Copying a file to multiple folders in the same directory - cmd

I have a file, lets call it EXAMPLE.DBF
The location of this file is C:\EXAMPLE.DBF
Now I would like to copy this file into multiple folders at another location.
These folders are dated Sub-directories so they are named 20140101 - 20141231 and their location would be in d:\bootd\hello\20140101 - 20141231
Not only that but a file named EXAMPLE.DBF already exists in the it will ask to Copy and Replace.
I will need c:\EXAMPLE to copy and replace the existing EXAMPLE.DBF in 365 folders (20140101-20141231) in a different location.
If anyone could help me out with this I will be truly grateful.

Directly from the prompt,
for /d %a in (d:\bootd\hello\2014*) do copy /y C:\EXAMPLE.DBF %a\
Will copy C:\EXAMPLE.DBF to each directory of d:\bootd\hello\ which matches the pattern 2014* (ie. simply starts 2014), replacing any existing example.dbf in that subdirectory, if that is what you want to do.
To suppress the 1 file(s) copied messae generate for each, simply append >nul to the above line.

Just a small addition to #Magoo's answer;
in case the destination folders have spaces in their names, use double quotes like this:
for /d %a in (d:\bootd\hello\2014*) do copy /y C:\EXAMPLE.DBF "%a\"
and as pointed out by #ian0411, in case source folder has spaces in its name, use double quotes like this:
for /d %a in (d:\bootd\hello\2014*) do copy /y "C:\EXAMPLE.DBF" %a\


using for loop to copy selected files in directory and subdirectories to new directory with the same structure

for /r "C:\Users\bui\Desktop\Annotation Traing Package\test1" %i in (*03.json) do copy "%i" "C:\Users\bui\Desktop\Annotation Traing Package\test2"
i want to copy all 03.json files from test1 to test2 but in test1 folder, there are subfolders, and in those subfolders also have 03.json files. With for loop i cant loop through subfolders and copy 03.json files in it, but i also want to copy those subfolders from test1 to test2 with those 03.jon files in it. is there possible way to do it?
i tried using xcopy to copy those subfolders first then use for loop but no use, bc they copy all files to "C:\Users\bui\Desktop\Annotation Traing Package\test2"
RoBoCopy is the best method to do this IMHO.
Robocopy "C:\Users\bui\Desktop\Annotation Traing Package\test1" "C:\Users\bui\Desktop\Annotation Traing Package\test2" *03.json /E /S /B
The Robocopy utility is made to copy directory trees and matching files and has been included in windows since Windows 7 released in 2009.
Note I used /E assuming you would want the folders which are empty assuming you may have things like log folders which contain no "03.json" files
If you do not want to create empty directories when they do not contain "03.json" files, then simply omit the /E option

How to Move a Dynamically Created folder into another folder?

I am trying to moving generated folders in which the date is dynamic for example:
Which would reside in a path as such:
The folder "items" in which I want to move them too is: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\items\
I have tried:
move C:\Test\results_* C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\items\
However it is returning: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
How can I resolve this? Thanks.
The move command does not accept wildcards against directories. But you can use a for /D loop to resolve wildcards, like this:
for /D %I in ("C:\Test\results_*") do #move "%~I" "%UserProfile%\Desktop\items\"
Since you have got a trailing backslash \ at the source directory, the source directory is moved into the destination directory, which must exist. If you want to move the contents of the source directory, remove the trailing \ from the destination directory and ensure this does not exist.
Thanks for the response, however I found
for /D %%G in ("C:\Test\results_*") do move "%%~G" "%UserProfile%\Desktop\items\" work for me.

Xcopy certain file names only

I've never used the Xcopy feature before and I was wondering if it would be possible to use xcopy to copy only certain files within a directory tree.
For example, suppose I have the following documents:
Now, suppose I have a spreadsheet that tells me which .doc files I need to copy:
Is there a way to base the xcopy on the spreadsheet(or txt document) so I don't copy the files I don't need?
I don't think xcopy can read files to include from a file. But you can create a batch file that does this:
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (documents.txt) do (
copy %%A x:\targetfolder\
Try typing HELP XCOPY at a command prompt and look at the /EXCLUDE parameter. The documentation isn't quite correct, you can put a list of files in a single file, one file name per line, and they will be excluded from the xcopy.

Windows Command Copy all files recursively to a Main Folder

I was wondering if there is a quick and dirty command that can copy all files in a directory and it's subdirectory to another folder. The destination folder will have no subdirectories just all the source files.
Also as an added bit of fun, in case there is a file name conflict, not to overwrite but to rename the destination file with something unique, maybe append _1 to the filename?
This will copy the files and prompt if there is a filename conflict.
The third party tool XXcopy has the ability to flatten a directory tree and handle filename conflicts.
#echo off
for /r "d:\folder" %%a in (*) do copy "%%a" "E:\target folder"
To copy for instance all files from the current folder and its sub directories to the parent folder of the current folder you can use:
for /r . %a in (*) do copy %a ..

Replacing a file into multiple folders/subdirectories

Is there a way in command prompt to take one file and copy it into another folder and its subdirectories based on its name?
I have an image named 5.jpg that has been put in a sub-folder that is in every folder in a directory.
I want to do a search inside of the folder (with the old image) and its sub-folders and replace all of the results with the new image.
Probably there is one more (simpler) way.
Use the replace command:
replace C:\SourceFile.Txt C:\Some_Root_Folder_Which_Contains_Multiple_SubFolders /s
As the command itself says it just replaces the file, which already existed in sub-directories.
I'm not sure if I understood you completely. The following code will search for all occurences of 5.jpg in subfolders of C:\MyPath\ and replaces them with C:\NewImage\5.jpg. I did test it, so it should work.
FOR with parameter /R will help you here:
FOR /R C:\MyPath\ %%I IN (5.jpg) DO COPY /Y C:\NewImage\5.jpg %%~fI
If you want more information about what FOR /R does and what %%~fI means, have a look at FOR /? | more which gives nice explanations about the new Windows cmd possibilities that are used here.
To do this work with several files, both paths are needed enclosed in quotes:
replace "C:\*.Txt" "C:\Some_Root_Folder_Which_Contains_Multiple_SubFolders" /s
The asterisk to make changes on all files with the ".txt" prefix.
