Ajax-updated pe:documentViewer renders twice and has irresponsive buttons - ajax

I have primefaces datatable
<p:dataTable ...>
<p:ajax event="rowSelect" update=":previewDataForm" oncomplete="$('.previewDataModal').modal();"
And modal in which I would like to display PDF (b tag is bootsfaces)
<b:modal id="previewDataModal" title="Preview" styleClass="orderPreviewModalPseudoClass">
<h:form id="previewDataForm">
<pe:documentViewer height="550" value="#{contentStreamHelperBean.pdfFromFileSystem}" rendered="#{previewMB.renderPreview}"/>
I have problem with displaying it in case on ajax call from dataTable. When I have attribute update=":previewDataForm" on rowSelect then PDF is displayed, but it's rendered twice and buttons in documentViewer are not responding. When I remove update=":previewDataForm" from rowSelect documentViewer is not rendered.
When I invoke this modal with commandButton, then everything works ok.
Is there way how to render previewDataForm only once and then display it from ajax?

The modal is rendered when the page is displayed first. In other words, it's rendered before the user has selected a row. I suggest you add a rendered= condition to the <h:form> tag to prevent the initial rendering of the PDF file. My guess is that the PDF file can't be rendered because no row has been selected (typically a NullPointerException), and that this leads to follow-up errors.


jsf ajax bootstrap dropdown render

I'm making form with dropdowns, where user have to make first choice, than using ajax next choices appear. It works just fine. But I wanted to add bootstrap formatting for dropodwns, so I installed bootstrap-select. It work also just fine, but when ajax event renders data for next he renders it in a new dropdown, next to still empty bootstrap formated dropdown. Witch, how can you predict, isn't desired action. Here's code from jsf:
<h:selectOneMenu styleClass="bootstrap-select" id="marka" value="#{searchBean.markiID}">
<f:selectItems value="#{searchBean.listaMarek}" var="c" itemLabel="#{c.marka}"
<f:ajax event="change" execute="marka" render="model"/>
<h:outputText value="#{msg.carModel}"></h:outputText>
<h:selectOneMenu styleClass="bootstrap-select" id="model" value="#{searchBean.modelID}">
<f:selectItems value="#{searchBean.listaModeli}" var="p" itemLabel="#{p.model}"
<f:ajax event="change" execute="model" render="liczbaDrzwi"/>
In backingbean, when user choose smthging from first dropdown, Is generated list of items for second dropdown, and so on. And this is the result of making choice:
As you can see, ajax makes totally new dropdown, instead of filling already existing.
Thanks for any ideas:)
JSF Ajax works in this way... instead of filling the already existing dropdown... the jee server send a new HTML fragment to replace this dropdown code...
Maybe you could read this link to understand JSF lifecycle...jsf lifeclycle
Did you try using primefaces or richfaces instead of h:selectOneMenu component?
Here is a PrimeFaces example where you can see how to update one dropdown when you select a value on another dropdown... pf example

Multiple AJAX Status in JSF (PrimeFaces) with multiple forms

I have multiple command buttons in my JSF ... Its a database search which has one 'Search' button and the other 'Add' button.
When clicking on 'Search' Button i wanted a status to be displayed, so i added the below ajaxStatus code to my outputPanel which is in form1 where my search results are displayed.
<p:ajaxStatus onstart="statusDialog1.show();" onsuccess="statusDialog1.hide();"/>
Dialog Box
<p:dialog modal="true" widgetVar="statusDialog1" header="Searching ... Please wait"
draggable="false" closable="false" resizable="False">
<p:graphicImage value="/resources/ajax-loader.gif" />
When the 'Add' button is clicked, another dialog box opens which has form2, now the problem is when i click on 'Add' Button statusDialog1 is shown as well, i want that status to be shown only when 'Search' button is clicked.
How do i use multiple agaxStatus messages in the same page ?
From the dev guide
AjaxStatus is a global notifier for ajax requests.
In other words, you will have one per page which handles all ajax processing on that page. If you are using PrimeFaces p:commandButton you can use the onstart and onsuccess attribute of your Add and Search button. Example:
<p:commandButton value="Add" onstart="statusDialog1.show();" onsuccess="statusDialog1.hide()"/>
<p:commandButton value="Search" onstart="statusDialog2.show();" onsuccess="statusDialog2.hide()"/>
Another thing you can use to "show" the ajax status of each component is PrimeFaces <p:blockUI>. You can refer to the showcase for some examples

How to submit JSF PrimeFaces form with selectBooleanCheckbox without refreshing the page?

I'm using JSF with PrimeFaces to make an application as an assignment for college. I'm struggling to get something working. I'm using PrimeFaces and I have a tabview which contains 5 tabs. In one of those tabs I have a dataTable which has several rows and columns. This all works fine, but the problem is that I want to submit the form without rerendering the (entire page). The thing is, every column in the dataTable has a selectBooleanCheckbox, and when that checkbox is selected, a button should disappear. If it's unselected the button should appear. This works fine with onchange="this.form.submit()" or onclick="this.form.submit()" but it refreshes the entire application, and it causes the first tab to be selected, rather than the one I was at. So I'm looking for a solution to be able to submit and re-render some stuff without refreshing the entire program. This is my code:
<h:form id="customerForm">
<p:dataTable id="customerlist" var="c" value="#{customerBean.customerList}">
<f:facet name="header">Select</f:facet>
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{c.selected}" onchange="this.form.submit()"/>
<h:commandButton id="testtest" value="test" rendered="#{customerBean.numberSelected() == 0}"/>
I removed most of the columns for the sake of simplicity. What is the solution to this? I've tried using ajax, but that didn't work
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{c.selected}">
<f:ajax event="click" execute="#form" render="#none"/>
Do you really need to submit the whole form? If it's enough that the view is being rerenderd try just to update the form. For that you can use the primefaces ajax event.
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{c.selected}">
<p:ajax update="#form"/>
If this does not work, please tell us what "..ajax, didn't work" exactly mean. Is there any POST Request submitted? Is any Action/Setter called?

Primefaces blockUI stops working after ajax update

I am trying to create a datatable that displays a blockUI whenever it is busy, and I have been mostly successful. It now grays out and shows "Loading..." whenever I click either of two commandButtons, sort the datatable by clicking on a header, or page through the datatable. You can see the code for it below.
The problem is that after I have used one of the commandButtons (which runs an ajax update on the blocked element), subsequent actions do not trigger the blockUI (until I refresh the page). For example:
Load page
Click a datatable header - blockUI appears until table is finished sorting
Click one of the datatable page navigation buttons - blockUI appears until the page is loaded
Click one of the commandButtons - blockUI appears until the button's actionListener has finished
Click a datatable header - table sorts, but blockUI does not appear.
Click one of the datatable page navigation buttons - page loads, but blockUI does not appear
Click one of the commandButtons - actionListener runs and table updates, but blockUI does not appear
Reload the page - everything works properly again
Changing the commandButtons' update="" attribute to ajax="false" causes the sorting/paging to always display the blockUI, but the commandButtons to never display the blockUI.
Any ideas?
<div class="buttonDiv">
<p:commandButton ... update="resultsPanel" id="submitButton" ... />
<p:commandButton ... update="resultsPanel" id="resetScenarioButton" ... />
<p:panel header="Results Grid" id="resultsPanel">
<p:dataTable ... id="VAResults" ... >
<p:blockUI block="resultsPanel" trigger="submitButton, resetScenarioButton, VAResults">
The trigger attribute binds jQuery listeners on the specified elements. However if you update an element the binding gets lost. I don't know if it works, but you could try moving the <p:blockUI inside the resultsPanel. I suspect that when you update the panel the blockUI gets updated too and thus re-binding the listener to the data table.
<p:panel header="Results Grid" id="resultsPanel">
<p:dataTable ... id="VAResults" ... >
<p:blockUI block="resultsPanel" trigger="submitButton, resetScenarioButton, VAResults">
I've had the same problem and kind of simillar scenario:
<p:ajax event="rowSelect" update="buttons" global="false" onstart="blockMessageButtons.show();" oncomplete="blockMessageButtons.hide();"/>
<p:outputPanel layout="block" id="buttons">
<!-- content to be blocked -->
<p:blockUI block="buttons" widgetVar="blockMessageButtons"/>
The problem was that panel buttons was both updated by ajax, and blocked by blockUI. I had to divide it in two:
<p:ajax event="rowSelect" update="buttons-content" global="false" onstart="blockMessageButtons.show();" oncomplete="blockMessageButtons.hide();"/>
<p:outputPanel layout="block" id="buttons-container">
<p:outputPanel layout="block" id="buttons-content">
<!-- content to be blocked -->
<p:blockUI block="buttons-container" widgetVar="blockMessageButtons"/>
#siebz0r already provided the explanation why blockUI stops working when a component is updated.
I am using a one blockUI element in the template for all other pages and thus don't want to include more blockUI elements.
If the blockUI element is updated as well one does not need to move the blockUI inside the component that will be updated.
Here is an example:
<p:panel id="surroundingPanel">
<p:commandButton value="ButtonName" styleClass="blockUi"
action="actionToBeExecuted" update=":surroundingPanel :blockUiBinding" />
<p:outputPanel id="blockUiBinding">
<p:blockUI block=":elementToBeBlocked" trigger="#(.blockUi)">
Loading ...
The element blockUiBinding can be located anywhere, as long as it can be updated. It is wrapping the blockUI element, because blockUI generates at least two different divs. So when the wrapping element is updated also the blockUI will be updated.

Make element visible on ajax in JSF2

I have dataTable in my page. Initially I want it to be hidden, and show after fetching data by AJAX request. I know how to fetch data and put into table, but I don't know how to show table if it is hidden. Here is the code:
<h:commandButton value="aa">
<f:ajax execute="from to validTo" render="transportOffers"/>
<p:dataTable id="transportOffers" value="${cargoOffer.transportsForCargo}" var="transport">
<h:outputText value="${transport.company}"/>
Table is visible initially, even if it is empty. If I set rendered="false" it is invisible, and remains invisible also after AJAX request.
How can I make it hidden initially, and to show up after populating with data?
You could try having the dataTable to render conditionally based on the size of the list:
rendered = "#{cargoOffer.transportsForCargo.size() != 0}"
I think if rendered=false then the element isn't created, so the AJAX request can't find it.
