Explanation of Vector Images - image

I was given a ten thousand by sixty four matrix of integers 1, 2, ..., 16 for identification via some programs I wrote earlier. This matrix represents ten thousand eight by eight vectorized images.
My questions aren't so much about how to identify them (I already got that part covered), but rather, more about the data I'm looking at. A brief .txt file with the matrix gave me a little bit of explanation:
Thirty two by thirty two bitmaps are divided into nonoverlapping blocks of four by four and the number of pixels are counted in each block. This generates an input matrix of eight by eight where each element is an integer in the range
0, . . . , 16.
I'm still a bit confused though. How does a thirty two by thirty two bitmap correspond to a eight by eight image? What does each integer represent? How would I go about converting a given image into a vector image, and then creating it into an array? What is the relationship between a bitmap and the picture in this context?
Thanks for any information or pointers you can give!

A wild guess...
Step 1) Take a 4 pixel x 4 pixel image. Each pixel can be black or white. You count the number of, say, black pixels and you will get a number between 0 and 16.
Step 2) Now, imagine you have a 32 pixel by 32 pixel image, and you divide it into squares of 4 pixels by 4 pixels - each square being one of the sqaures in Step 1 above. You will get 64 squares, that is, 8 by 8. For each of the 64 squares, store the number between 0-16 from Step 1.


Adjacent Pixels differ by more than 2, possible assignments of grey levels of two adjacent pixels out of 64 possible combinations?

I recently came across following question, and I am not sure if I understand the question to solve it. Can someone here possibly help me understand it?
A black and white computer graphics display is divided int an array of pixels.
Each of the pixels can take on one of eight gray levels ranging from 0 to 7.
In order to prevent sharp discontinuities of shade, the system enforces the rule that,the gray levels of adjacent pixels cannot differ by more than 2.
How many of the 64 possible assignments of grey levels of two adjacent pixels satisfy the rule?
Possible answers:
I wish to understand the basics of solving this problem. :)
Any pointers are highly appreciated.
As it is on understanding:
Or on diagonals: 8 + 2*7 + 2*6 ...
Basically, you have 2 pixels, every pixel can be any number from 0 to 7 (that's 8 different possibilities). There are 8x8 = 64 combinations in total. However, your problem gives an additional limitations, that the pixel values cannot be too far apart, which renders some of the combinations valid and some of the combinations invalid.
You just have to count how many are valid.
For example, take the first pixel of value 0 -- the other pixel cannot be any value from 0 to 7, just only 0, 1 and 2 (because 3-0 > 2). Apply the similar chain of the reasoning for the other possible values.
Well, answering the comment. You have 3 possible combinations for values 0 and 7, 4 possible combinations for values 1 and 6, the rest have 5 possible combinations: 2 * 3 + 2 * 4 + 4 * 5 will give you the answer =)

Concentric spheres

Two different lists having radii of upper hemisphere and lower hemisphere is provided. The first list consists of N upper hemispheres indexed 1 to N and the second has M lower hemispheres indexed 1 to M. A sphere of radius of R can be made taking one upper half of the radius R and one lower half of the radius R. Also, you can put a sphere into a bigger one and create a sequence of nested concentric spheres. But you can't put two or more spheres directly into another one.
If there is a sequence of (D+1) nested spheres, we can call this sequence as a D-sequence.
Find out how many different X-sequence are possible (1 <= X <= C). An X sequence is different from another if the index of any of the hemisphere used in one X-sequence is different from the other.
The first line contains a three integers: N denoting the number of upper sphere halves, M denoting the number of lower sphere halves and C.
The second line contains N space-separated integers denoting the radii of upper hemispheres.
The third line contains M space-separated integers denoting the radii of lower hemispheres.
Output a single line containing C space-separated integers , the number of ways there are to build i-sequence in modulo 1000000007.
3 4 3
1 2 3
1 1 3 2
5 2 0
I am looking for those elements which are part of both the lists of upper as well as lower hemispheres, so that they can form a sphere and then taking their maximum count by comparing their counts in both radii lists.
And, So, for different C sum of products of counts of C+1 elements yields the answer.
How to calculate the above efficiently or is there any other approach ??
Guys this is my first answer. Spare me the whip for now as i am here to learn.
You first find the numbers of spheres possible for each radii.
no of spheres: 2 1 1
Having Radii: 1 2 3
Now since we can fit a sphere with radius r inside a sphere with radii R such that R>r, all we need to do is to find the no . of increasing subsequences of length 2,3,...till c in the list of all possible spheres formed.
List of possible spheres:[1,1*,2,3](* used for marking)
consider D1: it has 2 spheres. Try finding the no. of increasing subsequences of length 2 in the above list.
They are:
hence the ans is 5.
Get it??
Now how to solve:
It can be done by using Dp. Naive solution has complexity .O(n^2*constant).
You may follow along the lines as provided in the following link :Dp solution.
It is worth mentioning that faster methods do exist which use BIT , segment trees etc.
It is similar to this SPOJ problem.

Difference between observations and variables in Matlab

I'm kind of ashamed to even ask this but here goes. In every Matlab help file where the input matrix is a NxD matrix X Matlab describes the matrix arrangement as
Data, specified as a numeric matrix. The rows of X correspond to
observations, and the columns correspond to variables.
Above taken from help of kmeans
I'm kind of confused as to what does Matlab mean by observations and variables.
Suppose I have a data matrix composed of 100 images. Each image is represented by a feature vector of size 128 x 1. So here is 100 my observations and 128 the variables or is it the other way around?
Will my data matrix be of the size 128 x 100 or 100 x 128
Eugene's explanation in a statistical and probability construct is great, but I would like to explain it more in the viewpoint of data analysis and image processing.
Think of an observation as one sample from your data set. In this case, one observation is one image. For each sample, it has some dimensionality associated to it or a number of variables used to represent such a sample.
For example, if we had a set of 100 2D Cartesian points, the amount of observations is 100, while the dimensionality or the total number of variables used to describe the point is 2: We have a x point and a y point. As such, in the MATLAB universe, we'd place all of these data points into a single matrix. Each row of the matrix denotes one point in your data set. Therefore, the matrix you would create here is 100 x 2.
Now, go back to your problem. We have 100 images and each image can be expressed by 128 features. This suspiciously looks like you are trying to use SIFT or SURF to represent an image so think of this situation where each image can be described by a 128-dimensional vector, or a histogram with bins of 128 elements. Each feature is part of the dimensionality makeup that makes up the image. Therefore, you would have a 100 x 128 matrix. Each row represents one image, where each image is represented as a 1 x 128 feature vector.
In general, MATLAB's machine learning and data analysis algorithms assume that your matrix is M x N, where M is the total number of points that make up your data set while N is the dimensionality of one such point in your data set. In MATLAB's universe, the total number of observations is equal to the total number of points in your data set, while the total number of features / distinct attributes to represent one sample is the total number of variables.
Observation: One sample from your data set
Variable: One feature / attribute that helps describe an observation or sample in your data set.
Number of observations: Total number of points in your data set
Number of variables: Total number of features / attributes that make up an observation or sample in your data set.
It looks like you are talking about some specific statistical/probabilistic functions. In statistics or probability theory there are some random variables that are results of some kind of measurements/observations over time (or some other dimension). So such a matrix is just a collection of N measurements of D different random variables.

Tile placement algorithm

I have this field of tiles which is 36 x 36 inches wide and high.
So I have blocks 8x8, 6x6, 6x8, 4x8 which can be rotated 90 degrees to fit wherever possible.
My task is to make application that calulates which and how many blocks should be chosen so that all together fit in to a given wall oppening. In this example oppening 36 x 36.
Note: The oppening should be filled with as least as possible tiles, meaning bigger tiles have priority
Which algorithm should I use for tile placement?
Another example. Field 30 x 30 is drawn like this:
50 x 50
Since amit gave the general case answer, I'll make this one specific. With those four blocks sizes, and assuming it's even possible (dimensions are even and >= 6, etc), you can use a semi-greedy algorithm:
The first obective is to maximize the number of 8x8 blocks. To do that, you need to figure out how many 6 size blocks you need in each direction. For each dimension, just check for divisibility by 8. If it's not divisible, subtract 6. Repeat until divisible (it shouldn't take more than 3 tries).
However many times it took, that's how may 6x6 blocks you need in that dimension. Form a rectangle out of them and put it in one corner. Form another rectangle out of 8x8 blocks and put them in the opposite corner. The corners of these two rectangles should be touching.
So now you probably have some leftover space, in the form of two rectangles in the opposite corners. We know that one dimension of each is divisible by 8, and one is divisible by 6. The easy way out here would be to fill it up with 6x8 blocks rotated appropriately, but that doesn't guarantee the maximum number of large(8x8) blocks. For example, with 50x50, you'd have two rectangles of 18x32 left. You could fill them with twelve 6x8 tiles each. You can't even do better than 12 blocks each, but you can fit more 8x8 blocks in there.
If that's not a concern, then you're done (hooray). The bonus this way is that you never need to use the 4x8 blocks.
If you do want to maximize the 8x8 blocks, you'll have to take another step. We're concentrating on the dimension divisible by 6 here, because the 8 is easy. Every size we might need(8x8,6x8,4x8) stacks there perfectly.
For the other side, there are only 3 possible numbers that it could be: 6, 12, and 18. If it's anything else, the first step wasn't done right. Then take the following action:
For 6, add a row of 6x8 (no optimization)
For 12, add a row of 4x8 and a row of 8x8
For 18, add a row of 4x8, a row of 6x8, a row of 8x8
To see the difference, here we have two 50x50 grids:
Blue - 8x8
Red - 6x6
Green - 6x8
Gray - 4x8
This first example gives us 49 total blocks. The blue is a 32x32 area (16 blocks), red is 18x18 (9 blocks), and the rest is simply filled with 6x8's (24 blocks).
This example still gives 49 total, but there are more 8x8 blocks. Here we have 24 large blocks, rather than 16 in the last example. There are now also 4x8 blocks being used.
Here you go, in Python:
def aux(x):
# in h we store the pre-calculated results for small dimensions
h = {18:[6,6,6], 16:[8,8], 14:[8,6], 12:[6,6], 10:[6,4], 8:[8], 6:[6], 4:[4]}
res = []
while x > 18:
# as long as the remaining space is large, we put there tiles of size 8
x -= 8
if x not in h:
print("no solution found")
return []
return res + h[x]
def tiles( x, y ):
ax = aux(x) # split the x-dimension into tiles
ay = aux(y) # split the y-dimension into tiles
res = [ [ (x,y) for x in ax ] for y in ay ]
for u in res:
return res
tiles( 30, 30 )
The basic idea is that you can solve x and y independently, and then combine the two solutions.
Edit: As Dukeling says this code happily uses 4x6 and 4x4 blocks, contrary to the requirements. However, I think it does that only if there is no other way. So if the results contains such blocks then there is no solution without those blocks. And if you have no Python readily available, you can play with this code here: http://ideone.com/HHB7F8 , just press fork right above the source code.
Assuming you are looking for general case answer, I am sorry to say - but this problem is NP-Complete. It is basically a 2D variation of the Subset Sum Problem.
The subset sum problem: Given a set S and a number x - find out if there is a subset of S that sums to x.
It is easy to see that by reducing the subset sum problem to a "field" of size 1*x and for every s in S we have a tile 1*s - a solution to one problem is also a solution to the other one.
Thus - there is no known polynomial solution to this problem, and most believe one does not exist.
Note however, there is a pseudo-polynomial dynamic programming solution to subset sum that might be utilized here as well.

Divide grid (2D array) into random shaped parts?

The Problem
I want to divide a grid (2D array) into random shaped parts (think earth's tectonic plates).
Criteria are:
User inputs grid size (program should scale because this could be very large).
User inputs grid division factor (how many parts).
Grid is a rectangular shaped hex grid, and is capped top and bottom, wrap around left and right.
No fragmentation of the parts.
No parts inside other parts.
No tiny or super-large parts.
Random shaped parts, that are not perfect circles, or strung-out snaking shapes.
My solution:
Create a method that can access/manipulate adjacent cells.
Randomly determine the size of each part (the sum of all the parts equal the size of the whole 2D array).
Fill the entire 2D array with the last part's id number.
For each part except the last:
Seed the current part id number in a random cell of the 2D array.
Iterate over the entire array and store the address of each cell adjacent to any cells already seeded with the current part id number.
Extract one of the stored addresses and fill that cell with the current plate id number (and so the part starts to form).
Repeat until the part size is reached.
Note that to avoid parts with long strung out "arms" or big holes inside them, I created two storage arrays: one for cells adjacent
to just one cell with the current part id number, and the other for cells adjacent to more than one, then I exhaust the latter before the former.
Running my solution gives the following:
Grid size: 200
width: 20
height: 10
Parts: 7
Part number: 0
Part size: 47
Part number: 1
Part size: 30
Part number: 2
Part size: 26
Part number: 3
Part size: 22
Part number: 4
Part size: 26
Part number: 5
Part size: 22
Part number: 6
Part size: 27
Problems with my solution:
The last part is always fragmented - in the case above there are three separate groups of sixes.
The algorithm will stall when parts form in cul-de-sacs and don't have room to grow to their full size (the algorithm does not allow forming parts over other parts, unless it's the last part, which is layed down over the entire 2D array at the start).
If I don't specify the part sizes before forming the 2d array, and just make do with specifying the number of parts and randomly generating the part sizes on the fly, this leaves open the possibility of tiny parts being formed, that might aswell not be there at all, especially when the 2D array is very large. My current part size method limits the parts sizes to between 10% and 40% of the total size of the 2D array. I may be okay with not specifying the parts sizes if there is some super-elegant way to do this - the only control the user will have is 2d array size and number of parts.
Other ideas:
Form the parts in perfectly aligned squares, then run over the 2D array and randomly allow each part to encroach on other parts, warping them into random shapes.
Draw snaking lines across the grid and fill in the spaces created, maybe using some math like this: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PlaneDivisionbyLines.html
So here's the rub: I am a beginner programmer who is unsure if I'm tackling this problem in the right way. I can create some more "patch up" methods, that shift the fragmented parts together, and allow forming parts to "jump out" of the cul-de-sacs if they get stuck in them, but it feels messy.
How would you approach this problem? Is there some sexy math I could use to simplify things perhaps?
I did something similar for a game a few months back, though it was a rectangular grid rather than a hex grid. Still, the theory is the same, and it came up with nice contiguous areas of roughly equal size -- some were larger, some were smaller, but none were too small or too large. YMMV.
Make an array of pointers to all the spaces in your grid. Shuffle the array.
Assign the first N of them IDs -- 1, 2, 3, etc.
Until the array points to no spaces that do not have IDs,
Iterate through the array looking for spaces that do not have IDs
If the space has neighbors in the grid that DO have IDs, assign the space
the ID from a weighted random selection of the IDs of its neighbors.
If it doesn't have neighbors with IDs, skip to the next.
Once there are no non-empty spaces, you have your map with sufficiently blobby areas.
Here's what I'd do: use Voronoi algorithm. At first place some random points, then let the Voronoi algorithm generate the parts. To get the idea how it looks like consult: this applet.
As Rekin suggested, a Voronoi diagram plus some random perturbation will generally do a good job, and on a discretized space like you've got, is relatively easy to implement.
I just wanted to give some ideas about how to do the random perturbation. If you do it at the final resolution, then it's either going to take a very long time, or be pretty minimal. You might try doing a multi-resolution perturbation. So, start with a rather small grid, randomly seed, compute the Voronoi diagram. Then randomly perturb the borders - something like, for each pair of adjacent cells with different regions, push the region one way or the other. You might need to run a post-process to make sure you have no tiny islands.. a simple floodfill will work.
Then create a grid that's twice the size (in each direction), and copy your regions over. You can probably use nearest neighbor. Then perturb the borders again, and repeat until you reach your desired resolution.
