Can't Install Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 10 - visual-studio-2010

When I run the VS2010 installer, nothing opens. I checked my running processes and I do not see anything new in there either.
I have tried running it in compatibility mode for 8, 8.1, and 7. I have also tried running it as an administrator. Same problem. Opening the setup causes nothing to happen.
I am on the latest Windows 10 build (10122), the previous build did not work either.
Does anyone have any ideas or know how to fix this?
Thank you.
Edit: I'm actually having the same problem in a copy of Windows 8.1 I'm running in Hyper-V.

I figured out the problem. Opening the iso and running setup.exe or autorun.exe does not work. Instead, running ~/Setup/setup.exe worked.
That is, the setup.exe in the Setup folder works. However, the setup.exe in the root folder does not work.


Windows 7 Visual Studio "windows 8.1 required" on new project

I ran into some time consuming problems.
So basically I've been using VS 2015 for a while on Win7 64bit.
I installed the "Windows 8 Tools" because I tried to debug something for another version of windows. I played a lot to make that work, I think I changed the toolset locations maybe, but I don't know where that is and what the default would be.
The problem is when I uninstalled the Win8 toolsets from my Control Panel, then when I tried to enter one of my project, it said I needed to upgrade to windows 8.1 to load this project.
Even if I try to create a new JavaScript project it tells me I need to upgrade to Windows 8,1.
There is a weird message this is the link: (
It says "Visual Studio 2013" I don't know why.
I've been googling for hours but I'm not even english and I don't find nothing I think my problem is too specific.
Maybe I miss something but can anyone help please?
Right now I'm desperate.
I uninstall with the cmd "D:\vs_entreprise.exe /uninstall /force" then reinstall, restarted, reset all settings to default in the "export and import settings" but same problem.
Thank you,
I uninstalled all the framework I installed when I was trying to install the Win8 tools. Then VS told me that I was missing 4.6.something. I went into the CD and found "M:\packages\sdk_tools46\" and installed it, then I could open VS and create new projects. New projects are targeted for 10.

VB6 in Windows 10 can't Implements IDTExtensibility2

I still maintain many old VB6 applications, a few of them are ActiveX Dll that Implements IDTExtensibility2.
Today I opened one of them on Windows 10, tried to run it, and the line Implements IDTExtensibility2 was highlighted and the message "Compile error: Automation type not supported in Visual Basic" appeared.
I created a VirtualBox with Windows 7, installed VB6, and the same project works without problems.
I had Windows 10 for many months now and i'ts unlikely that I never opened any of the old the ActiveX Dll projects, but I don't remember if I did. My feeling is that I did, it was working and it has been broken recently, but I'm not sure because they are old projects and I open them very seldom for minimal maintenance.
Unfortunately I still need to maintain those antiques. Do I need to do the maintenance in the Windows 7 virtual machine? Or do I have a chance to get it to work in Windows 10?
Alternative fix if the #stenci SP6 reinstall solution doesn't work:
Open an administrative Command window. Issue the following commands:
regsvr32 /u "c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DESIGNER\MSADDNDR.DLL"
regsvr32 "c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DESIGNER\MSADDNDR.DLL"
As with the other solution, you may need to re-apply this fix after Windows 10 updates.
This fix got me going again with my VB6 Add-In project.
I finally found the solution: I had the wrong version of the service pack 6 installed.
Installing the correct version it solved the problem, and now I can finally (and sadly) use VB6 on Windows 10.
The correct version can be downloaded from here:
When Microsoft pushes an update the problem pops up again. Trying to re-install the service pack fails showing a message about a phantom network folder.
In order to fix the problem after a Windows update right click on the file downloaded from the link above, uninstall, then double click on it to re-install, and all is good until the next Windows update.

Why does a VS2010 installation start when I start VB6?

I just upgraded to Windows 10 and noticed that some programs, such as Visual Studio 2010, start a setup when I try to run them and look for their install files. What really makes me wonder though is that this VS2010 setup also starts when I run the VB6 IDE. How can these two be connected?
(I also have VS2008 and VS2013 installed and they don't have these issues.)
When I went through this situation, the only way to resolve it was reinstalling VS2010. In my case when I so was using Windows 7
I tried to restore the system, use CCleaner and others, but none succeeded.
Please try reinstalling VS2010! I hope this helps!

InPageError while installing Visual Studio

I have a big problem. I need to install Visual Studio 2010 but I get this error:
Suite Intergration Toolkit Executable has stopped workingg
Problem Event Name: InPageError
Error Status Code: c0000010
I have also tried to extract the .iso and run the setup.exe. The instalation fails in this case, too.
Also, when I tried chkdsk F: /R in cmd I got: "Windows cannot run disk checking on this volume because it is write protected".
I would like to mention that I have recently reinstalled windows 7 on my laptop.
What drivers should I check?
How could I solve this? I really need to install Visual Studio for a project that I have to work on.
thank you!
It's solved, but I don't really know why...
I only changed the boot order and I made some windows updates.
Then I run the setup and it all worked.

VB6 Application Silently Crashes on Startup/Form Loading

I have a VB6 app that loads initially (for a small prompt to enter a license key, only on the first time). It works fine on my machine (windows 7).
I had complaints of it crashing on someone else's machine (both xp and 7), so I made a Windows XP virtual machine. I installed it on the virtual machine, it crashed. I wanted to see where it crashed so I installed Visual Studio on the virtual machine so that I would get a debug prompt. When I ran the program again, it worked.
I am more familiar with C++ and had these kinds of problems, so I figured it was some sort of runtime issue.
I found this VB6 SP6 Redistributable Runtime:
I installed that, and it still wouldn't run.
Any ideas where to go from here?
I have tried depends.exe, it only shows MSJava, which I've heard I can ignore. Does depends.exe also show things like .ocx (Active X controllers?) that are required?
Also, from the cmd prompt, %errorlevel% doesn't seem to get populated. Is that a VB6 things, or does that indicate that this is truely a crash and not a user exit?
Open the Visual Basic project and check both "References" and "Components" under the "Project" menu.
Since it is crashing with the VB runtime installed it is likely a component that you have referenced in the project that either does not exist (or is not registered) on the client under test.
This should be a simple fix.
I had the same problem on my windows 7 computer.
I have uninstalled everything, changed my windows theme to Windows Classic.
I changed following properties of VB setup file.
Right click on setup.exe and go to properties and in compatibility tab change the compatibility mode to windows XP SP2. And in settings uncheck the following check boxes.
Disable Visual themes
Disable Desktop composition
Disable display scaling on high DPI settings.
Run this program as an administrator
And have completed installation.
Followed by installing VB 6 service pack 6 from here.
Hope it helps.
It may require something else other than just the runtime, have you tried viewing it with dependency walker on the machine that it crashes on?
It should quickly point out any missing references.
Maybe try again, create a new VM, but install the remote debugger instead of the full VS.
You should create an installer for your application. There may be more dependencies than just the VB6 runtime. A good installation tool will detect at least some of necessary dependencies for you. Have a look at this question or this question
