Best way for Audit in Spring - spring

I am creating an application where users can create games. I am storing in the entity Game who was the user that created the game, I mean, the owner of the game. The entity Game has some relationships ONE_TO_ONE (RuleGame) and ONE_TO_MANY (PublicZone and PrivateZones) to other entities.
What I want is that only the owner of the game and users with ROLE_ADMIN and ROLE_STAFF be able to edit the game and its relationships.
Another way to say this, think like a Social Network, just me and the ADMIN can edit my profile but I cannot edit the profile of other users.
Of course I can create my own logic in a #Service and in each "update" method of the controller of those entities (Game, PublicZone and PrivateZones) call it and check this but I am wondering is there is a better way to go.
I was reading about Audit, like Hibernate Envers, but it is for wiki-like software, log who added/updated/deleted, so it doesnt fit in what I need.
I am using Spring 4.1.6, Spring Data Jpa 1.8.0, Spring Security 4 and Hibernate 4.3.8
Every suggestion is welcome!

You will want to use spring-data-jpa auditing along with a security framework such as spring security. This will allow the username to be added automatically when a record is created and modified with no extra logic from yourself.


What is the best way to make Jhipster auto generated application have SAAS model?

Like Jhipster generated app has out of box user management, I want to create a company/organization concept in JHipster so that every data is associated with its own organization/company
What is the best approach to handle it?
Have someone done it before?
First, for the database you should look at multitenancy in Hibernate and precisely at the discriminator column approach described in and
Then, for the REST layer, you should consider implementing a Spring MVC interceptor to map authenticated user to tenant id. For debugging purpose, you should also consider setting the tenant id in logback MDC so that you can see it in logs.
Finally, you got to think at the admin part, administrators should probably be able to access all data from all tenants. If admins should not be allowed to do so, you should consider encrypting data with a key per tenant.
There's a blueprint but it's not working for current JHipster 7 and team is looking for contributors. However, there are examples generated that you could look at for inspiration,

Using Spring ACL in a complicated access setup for an entity

I am developing a spring boot application with spring-data-rest being one of the core dependencies. As such, in order to secure the auto generated and manual endpoints I have been using a role based approach and a custom PermissionEvaluator to handle object specific auth checks. This works but is too cumbersome and fails when I need a filtered and paginated response. So, I am planning to implement ACL. Now, I have a rather complicated flow of authorisation for an entity.
The users are mapped to a profile entity(MANY TO MANY). The target entity is also mapped to a separate profile entity(MANY TO MANY) and these 2 profile entities are mapped to each other(MANY TO MANY). To check if a particular user has permission over a target entity object, I need to go through the relationships in my application logic, in my PermissionEvaluator.
Now, if I decide to implement this in ACL only, I am confused as to how to best to do this. The preliminary idea that I had is to create the object list directly in the ACL tables for each user(principle). This would mean that I would need to update the ACL tables everytime with new objects if a permission is changed. Is this a correct approach? Is there a better way to do this? Is it even ok to modify the ACL tables frequently?
Summary: If the logic to check if a user has access over an object is complicated and requires data from other tables, how do I handle it efficiently using ACL?
I'm working on an ACL extension for Spring Data JPA/Rest which handles all of your problems - and many more. It take some time to learn how does it work, but it still needs much less time than creating all of these features for yourself.
You can set up the access rules using annotations in the entity classes - and that's all. it will affect the auto-generated and manual endpoints and even the Data JPA repository-methods.
Spring Data JPA ACL

Finer control over Spring Security on Spring Data REST

I have multiple closely related problems in Spring Security. I am developing using Spring Boot and am using Spring Data REST for creating REST endpoints directly from my repositories.
I have multiple entities and the requirement is to have all these entities as REST endpoints. I am letting spring-data-rest handle the creation of these endpoints and I am securing these endpoints by adding #PreAuthorize and #PostAuthorize to the entity repository methods as and where required. This works great when I am calling an endpoint like /entity/id.
But I am facing issues from here. Let's say I have 2 entities, Entity1 and Entity2 and they have a One to One relationship. Spring data rest allows me to fetch the related Entity2 data from Entity1 like /entity1/id/entity2. But I have different access rights over Entity1 and Entity2 and calling the above endpoint only checks the access rights as set up in the repository for Entity1 only. So, if a user has access to Entity1 table and no access to Entity2 table, he can still see some Entity2 data via the foreign key relationship of Entity1. Is this a correct design?
Moreover we have some custom API endpoints wherein we have to aggregate data from multiple entity repositories. Also, these endpoints themselves have to secured. So, I am using a #PreAuthorize over an endpoint method. This works as expected and the endpoint method is called only when the expression is valid. But, when a repository method is called (via a service class of course), the #PreAuthorize over that repository method is also evaluated. I would like to have the check done with at the beginning. Is it possible to do so?
Any suggestions to improving the design is also welcome.
There is no simple solution without massively modifying/overriding lots of default Spring DataRest features. I'm working such a package for years now and it's working quite well for me.
Although switching to this package might be a bit overkill for you, it could worth the trouble in the long run because it also a fixes a lot of problem you will meet only months later.
you can set up permisison rules via annotation directly in the domain objects.
it checks the permisisons in the DB side, so the traffic between the API and DB is heavily decreased (Only those objects are fetched form the DB which the current user has permission to)
you can set READ/UPDATE/DELETE/CREATE permissions separately for roles and/or certain users
you can use pagination on permission filtered collection
you can use pagination on property-collections too
(+ some extra features like flexible search on multiple properties)
here is the package (It's an extension of Spring Data JPA / Data Rest)

Spring Security Domain Model Authorization

Spring Security has this basic idea of a Principal and GrantedAuthority. I've implemented Spring Security and read this stackoverflow and understand at a basic level that a "ROLE" is nothing more than a GrantedAuthority prefixed with "ROLE_".
What I don't understand is why have this convention in the first place? Why have #PreAuthorize("hasRole('XYZ')") be equivilant to #PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('ROLE_XYZ')")?
What's so special about segregating Granted Authorities like this? What's the purpose?
Additionally, what is the best convention for applying these "ROLES" to specific instances of a Domain Model. Take for example a system that keeps track of projects and you want to explicitly give users access to view and edit certain projects. I could create ROLE_EDIT_PROJECT and ROLE_VIEW_PROJECT but that's application-wide. Where would you make the relationship of a ROLE to a specific project? A join table? Would you even involve Spring Security into this or build this type of security from scratch within your application?
I unfortunately don't know why this convention is used, probably just legacy code I would guess.
For the second part of your question, I would suggest using "hasPermission(project, 'view')" and define your own PermissionEvaluator.
more information can be found here

Implement spring social with spring security + Jsf 2

I've made a sample webapp with all these Framework :
JSF 2.2 (Primefaces / prettyfaces), Spring, Spring Security (with remember me), Spring JPA and Log4j2.
The news is everything work well :)
Now i want to implement the last framework : Spring social
This is my task list :
Enable connection with FaceBook, Twitter and google
Allow users to have multi accounts (like stackoverflow)
Secure socials connection
Add remember me and social account disconnect
But ... i can't find how to do this (I try a lot of blog but no one really talk about it) and
I don't understand Spring social documentation and sample who come with it.
Is someone can help me (or purpose sample with this implementation) ?
The full project on github :
Thanks for your help :)
Mohd Adnan, I find a way but not with spring social :)
First i've made some update in my model class :
I have a User class who store user account information (credential, roles, ...)
I added a Standard Account class who store extra information for standard auth (like password)
I added a Social Account class who store extra information for social auth (Id, provider, ...)
Like this i keep all security rules already implemented
I just have to do the last task and everything will work like i want ;)
