How to cleaning hadoop mapreduce memory usage? - hadoop

I want to ask. I can say for example I have 10 MB memory on each node after I activate process. So, I run the namenode, datanode, secondary namenode, dll. But after I've done the hadoop mapreduce job, why the memory for example decrease to 5 MB for example. Whereas, the hadoop mapreduce job has done.
How can it back to the 10 MB free memory? Thanks all....

Maybe you can try the linux clear memory command :
echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches


Hadoop errorcode -1000, No space available in any of the local directories

I'm using Windows 7 with Hadoop 2.10.1 installed as shown here: and I get an error when running my job:
INFO mapreduce.Job:
Job job_1605374051781_0001 failed with state FAILED due to:
Application application_1605374051781_0001 failed 2 times
due to AM Container for appattempt_1605374051781_0001_000002 exited with
exitCode: -1000 Failing this attempt.Diagnostics:
[2020-11-14 18:17:54.217]No space available in any of the local directories.
The expected output is several lines of text and my disks are nowhere near full (at least 10GB free). The code is some generic mapreduce job that I cannot post here because it's the intellectual property of the university.
Any tips on how to solve the "No space available" error?
For clarification I'm using only my PC, I'm not connected to other machines.
PS: I've solved it, as said here: Hadoop map reduce example stuck on Running job by user "banu reddy" the free HDD space needs to be at least 10% od the disk.
Hadoop's jobs are executed within the framework's distributed filesystem aka HDFS, which works independently from the local filesystem (even by operating in just one machine, as you clarified).
That basically means that the error you got referred to the disk space available in the HDFS and not on your hard drives in general. To check if the HDFS has enough disk space to run the job or not, you can execute the following command on the terminal:
hdfs dfs -df -h
Which can have an output like this (ignoring the warning I get on my Hadoop setup):
If the command output in your system indicates that the available disk space is low or non-existent, you can individualy delete directories from the HDFS
by firstly checking what directories and files are stored:
hadoop fs -ls
And then deleting each directory from the HDFS:
hadoop fs -rm -r name_of_the_folder
Or file from the HDFS:
hadoop fs -rm name_of_the_file
Alternatively, you can empty everything stored in the HDFS to be sure that you will not hit the disk space limit again any time soon. You can do that by stopping the YARN and HDFS daemons at first:
Then enabling only the HDFS daemon:
Then formatting everything on the namenode (aka the HDFS in your system, not your local files of course):
hadoop namenode -format
And enabling YARN and HDFS daemons at last:
Remember to re-run the hdfs dfs -df -h command after deleting stuff in the HDFS so you make sure you have free space on the HDFS.

Hadoop multinode cluster too slow. How do I increase speed of data processing?

I have a 6 node cluster - 5 DN and 1 NN. All have 32 GB RAM. All slaves have 8.7 TB HDD. DN has 1.1 TB HDD. Here is the link to my core-site.xml , hdfs-site.xml , yarn-site.xml.
After running an MR job, i checked my RAM Usage which is mentioned below:
free -g
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 31 7 15 0 8 22
Swap: 31 0 31
Datanode :
Slave1 :
free -g
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 31 6 6 0 18 24
Swap: 31 3 28
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 31 2 4 0 24 28
Swap: 31 1 30
Likewise, other slaves have similar RAM usage. Even if a single job is submitted, the other submitted jobs enter into ACCEPTED state and wait for the first job to finish and then they start.
Here is the output of ps command of the JAR that I submnitted to execute the MR job:
/opt/jdk1.8.0_77//bin/java -Dproc_jar -Xmx1000m
-Dhadoop.log.dir=/home/hduser/hadoop/logs -Dyarn.log.dir=/home/hduser/hadoop/logs
-Dhadoop.log.file=yarn.log -Dyarn.log.file=yarn.log
-Dyarn.home.dir= -Dhadoop.root.logger=INFO,console
-Dyarn.root.logger=INFO,console -Dyarn.policy.file=hadoop-policy.xml
-Dhadoop.log.dir=/home/hduser/hadoop/logs -Dyarn.log.dir=/home/hduser/hadoop/logs
-Dhadoop.log.file=yarn.log -Dyarn.log.file=yarn.log
-Dyarn.home.dir=/home/hduser/hadoop -Dhadoop.home.dir=/home/hduser/hadoop
-Dhadoop.root.logger=INFO,console -Dyarn.root.logger=INFO,console
-classpath --classpath of jars
org.apache.hadoop.util.RunJar abc.jar abc.mydriver2 /raw_data /mr_output/02
Is there any settings that I can change/add to allow multiple jobs to run simultaneously and speed up current data processing ? I am using hadoop 2.5.2. The cluster is in PROD environment and I can not take it down for updating hadoop version.
EDIT 1 : I started a new MR job with 362 GB of data and still the RAM usage is around 8 GB and 22 GB of RAM is free. Here is my job submission command -
nohup yarn jar abc.jar def.mydriver1 /raw_data /mr_output/01 &
Here is some more information :
18/11/22 14:09:07 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 130363
18/11/22 14:09:10 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: number of splits:130372
Is there some additional memory parameters that we can use to submit the job to have efficient memory usage ?
I believe you can edit the mapred-default.xml
The Params you are looking for are
0 (Probably what it is set too at the moment) means UNLIMITED.
Looking at your Memory 32G/Machine seems too small.
What CPU/Cores are you having ? I would expect Quad CPU/16 Cores Minimum. Per Machine.
Based on your yarn-site.xml your yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb setting of 10240 is too high. This effectively means you only have at best 18 vcores available. This might be the right setting for a cluster where you have tons of memory but for 32GB it's way too large. Drop it to 1 or 2GB.
Remember, HDFS block sizes are what each mapper typically consumes. So 1-2GB of memory for 128MB of data sounds more reasonable. The added benefit is you could have up to 180 vcores available which will process jobs 10x faster than 18 vcores.
To give you an idea of how a 4 node 32 core 128GB RAM per node cluster is setup:
For Tez: Divide RAM/CORES = Max TEZ Container size
So in my case: 128/32 = 4GB

Cloudera quickstart CDH 5.15 cluster is RUNNING slow

I have Cloudera quickstart CDH 5.15 cluster is very slow
when i run a simple hadoop command like "hadoop fs -ls" it takes almost 20 seconds
but when i try runnnig local commands like "ls" it is very fast please help me with this.
The quickstart VM requires 6-8 GB of RAM to work reliably.
But the JVM startup process for any hadoop command is going to be much much slower compared to other built-in shell commands that operate similarly. There's no way around that fact.
If you want the Hadoop ls command to be quicker, it would be beneficial to setup an actual distributed cluster with adequate memory for the Namenode process, which is what ls contacts

Unable to load large file to HDFS on Spark cluster master node

I have fired up a Spark Cluster on Amazon EC2 containing 1 master node and 2 servant nodes that have 2.7gb of memory each
However when I tried to put a file of 3 gb on to the HDFS through the code below
/root/ephemeral-hdfs/bin/hadoop fs -put /root/spark/2GB.bin 2GB.bin
it returns the error, "/user/root/2GB.bin could only be replicated to 0 nodes, instead of 1". fyi, I am able to upload files of smaller size but not when it exceeds a certain size (about 2.2 gb).
If the file exceeds the memory size of a node, wouldn't it will be split by Hadoop to the other node?
Edit: Summary of my understanding of the issue you are facing:
1) Total HDFS free size is 5.32 GB
2) HDFS free size on each node is 2.6GB
Note: You have bad blocks (4 Blocks with corrupt replicas)
The following Q&A mentions similar issues:
Hadoop put command throws - could only be replicated to 0 nodes, instead of 1
In that case, running JPS showed that the datanode are down.
Those Q&A suggest a way to restart the data-node:
What is best way to start and stop hadoop ecosystem, with command line?
Hadoop - Restart datanode and tasktracker
Please try to restart your data-node, and let us know if it solved the problem.
When using HDFS - you have one shared file system
i.e. all nodes share the same file system
From your description - the current free space on the HDFS is about 2.2GB , while you tries to put there 3GB.
Execute the following command to get the HDFS free size:
hdfs dfs -df -h
hdfs dfsadmin -report
or (for older versions of HDFS)
hadoop fs -df -h
hadoop dfsadmin -report

What consume the computer memory in Hadoop YARN?

I want to ask about hadoop YARN. For example before I start the daemon I have free memory "X" MB, so after I do to start the daemon, my free memory become "Y" MB. So I want to know in particular what service or something that consume my node memory?
Thanks all.... script starts the HDFS daemons: NameNode and DataNode, and YARN daemons: ResourceManager and Nodemanager. Enter the "jps" command, this will list all the running java processes. These daemons consume your CPU Memory.
