Using form and controls variables in not managed class - visual-studio-2010

i have a question, how can i use this variables in standart class?
ref class test
Button ^x;
works good, but i need not managed class..
and this not work
class test
Button ^x;
maybe anybody have a solution?

You could accomplish this with the help of gcroot like this:
class test
gcroot<Button^> *x;
You can then create this field's object in your constructor like:
x = gcnew Button();
and generally use x like a Button^...


Mocking a class instantiated within the target class

I'm trying to write a Jasmine test for a function of class which instantiates and observes an object from another class. Since I want to keep this test contained to the first class and to simulate different scenarios of the second I want to mock the second. Some pseudo code might help
export class Foo {
startProcessing() {
const bar = new Bar();
const sub = bar.tickTock.subscribe(
state => {
// something went right
error => {
// something went wrong
I've tried declaring the mock class in my test file, and providing it through TestBed.configureTestingModule's providers attribute, but it always uses the original Bar.
How can I write a test that provides a mock class in place of Bar that I can control?
One way to get around this issue is to pass in object of type Bar through function parameter (dependency injection). That way you can have control over Bar object.

Unity UI Onclick inspector with Enumeration

I have a question.
Here's My inspector Window.
In case of On Click() window, I'd like to set parameter that is type of Enum.
not string or int.
In other words, I'd like to use
void GoToNext(DATA_TYPE type).
But that doesn't show up.
Even if I set my enum as [SerializedField], that doesn't show in this window.
How can I do this?
I found a great solution to this from the user 'TobiLaForge' on this Unity forum. At least it is the best solution worked for me where I had only a few enums to handle.
1) Declare your enum outside of your class you use it in or create it anywhere else outside of a MonoBehaviour.
2) Create a script, attach it to your button:
using UnityEngine;
public class GetEnum : MonoBehaviour{
public MyEnum state;
3 Add this or change your orginial function where you use the enum
public void GetEnumState(GetEnum g)
{ if(g.state == MyEnum.something)
4) In the OnClick() function slot select your function and drag the GetEnum script into the slot.
This will need a new MonoBehaviour script for each enum you use in that way. Here is my inspector after.
You can't currently do this, Unity doesn't support it. But, since enums are basically ints, perhaps you could setup your function to accept an int and somehow cast it to the appropriate enum?
I tried this little experiment in some code I have with an enum, and it seemed to work fine:
public enum unitType {orc_warrior, archer, none};
int test2 = 0;
unitType test;
test = (unitType)test2;
test2 = 1;
test = (unitType)test2;
Debug correctly printed out orc_warrior and then archer
To make clear how it works what nipunasudha suggest, here the full code example how I use it. Please notice the need of ´SerializeReference´ instad of ´SerializeField´ otherwise all your buttons would end with the same state - which is usually not what you want to achieve.
using UnityEngine;
public class MenuInvoker : MonoBehaviour
private enum State { Main, Settings };
[SerializeReference] private State state;
public void InvokeMenu(MenuInvoker currState)
switch (currState.state)
case State.Main:
case State.Settings:
Debug.Log("Default Menu");

grails 2.2.2 platform-core-plugin No signature of method event in domain model

I try out the platform-core-1.0 rc5 Plugin to services by events. Now I write a service in the grails-plugin "listadmin":
package listadmin
class SECO_ListenService {'getEntriesOfList', namespace='listadmin')
def getEntriesOfList(String intnalListName) {
println "SECO_ListenService"
def Liste aList = Liste.findByInternal_name(intnalListName)
return aList.eintrage.toList()
This service should return a list for dropdown in an other grails-plugin called "institutionadmin". I want to use this list of the service for a dropdown of a domain-model. I should mention that I use dynamic scaffolding. Now I try to call this event in the domain-model:
package institutionadmin
import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException
class Einrichtung {
Long einrichtungs_type
Long type_of_conzept
int anzahl_gruppen
int anzahl_kinder_pro_Gruppe
String offnungszeiten
static hasMany = [rooms : Raum]
static constraints = {
def aList = []
def reply = event(for:"listadmin", topic:"getEntriesOfList", data:"einrichtung_type").waitFor()
aList = reply.value.toList()
einrichtungs_type(inList: aList)
If I try to run this application i get the following error:
Caused by MissingMethodException: No signature of method: institutionadmin.Einrichtung.event() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.LinkedHashMap) values: [[for:listadmin, topic:testEventBus]]
Possible solutions: ident(), every(), every(groovy.lang.Closure), count(), get(, print(java.lang.Object)
If call this event in a controller everything is fine and the documentation of this plugin describe that I can call events also in domain-models and services... This error-method tell me, that the class don't know the event method.
Do I have to configure anything else?
Should call the event in another way or where is my mistake?
Has anybody experiences with this module?
The event(...) dynamic methods are not available on class (static) level.
You can pull the grailsEvents spring bean and call its event() method alternatively. You still have to get the bean from the application context statically though.
You could also use a custom validator instead, as you can get the current domain instance as a parameter, which should have the event() method injected.
something like this :
static myList = []
static constraints = {
einrichtungs_type validator: { value, instance ->
// cache it the first time you save/validate the domain
// I would probably recommend you NOT to do this here though in
// real life scenario
def reply = instance.event('blabla').get()
myList = reply.value.toList()
return value in myList
Anyway, In my case I would probably load the list elsewhere (in the Bootstrap.groovy for instance) and use it / inject it in my domain instead of doing in the constraints closure.
I faced similar kind of problem, I wanted to use the event call inside a service class which is going to call the listener in other service class. When I started my application I got the same error.What I did was, added the plugin(platform-core:1.0.RC5) entries in BuildConfig.groovy like below
plugins {
":platform-core:1.0.RC5") {
export = false
compile ':platform-core:1.0.RC5'
runtime ':platform-core:1.0.RC5'
Then I ran grails > clean and grails > compile on that project and restarted the server.It started working. Might be you can give a try.

typedef struct syntax for C++ Windows Forms?

i'm having trouble with syntax regarding c++ Windows Forms..
this is how you obviously do it in a regular cpp project:
but its not the same in windows forms :/
any help??
btw, i figured it out!
you must create a new class in the project...
call it, Player.h
in the new class, you must instantiate the class like below
to make it a managed class so it fits well with the managed code
in the forms (notice ref class keyword)
struct markedPos
int xPos;
int yPos;
ref class Player
then simply in the forms.h file, you must include the new class like any other class:
#include "Player.h"
and all you have to do is make an instance of the player in your forms and it'll work like magic! What i've learned: Do all your heavy lifting in the managed classes outside of the forms... which work just like your regular c++ classes...
** You don't need to use managed code! if your getting problems with it, just remove 'ref' before class name

Lazy generic delegate initialisation using Ninject

I'm using Ninject 1.0 and would like to be able to inject lazy initialisation delegates into constructors. So, given the generic delegate definition:
public delegate T LazyGet<T>();
I'd simply like to bind this to IKernel.Get() so that I can pass a lazy getter into constructors, e.g.
public class Foo
readonly LazyGet<Bar> getBar;
public Foo( LazyGet<Bar> getBar )
this.getBar = getBar;
However, I can't simply call Bind<LazyGet<T>>() because it's an open generic type. I need this to be an open generic so that I don't have to Bind all the different lazy gets to explicit types. In the above example, it should be possible to create a generic delegate dynamically that invokes IKernel.Get<T>().
How can this be achieved with Ninject 1.0?
Don't exactly understand the question, but could you use reflection? Something like:
// the type of T you want to use
Type bindType;
// the kernel you want to use
IKernel k;
// note - not compile tested
MethodInfo openGet = typeof(IKernel).GetMethod("Get`1");
MethodInfo constGet = openGet.MakeGenericMethod(bindType);
Type delegateType = typeof(LazyGet<>).MakeGenericType(bindType);
Delegate lazyGet = Delegate.CreateDelegate(delegateType, k, constGet);
Would using lazyGet allow you to do what you want? Note that you may have to call the Foo class by reflection as well, if bindType isn't known in the compile context.
I am fairly certain that the only way to do this (without some dirty reflection code) is to bind your delegate with type params. This will mean it needs to be done for each individual type you use. You could possibly use a BindingGenerator to do this in bulk, but it could get a bit ugly.
If there is a better solution (a clean one) I would love to hear it as I run into this problem from time to time.
From another similar question I answered:
public class Module : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Bind(typeof(Lazy<>)).ToMethod(ctx =>
.GetMethod("GetLazyProvider", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.Invoke(this, new object[] { ctx.Kernel }));
protected Lazy<T> GetLazyProvider<T>(IKernel kernel)
return new Lazy<T>(() => kernel.Get<T>());
