Cannot test my model tests - ruby

I have tests in the folder:
These test should fail because of:
assert_equal false, true
they do fail when I run:
bundle exec m test/models/person/helper/age_calculator_test.rb
But when Im running:
bundle exec m test/models
These Tests are not run! What do I wrong?
How can I test all of my Model-Test with Bundler in one command? Thanks!!

It appears that you use the Metal test runner. I cannot see anywhere on its documentation supporting path testing such as test/models. Its main feature is to run tests by line number.
If you would like to execute all of your model tests you could use Rails'
rake test:models
to do it. See the RoR Guide on Rake Tasks for Running your Tests for more options.


TravisCI Ruby project not working with rspec

I have a Logstash plugin written in Ruby that has started failing on TravisCI, but it works locally. Any ideas what this means?
$ bundle exec rspec spec
The signal EXIT is in use by the JVM and will not work correctly on this platform
Coverage may be inaccurate; set the "--debug" command line option, or do JRUBY_OPTS="--debug" or set the "debug.fullTrace=true" option in your .jrubyrc
W, [2016-12-02T14:12:20.127000 #5894] WARN -- : This usage of the Code Climate Test Reporter is now deprecated. Since version
1.0, we now require you to run `SimpleCov` in your test/spec helper, and then
run the provided `codeclimate-test-reporter` binary separately to report your
results to Code Climate.
More information here:
The command "bundle exec rspec spec" exited with 1.
From here:
As you can see on the code-climate/ruby-test-reporter CHANGELOG, you need to replace these lines on your test helper file (in my case spec/spec_helper.rb):
require 'codeclimate-test-reporter'
for these ones:
require 'simplecov'
Henceforth, you also have to call codeclimate-test-reporter explicitly.
Hope it helps!

how can I run test files on Windows using rake?

UPDATE: when I run rake test from root, I get:
C:\workspace\faker>rake test
DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle
C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.1.0/bin/ruby.exe -w -I"lib;test;." -I"C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.1.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/rake-10.4.2/lib" "C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.1.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/rake-10.4.2/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.r
b" "test/test_array_sample_method_compat.rb" "test/test_avatar.rb" "test/test_en_au_ocker_locale.rb" "test/test_en_ca_locale.rb" "test/test_en_locale.rb" "test/test_en_ug_locale.rb" "test/test_en_us_locale.rb" "test/test_es_l
ocale.rb" "test/test_faker.rb" "test/test_faker_app.rb" "test/test_faker_bitcoin.rb" "test/test_faker_book.rb" "test/test_faker_business.rb" "test/test_faker_city.rb" "test/test_faker_code.rb" "test/test_faker_color.rb" "test
/test_faker_commerce.rb" "test/test_faker_company.rb" "test/test_faker_date.rb" "test/test_faker_hacker_talk.rb" "test/test_faker_internet.rb" "test/test_faker_lorem.rb" "test/test_faker_name.rb" "test/test_faker_number.rb" "
test/test_faker_shakespear.rb" "test/test_faker_shakespeare.rb" "test/test_faker_slack_emoji.rb" "test/test_faker_street.rb" "test/test_faker_team.rb" "test/test_faker_time.rb" "test/test_faker_university.rb" "test/test_flexi
ble.rb" "test/test_helper.rb" "test/test_locale.rb" "test/test_pl_locale.rb" "test/test_uk_locale.rb"`
I don't fully understand what rake is doing at this point, but the system hangs infinitely. What am I missing?
So I have built some added functionality for the faker gem, and want to run the tests I wrote before submitting a pull request. However, all my attempts to run the existing tests, and my new tests, have failed. I am worried that it is a Windows machine related issue.
I have tried running rake test:units but it gives me an error and then hangs, while also ringing the Bell on my system 5 times. Strange right?
I have also tried running bundle exec rspec spec, but no tests are found becasue they are not RSpec unit tests, or at least not in the right location.
To see how the gem is formatted, check it out at the repo
All the test files, including my new one, live in the test directory. But for the life of me, I can't run them.
I tried this and works fine:
bundle install
bundle exec ruby test

Running Cucumber tests on different environments

I'm using Cucumber and Capybara for my automated front end tests.
I have two environments that I would like to run my tests on. One is a staging environment, and the other is the production environment.
Currently, I have my tests written to access staging directly.
I would like to re-use the tests in production (
Would it be possible to store the URL in a variable in my step definitions
and define domain using an environment variable called form the command line? Like
$> bundle exec cucumber features DOMAIN=staging
if I want to point the tests to my staging environment, or
$> bundle exec cucumber features DOMAIN=production
if I want it to run in production?
How do I go about setting this up? I'm fairly new to Ruby and I've been searching the forums for a straight forward information but could not find any. Let me know if I can provide more information. Thanks for your help!
In the project's config file, create a config.yml file
Then extra colon in the yml file allows the hash key to be called as a symbol.
In your support/env.rb file, add the following
require 'yaml'
ENV['TEST_ENV'] ||= 'staging'
project_root = File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__)
$BASE_URL = YAML.load_file(project_root + "/config/config.yml")[ENV['TEST_ENV']][:url]
This will default to the staging environment unless you override the TEST_ENV. Then, from your step or hook, you can call:
or you might need :/
visit "#{$BASE_URL}"
This will allow you to use
bundle exec cucumber features TEST_ENV=production
I don't use cucumber much but you should be able to do
bundle exec cucumber features DOMAIN=staging
then in your tests use ENV['DOMAIN'] || YOUR_DEFAULT_DOMAIN to utilize this variable. YOUR_DEFAULT_DOMAIN should probably be your test environment.
See Here

run Ruby Unit Tests with Buildr

I am using buildr for some time now, but today I came over a little problem in connection to unit testing of ruby code.
So in my buildfile I have these lines:
define "ruby-project" do
project.version = VERSION_NUMBER = GROUP do |t|
t.warning = true
t.verbose = true
t.test_files = FileList['test/*.rb']
task test => [:test_rb]
running buildr test actually runs the tests, what is nice. The test is actually just that:
require 'test/unit'
class TestFileParse < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_fail
assert(false, 'test to fail')
As expected it fails, BUT what is strange for me is that buildr quits the build with that message:
sh: 2: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
Buildr aborted!
RuntimeError : Command failed with status (1): [/usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 -w -I"lib" -I"/var/lib/...]
Running ruby file-with-failing-test-from-above.rp does not throw a runtime error, instead it prints the test report on screen, what is what is what I want.
How can I make Buildr run the unit tests without quitting with an RuntimeError if a test fails?
Greetings Philipp
Since I am not too familiar with Ruby development, what involves Rake, I was looking for the wrong question. Instead of looking for: »how to run unit test with buildr«, the question should have been »how to run unit tests with rake«, because buildr is a kind of extended Rake (similar to the »maven-ant-relationship«). So everything one can do in Rake, one can do in buildr, too. Therefore on good SO answer to run ruby unit tests in buildr is here.
Additionally it is possible to run RSpec's with buildr, therefore one has two options:
set project.test.using :rspec, what involves the use of JRuby, so one has to set JRUBY_HOME (in my case ~/.rvm/rubies/jruby-1.7.9/), or run buildr within jruby. In my case this slowed test execution down, because each time a jvm needed to be started.
Or one can use rspec's rake task in this manner. I choose this method since my tests run much faster without the jvm overhead.
n.b. as the answer implies, I switched over to rspec.
Happy Testing/Speccing!

CruiseControl.rb: Test fails, but build passes

I'm using CruiseControl.rb (2.0.0pre1) for CI with a Rails 3 app and I'm trying to get it to work with rspec. Inside the cruise_control.rb I'm calling the spec rake task
Project.configure do |project|
project.rake_task = 'spec'
Very basic and easy configuration. But even when a test is failing, the build passes. It doesn't detect wether the tests passes or fail.
Furthermore I want to know if I can grab the exit status from the rake task, and call a ruby script depending if a build fails or passes.
I found out, that it was an error in Rails 3.2.1. The status code returned from the tests was always 0. (see and Upgrading to Rails 3.2.2.rc1 fixed the problem.
