100% exact Espresso theme for Sublime Text? - themes

As the title says I'd like to have my Sublime Text 3 with Espresso's default theme.
I know there's Soda which is a really similar one but I need that specific color scheme instead of Soda's. I've searched around on Google and there's only modified personal versions but I wonder if there's something "official" in the sense that it's looking exactly as the original Espresso color scheme.
Also, is there something that replicates Deamweaver's scheme? This one's for a friend who's starting out and having some difficulties adapting to another color scheme.

If you can't find a color scheme there is a nice tm-theme editor to build your own scheme: http://tmtheme-editor.herokuapp.com/#!/editor/theme/Monokai%20Extended%20Mod


What system color to use to highlight required fields in delphi/windows

a bit background
I am currently using the clHighlight color together with a StyleServices.GetSystemColor call to set the background color of controls that are:
not focused
have a NULL value (field.IsNull=True)
and are about a required field (field.required=True)
Its not about how to do the highlighting itself, I figured that out already.
Currently I am using system color clHighlight, but this makes confuses my users as they think the entire contents of the field is selected (see screenshot).
But I also have style support implemented, so using a custom predefined color is not really what I am looking for. after googling a bit I found quite a list here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.systemcolors?view=netframework-4.7.2 but I am unable to find what I am looking for.
Using RAD studio Rio 10.3.1 Enterprise.
The actual question
So - what system color should I use? (not really looking for subjective suggestions, but for a more or less "officially recommended" constant to use.)
a screenshot
Answer: There is no more or less system color constant defined for this specific purpose.
Thanks all for the suggestions. I decided to go for the clInfoBk constant (background color for hint windows), this looks far less confusing. One could interpret the color as a "hint" for fields that need to be filled out.
And it looks like this, in the default color scheme:

Is there a way to make comments looks different in Sublime 3?

I'd like to add some coloring to my comments so it's easier to find, or be able to group my comments by color so I know what comments are related to what process? From what I looked for, I couldn't find any specific packages.
you do this by going in to preference tab -> color scheme you can simply use predefined color scheme or you can also create your own

Converting pygments theme to gvim colorscheme

Are there any tools to convert a pygments style definition into a gvim colorscheme?
I found vim2pygments, which converts vim colorschemes to pygments themes, but I haven't found anything doing the inverse. Specifically, I'm using macvim, though I imagine the colorscheme format would be the same for any gvim-derivative (please, correct me if I'm wrong).
I haven't come across anything that will automate this process, but it should be very easy to do by hand. Grab an existing colour scheme, stick it in your ~/.vim/colors/ directory and put the colours that are defined in the pygments scheme into the appropriate places.
For example, if you use my colour scheme (which uses a non-standard format to make it more editable) and make it uses the pygments autumn scheme, you could take the line that looks like this:
let ColourAssignment['Function'] = {"GUIFG": '#007777', "CTERMFG": 'Cyan'}
and change it to look like this:
let ColourAssignment['Function'] = {"GUIFG": '#00aa00'}
(I've removed the colour terminal assignment as you've said you're using a GUI and it is thus largely irrelevant).
It shouldn't take very long to go through the whole set. My colour scheme is designed for dark backgrounds primarily (it adjusts colours if you switch to a light background), but it wouldn't be very hard to get rid of this aspect: change the "Normal" highlighting to be black on white rather than white on black and remove the s:MakeDarker function and the bit in the if &background == 'light' block.
Alternatively, you could do a similar thing with the normal syntax highlighting format by taking (e.g.) darkblue.vim and changing (e.g.):
hi ErrorMsg guifg=#ffffff guibg=#287eff ctermfg=white ctermbg=lightblue
and changing it to:
hi ErrorMsg guifg=#aa0000 guibg=#ffffff ctermfg=white ctermbg=lightblue

wxWidgets/Python Gradient Editor?

This open source fractal program Fraqtive, which uses Qt, has a really cool little gradient editor for coloring your fractals:
Does anyone know of any nice gradient editing interfaces that use wxWidget/wxPython?
I wrote one for a fractal program I wrote in wxWidgets; I've been meaning to wrap it up nice and release on wxCode when I had time.
This is inspired by photoshop's editor, so it may not be exactly what you're looking for.
The code for it is hosted here:
And the relevant files are: gradient.h, gradient.cpp, gradientdlg.h, gradientdlg.cpp
The wxGradientDialog object works just like any other dialog, and returns a wxGradient object, which uses a lerp to create the gradients from the color stops.
Try the PyColourChooser or the CubeColourDialog

What article discusses "Viewing code from 10000 feet"?

A few years ago I read an article about a neat way to analyze a large code-base.
The idea was to zoom out so far that patterns of indentation and block length are all that is really visible.
The author wrote about printing out code with very small fonts and looking at the results from 10 feet back. I believe the author also had some tools for reformatting code and producing images for this technique, in such a way that paper could be avoided.
I can't find the right search query to bring this up. Anyone have any ideas?
The text editor Sublime Text has a zoomed-out overview of your code on the left of the window, and can be used to scroll.
I've done this myself, that is print to paper with very small fonts and step back. If you want to avoid the paper route then perhaps you can print to PDF?
Or use and editor that can zoom in and out by changing font size. I use SciTE and Komodo Edit, both based on the Scintilla code editing engine and both allow me to hold down the ctrl key and use the mousewheel to change font size (just like web browsers).
With a bit of Google-fu I found references that this (ctrl+mousewheel) may also be implemented in Visual Studio and XCode. Can anyone confirm?
I think you are referring to Software Visualization? If you search for Code Visualizer, you maybe able to find a few products out there that does it but there are more focusing on aggregating the measurements information/metrics together for software comprehension and not necessary as a way to view or navigating to code only.
Some of the tools include Code city, code crawler or code visualizer. Michele Lanza and his team did some great work in this area in the recent years, however some only has support for certain language/platform so be mindful if they are going to be useful for you.
Could extract all the types, classes, etcetera, and put them into a tool such as graphviz and generate a graph.
