TF10175: The My Project team project does not exist - visual-studio-2013

I deleted a Team Project from Visual Studio Online. We were using the repository in source control with Visual Studio 2013.
Since deleting it, everytime I load up Visual Studio, I get the following message in general ouput:
The server returned the following error: The project with id '{myid}' does not exist, or you do not have permission to access it.
And the following popup:
If I try to do ANYTHING source control related, I get the following error:
TF10175: The My Project team project does not exist.
I have removed the project from my "connected projects" in VS Team Explorer. I have double checked that all my workspaces don't point to this repository. I have even removed the project files from my PC and have restarted.

I found another solution, so you can avoid deleting your whole workspace.
So the problem is, that a project is deleted from before it deleted from a workspace. Why this ends up so bad, is another great question?
My workaround is as follow:
Create a new project with the same name as the troubled one.
From VS navigate to Team Explorer
From Team Explore: "Connect to Team Projects"
Select Team Projects...
Choose the troubled project added to the collection in 1
Click on the project and "Configure your workspace"
Map & Get
[Optional] I had issues because I had uncommitted changes in the project. I solved this by navigation to Pending Changes and undo and or excluded them from tfs.
Now it's possible to delete the workspace.
And now that the workspace is properly deleted, the project can once again be deleted from
Restart Visual Studio
I don't know if any of the above steps can be omitted, this is how I accomplished to get rid of "TF10175", if anyone have optimized the procedure please leave a comment.

I tried everything.
What eventually worked was deleting my workspace and recreating it. A very frustrating issue.


Unsupported pending change error when moving folder

I am trying to move a folder in TFS 2010. After coming to grips with the fact that TFS can't do this without losing the folder's history (see this question and users' responses to Microsoft), I tried the following TF.EXE command:
tf rename Apps "Test Main\Apps"
But I get an error message.
TF10169: Unsupported pending change attempted on team project folder $/Apps. Use the Project Creation Wizard in Team Explorer to create a project or the Team Project deletion tool to delete one.
The Apps folder does not appear to have any pending changes but I tried some other folders for good measure and got the same result.
I do not want to create or delete any Team projects. What am I missing?
$/Apps is not a folder, it is the root of a team project. Think of it as "C:\". You can create folders underneath it, but it's a special entity with its own set of rules.
So, what does this mean for what you're trying to do? It looks like your goal is to rename the team project. Unfortunately, TFS 2010 does not support renaming team projects, although TFS 2015 and beyond do.
If you want to rename the "Apps" team project, you will have to upgrade to a modern version of TFS, but at a minimum TFS 2015.
Otherwise, you will have to manually create a new team project with your desired name and check in the source code. You won't be able to move it from within the source control explorer.
However, keep in mind that there is more to a team project than just source code -- any work items or build definitions will not transfer to the new team project, and there is not a mechanism for moving them.
So, your options are:
Live with the name
Upgrade to TFS 2015 or beyond (ideally the most recent version, of course)
Create a new team project

TFS Project Deleted, how to upload code to new project

Somehow on my team's TFS server, one of our projects got deleted. The code is on my local machine though so I'm trying to get it reuploaded, but I'm running into issues getting it back on the server. I've recreated the project and given it the same name and Visual Studio seems to recognize that the new project I've created is connected to the Project I'm trying to upload as a result. The problem is that when I try to check in the version I have to the new project it throws a pile of errors because the files "does not exist at the specified version or you do not have permission to access it". Is there some way to force the upload so that the files are all on the server again?
First remove .* folder from your current working project.
Then go to Visual Studio
Open Team Explorer
Click On Manage Connection
Add your account If not added
Enter your tfs url
Select your TFS folder where you want to checked in your code.
Try to checked in your code.
Even though you have deleted the project on server side, all changes in TFS are non-destructive.
You could check this, just navigate to the Source Control –> Visual Studio Team Foundation Server section.
In that section is a check box that says "Show deleted items in the Source Control Explorer"
If you have recreated the project and given it the same name and want check in local code to TFS. This may cause some trouble.
Suggest you to permanently destroy the project in TFS using Destroy Command (Team Foundation Version Control)
tf destroy [/keephistory] <itemspec1>[;<versionspec>][<itemspec2>...<itemspecN>]
[/stopat:<versionspec>] [/preview] [/startcleanup] [/noprompt] [/silent] [/login:username,[password]] [/collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl]]
After destroy the old project, then create a new project with the same name, add your local code to this project, finally check in pending changes.

A project vanished from my local TFS workspace. It's added to source control but not checked in. Anywhere else to find it?

This is a bit strange.
I created a project, added it to source control, worked on it for a day or two, but never checked it in.
Somehow, the project went missing from my local workspaces folder. It's just gone.
In Source Control Explorer in VS.. it shows a green plus next to the project on both the TFS pane and the local pane.
If I right click the project in the local pane and choose Check In, it prepares my check-in, and when I finally proceed with the check-in process, I get this error:
C:\Users\<me>\Source\Workspaces\Workspace\AG\libCrypto\AGCrypto.sln: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\<me>\Source\Workspaces\Workspace\AG\libCrypto\AGCrypto.sln'.
Because, as I said.. the project folder vanished. This is really concerning.. especially if it were to happen to a larger project. Under no circumstance would I ever manually remove something from my workspace folder.
Could there possibly be anywhere else where I might be able to find my project? Maybe in some cache/temp location?
I'm using VS 2015 Enterprise, TFS2015
TFS won't remove project from workspace. I'm afraid you there is wrong process or operation on your local machine causes the project deleted.
As your project hasn't been checked into TFS, TFS doesn't have record for this project, it's unable to get your project back on TFS side.
You need to focus on how to recover files on your local machine if you need the project back.

Visual Studio Online TFVC Source Control - Can't add solution

I have never used VSO before, and decided today to try it out for a small project I have. I added the solution to VSO with no problem, however I realized I made a dumb mistake and added the solution to the root of TFS. This isn't what I wanted, I want to add multiple projects under different folders. So I deleted the files from TFS and started over. Now when I try to add the same solution to VSO it fails, and gives me this error message:
A project DAFT.sln that you are attempting to add to source control
cannot be added because the item Publish-WebApplicationWebsite.ps1 is
already under source control at the selected location.
Bear in mind that I deleted this info and it no longer exists on VSO. I don't see the above file anywhere on VSO? What did I screw up now?

Build process template always empty - VS2012 & MS TFS repository

I'm trying to define a new build on TFS using VS2012. When I go to New Build Definition -> Processes I'm seeing "Build process template" and an empty drop down.
I click on the "New..." button selects the default template from
$/<My Project Name>/BuildProcessTemplates/DefaultTemplate.11.1.xaml
and click OK but then I'm getting the error:
TF277000: A build process template for '$/<My Project Name>/BuildProcessTemplates/DefaultTemplate.11.1.xaml' already exists for team project <Project Name>. You cannot create another build process template for the same file. Use the existing one instead.
the drop down always stay empty. I tried to clean cache(AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0) and other sort brilliant tricks like close and open but nothing helped - the drop down stays empty.
I would really appreciate aמy help.
I had a similar issue crop up recently.
Background: TFS 2012 Project with multiple solutions under 1 Project Collection project. The 'BuildProcessTemplates' folder did exist in the Project collection project and did contain the standard templates. The solution was created in TFS 2012 and being coded using VS 2012 ultimate.
Symptoms: Any attempts to create a Build Definition failed due to a lack of Templates.
Actions - unsuccessful: I created a copy of the default template and used that for a template. I wasn't able to create a Build Definition since even with that, the dropdown was still empty. Also tried creating a custom template with the same lack of success.
Actions - successful: I separated the solutions into their own Project Collections projects. That put the solution at the same level as the 'BuildProcessTemplates' folder. Once that was accomplished, I was able to create a Build Definition for those solutions.
Comments: I'm not sure if this is a bug in TFS 2012 or not. I would like to think if it is a bug in TFS 2012, it is corrected in TFS 2013.
Your thoughts?
I recently ran into the same problem with not being able to see build process templates when trying to add a new build definition. We are in TFS 2012. This team project also appeared not to have any build definitions. That was expected though because we had not yet used the TFS builds on this team project.
The problem was caused by someone with admin rights setting the "View build definition" and the "View Builds" access rights to Deny for everyone.
By just setting that back to allow on the TFS group, we suddenly could see the build definitions and also were able to select build process templates.
It was really strange that it let us add new build process templates, but we couldn't select them.
