Irregular/Abnormal shaped WinForms Control (Button or PictureBox) [duplicate] - controls

I would like to make my user control have invisible areas like the areas that surround a circle or an irregular shape. I have seen this done with a but not with a How is this done?
.net 2.0,c#,winform

You can set the control's Region to an irregular GraphicsPath. Here's an article that shows how to create irregular shaped menuitems


UWP - Custom non-rectangular hit area on button. Either image or shape

I would like to define a non-rectangular clickable "hit area" for a button. I am happy to define this custom shape using a UWP XAML path, or by using a PNG with transparent areas.
The following question explains how to use an XAML path for a button's appearance, but the result still seems to use a rectangular bounding box hit area. XAML UWP Button with a polygonal shape
There are also posts explaining how to override the Image class, intercepting the 'click' event, and determining the opacity of the pixels under the mouse cursor. This would solve my problem, but this solution only applies to WPF.
Does anyone know of a solution for UWP?
It looks like I can just use the raw < path > element, and use its pointer events directly.

how to make a single line text used as a glyph(mac develop)

Effect like the mac mail app,this image is a screenshot
how can i get effect like that. I try the cocoa text system,and don't find some useful things.
and I use the nstextattachment with textatttachmentcell initImageCell,obtain some effect like that,but it is not good,it is not very nature.
please some one give directions to me.
Those objects are not glyphs, they are controls, such as a subclass of a button. Custom controls have a drawing routine, which you override to draw a blue rectangle with round corners (a bezier path is the most flexible way to do so), then you draw the text (including the caret character) centered in the blue rectangle. Finally, handle the mouse events to do what you need to do when the control is clicked, such as popping up a menu in the right location.

how to set the right canvas in an firemonkey application?

I have 2d scene editor based on firemonkey. The user can select/move various complex 2d objects on his iPad. My problem, the objects are drawn on the scrollbar also.
The visual structure is simple. The form contains a tabcontrol. The tabcontrol's editor tab has two scrollbar (right, bottom). On the tab client area there is a TLayout type component (aligned alClient). The 2d objects parents are the layout component. The 2d object parent type is TShape.
I assume the application draw on the form directly instead of drawing on the editor tab. How to set the correct drawing canvas?
The solution:
Layout.ClipChildren := True;

Multiple arcs in canvas with click events

Problem :
Trying to create a layout looking like this one below where each portion is clickable and has separate entity.
Tried solution and problems with it :
create arc with canvas. Have to add the arc with stroke. Stroke is not clickable. Tried hacks from other answers but they don't seem to work.
Click Event on a Stroke of the Shape(arc) doesn't work
Instead of drawing with arcs, how about this:
use Wedges instead of Arcs
Draw the 3 outside shapes as Wedges and put them on a layer#1.
Draw the 10 inside shapes as Wedges and put them on another layer#2 above layer#1.
Draw the center circle as a Circle and put it on another layer#3 above layer#1 & layer#2.
Attach on.(“click”) to each individual wedge.
Layering will give you the visual "nesting" effect your looking for.
Layering will give you proper click control over each wedge-piece.

Cocoa: Custom control not limited to window frame - how to start?

I want to build a custom control that would work like this:
You have a kind of NSButton with an image.
You click the button and than appears a big square with a grid of photos.
You click one of the photos and it is set up as new image for the button. (square dissapears)
Now, how to draw this big square with photos if I want it not to be limited to window frame?
I mean, if the button was close to window border the square is going to be partially outside window. I would also like to add some shadow to the square and an animation for opening/closing.
One important thing: I want to be able to draw not only a square but any other simple shape (circle)!
This isn't really a drawing question so much as a general custom views question. It's important to make that distinction.
I'll describe this in terms of rectangles to give you the general idea*. You should make sure you understand the view hierarchy and view geometry in Cocoa. Without this important requisite knowledge, you'll remain dead in the water.
It's easy to set an NSButton's image, so I'll leave that to you. Your button's action, however, would tell some controller to show the "image picker" for the given button. Your image picker would be some type of borderless window with an image list inside. The image picker could be an IKImageBrowserView (you'll have to enable Image Kit in Interface Builder for this control to appear), which gives you an iPhoto-like grid of images (with/without titles, different border types, etc.).
An explanation of the operation of this controller and how it creates the window, manages the selection, and sets the button's image is very broad so if you get hung up on any of those steps, you'll need to create a separate question for each problem, otherwise this answer would have to be an instruction manual for writing your app for you.
* Your problem is a little more difficult because of your desire to have differently-shaped "popup windows" ... you'd have to make sure your available photos fit neatly within the shape so none of them are cut off. Armed with the basic knowledge of view geometry, I'll leave this to you as an exercise. A hint: you can use a borderless, transparent window to host a view that draws itself in any shape you please.
