Magento send email in custom module - magento

I Need to create an email template. Also I need to load that customer template into another .phtml file and edit before send the email. After editing only I need to send the email. Can anyone please help me how to do this?
I searched and tried for this, but I only found articles related to send email without editing the existing email template.

You can create an email template when going to System > Transactional Emails. The name you put in is the unique identifier for that template.
$templateName = 'template_name_you_put_in_in_the_backend';
$to = '';
$customerName = 'John Doe';
// Load our template by template_id
$emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email_template')->loadDefault($templateId);
$vars = array(
'customer_name' => $customerName
// Other vars that can be used in the mplate
// Store sends it
$senderName = Mage::getStoreConfig(Mage_Core_Model_Store::XML_PATH_STORE_STORE_NAME);
$senderEmail = Mage::getStoreConfig('trans_email/ident_general/email');
//Send the email!
$emailTemplate->send($to, $customerName, $emailTemplateVariables);
You can of course edit this file through System > Transactional Emails. If this isn't what you mean, can you clarify what you mean by 'editing the existing email template' ?


Magento 2.3.3 Email Issue When Sending Email copy to multiple email

I am facing issue in the email in magento2. this issue is only faced in Magento 2.3.3.
How to produce
Go to
Store-> Configuration-> Sales-> Sales Emails -> Send Order Email Copy To -> enter multiple comma separated emails.
and change Send Order Email Copy Method BCC to separate Email
Now open any order and click on send an email you will get an error in
TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Magento\Email\Model\Template\Interceptor::setVars() must be of the type array, null given, called in /var/www/vendor/magento/framework/Mail/Template/TransportBuilder.php on line 368
have any one faced or fixed it??
I found a fix for it.
if (!empty($copyTo)) {
foreach ($copyTo as $email) {
$transport = $this->transportBuilder->getTransport();
replace above code as below
if (!empty($copyTo)) {
foreach ($copyTo as $email) {
$transport = $this->transportBuilder->getTransport();
Note: please dont do code in core file.

Get store email addresses by store ID

I have changed store email for another store.
Using below code I get a email of default config.
$FromName = Mage::getStoreConfig('trans_email/ident_general/name');
$FromEmail = Mage::getStoreConfig('trans_email/ident_general/email');
I want another email address which i have changed for specific store only.
Is there any way to fetch store email by store id?
Please find the answer below, You need to pass the current store to get an Email Id...
$store = Mage::app()->getStore(); // store info
$FromName = Mage::getStoreConfig('trans_email/ident_general/name',$store);
$FromEmail = Mage::getStoreConfig('trans_email/ident_general/email',$store);

virtuemart 2 - how to send invoice as email attachment on confirm order

I want to send invoice as email attachment on order confirmation ,how to go about sending the invoice.
searched a lot ,not relevant data found.
The VM Order Confirmation Email work flow is as follows,
Check the function notifyCustomer() inside orders.php in administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/
There is a section like shopFunctionsF::renderMail() It calls a function from shopefunctionsf helper file in /components/com_virtuemart/helpers/shopfunctionsf.php
renderMail() calls sendVmMail() in the same file there you can find option for attaching media or anything you want .
if (isset($view->mediaToSend)) {
foreach ((array)$view->mediaToSend as $media) {
//Todo test and such things.
Hope its helps..

One list, two different thank you pages with Mailchimp

Mailchimp ties each form to one list.
I'd like to have a signup form on Page1.html that sends users to Page1ty.html and another form on Page2.html that sends users to Page2ty.html. But both forms need to feed users into the same list. As stated above, this isn't possible using their basic forms. I would need two list.
Mailchimp says this kind of routing might be possible using their API. Does any one know how to go about accomplishing the above kind of signups?
You would just create custom forms and tie into the MailChimp API, but as of their latest update you'll need to make sure you have administrator privileges.
You include (require) the MCAPI.class.php and files from their API downloads, and then write your process (I use PHP).
Once you have downloaded the files and set up your '` file with the proper credentials, (API Key and list ID) you're ready to go.
Here's a sample in PHP that subscribes a user to a list, but you'll have to read the API docs to get the exact functionality you're looking for.
// --- Sample fields - depends on your list
$mailChimpTIME = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$mailChimpFirstName = // First Name
$mailChimpLastName = // Last Name
$mailChimpEmailAddress = // Email Address
require_once 'MCAPI.class.php';
require_once ''; //contains apikey
$api = new MCAPI($apikey);
$merge_vars = array(
$email_type = 'html';
$double_optin = true;
$update_existing = true;
$replace_interests = false;
// By default this sends a confirmation email - you will not see new members
// until the link contained in it is clicked!
$retval = $api->listSubscribe( $listId, $mailChimpEmailAddress, $merge_vars, $email_type, $double_optin, $update_existing, $replace_interests);
if ($api->errorCode){
echo "Unable to load listSubscribe()!\n";
echo "\tCode=".$api->errorCode."\n";
echo "\tMsg=".$api->errorMessage."\n";
} else {
// Success
//echo "Subscribed - look for the confirmation email!\n";

Setting Order Status and adding custom carriers in Magento

i am trying to create a order and assign a shipping no for that order when a order is placed. But i see that when i have an invoice created and a shipment added , magento sets the order status to 'complete' automatically. I tried to change the status manually but it wouldn work.
$order = Mage::getModel('sales/order');
$order->setState(Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_PROCESSING, true);
Could some one suggest me how to over come this?
Also, how i add a custom carrier ? The default ones are DHL, FedEx , UPS.. I want to add one similar to them. This is how i am doing it:
$carrier = "dhl";
$title = "DHL";
$trackNumber = '538099';
if (1) {
$itemsQty = $order->getItemsCollection()->count();
$shipment =Mage::getModel('sales/service_order',$order)->prepareShipment($itemsQty);
$shipment = new Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Shipment_Api();
$shipmentId = $shipment->create($orderId);
For the carrier and title, if i give a custom name, i get a error invalid carrier in a report. How do i go about this? Thanks.
You could use the addStatusToHistory function. This is also used for adding comments.
$order->addStatusToHistory('processing', 'Order is being processed', false);
param 1 (string): The new status
param 2 (string): Your Comment
param 3 (boolean): If you want to send the customer an email notification.
