Why did the IP and port number change in Kitematic? - macos

I am running Mac OS 10.10.3.
I am using Kitematic and Docker in a development environment. Yesterday I installed a container for Postgre. The mac ip and port for this container was
I shut down my system for the day.
Today, when I restarted my system, started Kitematic, and started the containner The ip and port was
Why did it change?

This is now supported. Click on Settings, then ports, click on the port and you can change it.
Issue on kitematic github.

I assume that you are not designating the port when you start your container and instead it is run with the -P option, which assigns a random port to any exposed ports. If you use the -p HOSTPORT:GUESTPORT option instead of -P the port will be consistent.
Check out the Expose and Run documentation

I think this feature has not been implemented yet.

I don't believe kitematic supports assigning ports and only does the equivalent of the -P option of docker run.


Is it possible in vscode liveshare to share port 443 (https)?

I'm trying to share the port 443 from my development machine (win10) to my laptop (os x) using the amazing Live Share feature of Visual Studio Code.
On the dev machine I can access the service (running behind an nginx reverse proxy), so server is running fine.
VS Code doc mention a 1:1 mapping for the port "unless it's already in use".
Checking with sudo lsof -P -i TCP -s TCP:LISTEN on the mac, I can confirm 443 is not in use.
But the port on the mac is mapped to a random port (50150 in this case) instead of 443.
I guess I'm lacking some rights to open a sub 1000 port on os x.
Does anyone know what I can do (I mean other then running vscode as root)
Short answer (for anyone who would find this later) : not possible!
Restricted ports are ... restricted.
And as I said in the question i don't want to run vscode as root.
But what I ok to run as root is a small utility to do port forwarding.
So I'm now using portforward (npm -> https://www.npmjs.com/package/portforward ) to do just that, and everything works fine.

Connecting with JMX using Docker for Mac

I'm struggling with setting up a JMX connection to Tomcat running in a Docker container using Docker for Mac.
I think I understand the basics, and have a setenv.sh in the tomcat/bin directory looking like this:
I think the problematic part might be the java.rmi.server.hostname property. I've set this to the IP of the host machine, but I've also tried other obvious things. I believe this should be the IP of the machine on which jconsole or jvisualvm will be running, but this is not working for me.
I start the container like this:
docker run -d -v /Users/timbo/tomcat-jmx.sh:/usr/local/tomcat/bin/setenv.sh -p 8080:8080 -p 9999:9999 tomcat:8.0
so port 9999 is exposed.
When I try to connect using jvisualvm connecting to localhost:9999 (which Docker for Mac will route to the container which is actually on I get the error:
Cannot connect to localhost:9999 using service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:9999/jmxrmi
Any hints on what is wrong?
OK, I think I managed to find it eventually. Setting the value of java.rmi.server.hostname to the hostname of the host (e.g. mymac.local, or whatever is returned by hostname) seem to get it working. All other settings were OK.
Docker for Mac works in a bit different way. The port you map actually gets mapped to the Linux VM it is running in the background. This VM usually has in IP So you should try and connect to
To verify what is the IP of your VM, open the Docker CLI terminal and execute below

Docker - Replacement for `dockerd` on Mac

I wanted to start the docker daemon with an open TCP address like this: docker daemon -H tcp://, but the terminal suggested that I use dockerd instead, which is apparently not a program that comes with the Docker Client for mac. Is there a way I can either
A - get some form of dockerd on my mac machine.
B - get around the use of dockerd by some other method.
Install socat command: brew install socat
Choose a port: (in the example 8099)
Run: socat -d -d TCP-L:8099,fork UNIX:/var/run/docker.sock
and then use tcp://localhost:8099 as API URL
works for me, hope this helps
Finally I found the config of mac docker like dockerd.
Click the docker icon in the menu bar, preferences, advanced
get around the use of dockerd by some other method. (2016)
Note that in 2022, you can go without dockerd/Docker Desktop entirely.
See Batuhan Apaydin's article "A modern toolkit to start working with container images on macOS that meets your needs without requiring a Docker Daemon or even Docker Desktop".
It uses lima+nerdctl
The nerdctl tool is designed as a drop-in replacement for the Docker client
And Lima is a hypervisor that launches Linux virtual machines with automatic file sharing, port forwarding, and containerd.
The name of lima comes from an abbreviation of the first two capital letters of LInux MAchines.
The design of Lima is similar to WSL2, but Lima focuses on macOS as the primary target host.
Lima uses QEMU, which is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer, as a hypervisor under the hood to achieve the virtualization thing.
Lima can also work with other container engines such as Podman and even for non-container applications.
By default, when lima launches a VM, it runs buildkitd and containerd in a rootless way and also downloads necessary client tooling around them such as buildctl, nerdctl.
Everything will be set up for us. So, all that’s left is building, pulling, and running containers
For buildkit, Batuhan proposes developer-guy/buildkit-machine
buildkit-machine allows you to make buildkitd daemon accessible in your macOS environment.
To do so, it uses lima, which is a Linux subsystem for macOS, under the hood.
lima spins up a VM that runs buildkitd daemon in a rootless way which means that sock file of the buildkitd daemon is now be able to accessible from /run/user/<USERID>/buildkit/buildkitd.
So: no more Docker Desktop / dockerd, and use container in a rootless mode!
For more, see Bret Fisher's video "Free Docker Desktop Alternatives: DevOps and Docker Live Show (Ep 156)" (Jan. 2022)
I have found a workaround for this in the official forum
$socat TCP-LISTEN:2376,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:/var/run/docker.sock
That workaround opens port 2376 to the world... as TLS isn't enabled, this is a bad idea as anyone on the same network can hijack your docker daemon
It is not supported to run dockerd on Mac. From this issue:
I think on Darwin it should never suggest to run dockerd. The daemon runs in a Linux virtual machine, so you do not need to (and cannot) run it manually.
If you want to do any specific configuration on mac, you might have already installed Docker Desktop. Docker desktop supports configuration using UserInterface shown below in the screenshot.

Not able to bind to docker container port

I manage to have Windows Server 2016 and Windows Container installed in my VirtualBox for testing.
I also follow the guide here https://github.com/Microsoft/Virtualization-Documentation/tree/master/windows-server-container-samples/iis-10.0 to build an image with iis installed.
However I'm not able to bind port 80 from container to any port in the host, here's how I run the container with port mapping and result of docker ps command:
I also try -p switch without explicitly telling the port mapping, but that doesn't work either
I tried to attach to the container and request the default iis web page using wget and everything seems fine:
And here's result of the docker inspect the container, in the exposedports section, it says port 80/tcp is exported, but not sure why it's not reflected in the host machine. Can someone give me an idea where I go wrong? Or is this a bug from Windows Container? I tried to post in msdn forum but their process of verifying account is really troublesome

dockerizing an application on Mac OS X

I installed boot2docker as explained on the docker website. Here are some command runs to show that I have things installed correctly:
$$:~ kv$ boot2docker start
Waiting for VM and Docker daemon to start...
Writing /Users/kvantum/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/ca.pem
Writing /Users/kvantum/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/cert.pem
Writing /Users/kvantum/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/key.pem
Your environment variables are already set correctly.
$$:~ kv$ docker images
ubuntu 14.04 b39b81afc8ca 11 days ago 188.3 MB
hello-world latest e45a5af57b00 3 weeks ago 910 B
After this, I ran the following command:
docker run -t -i ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash
Inside the container, I installed zeromq, and started a zeromq server on port 5555 using tcp.
My questions are following:
If I exit out of the container, will it save all the work I do inside it?
I have no idea how to connect to the server running on port 5555. I read something about exposing a port, but I am not sure how to go about doing that. I did an ifconfig inside the container, and tried to connect to the server from the host like this:
$$:~ kv$ ./zmq_client tcp://container_ip:5555
This did not work. Can someone please lists the steps I need to take in order to connect to the server running within the container.
For completion sake, I am providing the list of my environment variables:
One last question I have is about code performance. So within my Mac OS X, I have a docker container running (which runs Ubuntu). If I run the application, like a zeromq based server inside the container, will it not be slower as compared to running it on Mac OS X directly. Please explain the benefits of using docker in such a scenario..
You should really do some more reading and research before turning to SO, then ask about anything you can't figure out. But:
No. If the container is "exited" you can restart it and your files will still be there, but once it is removed your files are gone. You can use docker commit to save them to an image, but the best bet is to use a Dockerfile.
docker run -p 5000:8000 image will expose port 8000 in the container as port 5000 on the host.
Yes, it will be slower due to the boot2docker VM. It would not be slower if you were running on a Linux host. The advantage is that zeromq is now running in an isolated container with all its dependencies.
