How to tell if user control is done loading in vb6 - vb6

How can you tell if a VB6 user control is done loading? Is there a custom UserControl_Loaded event or something?

What do you mean by loading? A UserControl has an Initialize event which you should use to set initial values. VB itself will then load in property values. In any of the other events you can assume the control is set up and ready to go.
You can read about the order of events a UserControl goes through here:

I tend to put "load" logic into the InitProperties and ReadProperties event handlers. The first one gets called when a UserControl instance is added to a container (Form, another UserControl) within the IDE. The second one gets called on all subsequent "creations" within the IDE and at run time.
You can check Ambient.UserMode to determine whether a subsequent creation's ReadProperties event is due to editing operations vs. an IDE or compiled run.
Initialize events always occur, and before the other two. At that time Ambient and other context objects are not available yet.
See that fine manual: Understanding Control Lifetime and Key Events


Implementing a Custom Cocoa Event Tracking Loop

I'm working on a custom cross platform UI library that needs a synchronous "ShowPopup" method that shows a popup, runs an event loop until it's finished and automatically cancels when clicking outside the popup or pressing escape. Keyboard, mouse and scroll wheel events need to be dispatched to the popup but other events (paint, draw, timers etc...) need to be dispatched to their regular targets while the loop runs.
Edit: for clarification, by popup, I mean this kind of menu style popup window, not an alert/dialog etc...
On Windows I've implemented this fairly simply by calling GetMessage/DispatchMessage and filtering and dispatching messages as appropriate. Works fine.
I've much less experience with Cocoa/OS X however and finding the whole event loop/dispatch paradigm a bit confusing. I've seen the following article which explains how to implement a mouse tracking loop which is very similar to what I need:
but... there's some things about this that concern me.
The linked article states: "the application’s main thread is unable to process any other requests during an event-tracking loop and timers might not fire". Might not? Why not, when not, how to make sure they do?
The docs for nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue: states "events that do not match one of the specified event types are left in the queue.". That seems a little odd. Does this mean that if an event loop only asks for mouse events then any pressed keys will be processed once the loop finishes? That'd be weird.
Is it possible to peek at a message in the event queue without removing it. eg: the Windows version of my library uses this to close the popup when it's clicked outside, but leaves the click event in the queue so that clicking outside the popup on a another button doesn't require a second click.
I've read and re-read about run loop modes but still don't really get it. A good explanation of what these are for would be great.
Are there any other good examples of implementing an event loop for a popup. Even better would be pseudo-code for what the built in NSApplication run loop does.
Another way of putting all this... what's the Cocoa equivalent of Windows' PeekMessage(..., PM_REMOVE), PeekMessage(..., PM_NOREMOVE) and DispatchMessage().
Any help greatly appreciated.
What exactly is a "popup" as you're using the term? That term means different things in different GUI APIs. Is it just a modal dialog window?
Update for edits to question:
It seems you just want to implement a custom menu. Apple provides a sample project, CustomMenus, which illustrates that technique. It's a companion to one of the WWDC 2010 session videos, Session 145, "Key Event Handling in Cocoa Applications".
Depending on exactly what you need to achieve, you might want to use an NSAlert. Alternatively, you can use a custom window and just run it modally using the -runModalForWindow: method of NSApplication.
To meet your requirement of ending the modal session when the user clicks outside of the window, you could use a local event monitor. There's even an example of just such functionality in the (modern, current) Cocoa Event Handling Guide: Monitoring Events.
All of that said, here are (hopefully no longer relevant) answers to your specific questions:
The linked article states: "the application’s main thread is unable to process any other requests during an event-tracking loop and
timers might not fire". Might not? Why not, when not, how to make
sure they do?
Because timers are scheduled in a particular run loop mode or set of modes. See the answer to question 4, below. You would typically use the event-tracking mode when running an event-tracking loop, so timers which are not scheduled in that mode will not run.
You could use the default mode for your event-tracking loop, but it really isn't a good idea. It might cause unexpected re-entrancy.
Assuming your pop-up is similar to a modal window, you should probably use NSModalPanelRunLoopMode.
The docs for nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:
states "events that do not match one of the specified event types are
left in the queue.". That seems a little odd. Does this mean that if
an event loop only asks for mouse events then any pressed keys will be
processed once the loop finishes? That'd be weird.
Yes, that's what it means. It's up to you to prevent that weird outcome. If you were to read a version of the Cocoa Event Handling Guide from this decade, you'd find there's a section on how to deal with this. ;-P
Is it possible to peek at a message in the event queue without removing it. eg: the Windows version of my library uses this to close
the popup when it's clicked outside, but leaves the click event in the
queue so that clicking outside the popup on a another button doesn't
require a second click.
Yes. Did you notice the "dequeue:" parameter of nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:? If you pass NO for that, then the event is left in the queue.
I've read and re-read about run loop modes but still don't really get it. A good explanation of what these are for would be great.
It's hard to know what to tell you without knowing what you're confused about and how the Apple guide failed you.
Are you familiar with handling multiple asynchronous communication channels using a loop around select(), poll(), epoll(), or kevent()? It's kind of like that, but a bit more automated. Not only do you build a data structure which lists the input sources you want to monitor and what specific events on those input sources you're interested in, but each input source also has a callback associated with it. Running the run loop is like calling one of the above functions to wait for input but also, when input arrives, calling the callback associated with the source to handle that input. You can run a single turn of that loop, run it until a specific time, or even run it indefinitely.
With run loops, the input sources can be organized into sets. The sets are called "modes" and identified by name (i.e. a string). When you run a run loop, you specify which set of input sources it should monitor by specifying which mode it should run in. The other input sources are still known to the run loop, but just ignored temporarily.
The -nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue: method is, more or less, running the thread's run loop internally. In addition to whatever input sources were already present in the run loop, it temporarily adds an input source to monitor events from the windowing system, including mouse and key events.
Are there any other good examples of implementing an event loop for a popup. Even better would be pseudo-code for what the built in
NSApplication run loop does.
There's old Apple sample code, which is actually their implementation of GLUT. It provides a subclass of NSApplication and overrides the -run method. When you strip away some stuff that's only relevant for application start-up or GLUT, it's pretty simple. It's just a loop around -nextEventMatchingMask:... and -sendEvent:.

CFRunLoopObserver vs. nested CFRunLoops

I`ve got a Cocoa UI app that needs to update its main window as fast as the rest of its UI event loop permits, so I implemented the main updater function via a CFRunLoopObserver. I also have an application-modal alert box and a context menu.
So, my problem is that when I have both an alert and a context menu on the screen, the updater gets stuck, presumably due to excess number of nested run loops above the one it has been attached to back at the start. Surprisingly, I can alleviate the issue by duplicating the observer, and it keeps running — one instance only, randomly chosen from the two existing when the «blocking» nested loop starts. When it ends (a menu item gets chosen, an alert exceeds its timeout or is dismissed manually — whatever), things get back to normal, and the blocked observer regains the ability to run.
Now the question: is there a way to have a single observer that gets executed no matter how deep the run loop stack is?
Sidestepping the runloop issue, have you looked at CVDisplayLink?
You set one up using CVDisplayLinkCreateWithActiveCGDisplays(), and then attach a callback using CVDisplayLinkSetOutputCallback(). It'll ask for data at the refresh rate of the display, so you'll be getting the callback as fast as you need.

Safari extension context menu item command event is firing twice

I have developed an extension for Safari which uses a context menu.
In the code, I am listening to the command event of the context menu item using:
safari.application.addEventListener("command", commandHandler, false);
In the commandHandler() function, I have added an alert statement for debugging purposes. By doing so, I found that the function commandHandler() is firing twice whenever I click on the context menu item.
Also I added a tool bar item, which also fires the command() event on clicking. The function attached to the command() event is also firing twice after clicking on the item.
Does anybody know of this issue and how to resolve it?
Without more information, this sounds like a problem of insufficient filtering. That is, you're receiving all command messages without determining which they are or why they're flowing across your callback layer, and your callback layer receives two messages per click of, as given, unknown disposition.
The event notification callback structure for Safari extensions allows you to register multiple events against the same event type, and multiple distinct events may be generated in many cases. To this end, your attempt to add an event listener to the "command" scope means you're literally receiving all commands passed to the callback layer. These may be multi-firing in cases where you have, for example, a complex nesting relationship (A contains B, where A and B both notify) or a complex behavior pattern (for example, a mousedown followed by a mouseup).
Apple provides guidance on how to handle this scenario, by binding the command to a specific target or specific command, which is what you should do here. And just in case that's insufficient, here's additional documentation on how the callback system works to help you define your events properly.
Following the guidance should allow you to work through this issue by properly binding your events to your object and only operating on the events you need. Everything else should simply be ignored by your event handler.

Windows phone 7 -- programmatically create the initial UI?

I want to create the UI in code when the app starts up. What would be the natural place for this code?
You would probably want to put it in the page constructor right after the InitializeComponent() call. I don't see a need to do this since you have the XAML designer at hand anyway - it will eventually create a small performance overhead because you are building the page twice - once when it's loaded and the second time when you add additional components.
I am assuming your intention is to have a total control of the application resources in this manner. You get one entry point, where you can initialize a view, as well as the other operational classes, that make your application tick.
So my answer would be this:
In App() initialize an IoC right a way.
Then let default code, such as InitializeComponent() do it's job. Remove InitializePhoneApplication() and insert your view initialization logic there.

Distinguish between designer and runtime code

I have two processes which exange messages each other.
Process A is a normal (i.e non-qt) program which sends messages to process B.
Process B is a QT GUI application showing received messages into a text box.
I created a customized widget (called ShowMessages) which inherits from QPlainTextEdit and reads messages from a pipe when a timer expires, and appends them in the text box.
Code is not really designed like this (which would be pretty bad design I think), but it's just to make things simple here.
For reasons I won't tell, process A cannot be shut down while I'm creating the form using qt-designer.
Problem is that while I'm using qt designer (thus selecting the ShowMessages widget and putting it within the window) the widget begins to show messages, even if I'm in the designer. This feature is cool but the problem is that when I save the form, already present messages are saved in .ui file, which results in turn in bad behaviour when I start process B (because process starts showing messages I received during the creation phase).
I could clean the text box just after process B starts, but I think that avoiding messages to be present in the .ui file is much better. What I want is to be able to write code like this for the widget:
if <I'm not in the designer>
timer = QtCore.QTimer(self)
QtCore.QObject.connect(timer, QtCore.SIGNAL("timeout()"), self, QtCore.SLOT("on_timer()"));
Is there an qt function to know if I'm in the designer? Do you think that distinguishing between designer and runtime code is "bad"?
(Sorry for mistakes, but English is not my primary language)
Maybe your widget should have a flag for whether it's "active" and default it to False so while you're in the designer, it doesn't do anything at all. In code you would set it to active when you want to see the messages. Then you also have the ability to turn it off in other scenarios as well.
But I have to say, it sounds like you're putting "controller" code into a "view" widget which can and probably will spell trouble for you down the road (including the current Qt designer problem you're having now).
Consider reading up on the MVC (model-view-controller) design pattern, if you haven't already.
To be fair, your question did ask how to detect whether you're in designer :)
To give custom widgets special
behavior in Qt Designer, provide an
implementation of the initialize()
function to configure the widget
construction process for Qt Designer
specific behavior. This function will
be called for the first time before
any calls to createWidget() and could
perhaps set an internal flag that can
be tested later when Qt Designer calls
the plugin's createWidget() function.
According to the doc, you basically could set your "inDesignerFlag" to true in the initialize() function of your widget. Then detect that flag where required in your widget's code.
