2 class libraries and 1 web project is one way to go for sure.
If you are going to do any kind of Dependency Injection using an Inversion of Control container, you might also want to consider having an "API" project for interfaces and an "Impl(ementation)" project for concrete classes that fulfill the interface contracts.
To echo danludwig, there really is no standard. I prefer breaking up libraries and namespaces according to functionality. Company.Db is my library for interacting with the database, Company.Mail are my wrappers around the Postmark mail service, etc.
I then tend to group like libraries into single repositories. So the 'storage' repository in source control holds Company.Db, Company.Caching, Company.FileStorage, etc. I have another repository 'messaging' that holds Company.Mail and Company.SMS (for interacting with Twilio to send text messages). When I branch out with new apps or new services (maybe a WCF endpoint for mobile clients), I can just pull down the 'messaging' repository, and I have all my class libraries for communicating with the user.
An application then looks like
This way, whether someone registers via the site, or via the mobile app, Company.Mail.MailServices.SendWelcomeEmail() sends the exact same welcome email, and there's no code duplication.
Whether this works for you, or even makes sense, who knows. I've also changed this scheme a hundred times, trying to find a layout that works with my development style/workflow. I wouldn't worry or stress too much about it, because whatever you pick, you're going to find things you like about it, and you'll find things you hate about it. I sometimes fall into the trap of spending more time trying to make everything "perfect", than to just code and change things I don't like.
