Visual Studio 2013 Community with Update 4 on Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 10074 - windows

I today upgraded to Windows 10 Build 10074 that I downloaded from here. Now, I wanted to develop apps for Windows and Windows Phone as a Universal app. Also that I'm willing to do the same for Android devices therefore, I downloaded Visual Studio Community 2013 with Update 4 from here. Now, after it installed it first gave a warning that the system doesn't support Windows Phone 8 emulator (and I understand this because I suppose the processor, Core 2 Duo E7000 doesn't support visualization/SLAT technology). After this I opened Visual Studio which first loaded, then closed automatically (quite abruptly). I opened a sample solution afterward which loaded, then a dialog came stating you need to enable developer mode in Windows 10 under Settings>Update and Security>For Developers but when I went there and clicked For Developers, the window closed (similar to Visual Studio).
How do I enable it then? And I don't know should I re-install/uninstall it? Or maybe I should download Visual Studio 2015 RC?

If you really want to develop for the new universal app Platform, you will need VS2015 RC, but your apps won't work on Windows 8 devices, only for Windows 10.


Options to work with Visual Studio 2008 project targeting Windows Mobile 6 platform

I have an old app that was developed in Visual Studio 2008 targeting Windows Mobile 6 devices (Intermec Handhelds). I needed to make few enhancements to the app and tried to open it in Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition but it is not supported. I thought of installing either VS2008 or VS2008 SP1, but I was unable to find the installers on Unfortunately, we are unable to upgrade our devices and so we are stuck with the Windows Mobile 6.
Any suggestions? Does anyone know if it is possible to develop Windows Mobile 6 apps using VS2015?

Windows phone 10 UWP app Deployment error

I am facing the following error, while deploying the package to windows phone device or emulator.
Development specs: Windows 10 Pro Insider preview. Visual Studio Community edition.
Error: Verify the project is selected to be deployed in the solution configuration manager, or deploy it explictly by clicking on the deploy commands in the build menu.
Tried all the possible ways of solving. Can any one suggest a solution for this.
I have checked that you are using the Visual Studio Community RTM version from your Screenshot, but based on this article(, Windows 10 preview version will not work with the Visual Studio 2015 RTM version when creating the UWP app, so you will meet error, please try to upgrade your Windows 10 Pro Insider preview to Windows 10 RTM, besides the Windows 10 Pro Insider preview has a lot of bugs.

Create a Windows Mobile 6.5.3 project in Visual Studio 2008

What do I need to install so that I can develop applications for Windows Mobile 6.5.3 devices, using Visual Studio 2008?
Since it took me like 3 days of research to figure out how to actually do this I'm creating this article to hopefully ease some others pain.
Firstly, have Visual Studio 2008 installed. Secondly, install these add on pieces:
Windows Mobile 6 Professional and Standard Software Development Kits Refresh
Windows Mobile 6.1.4 Professional Images (USA)
Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional Developer Tool Kit (USA)
Windows Mobile 6.5.3 Professional DTK
You may not need to install all of these but I did and it won't hurt anything most likely. nextly
Open Visual Studio 2008 and create a new project for Smart Device click ok
Select Device Application on the main window with the icons and change the target platform to Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK. Click OK.
Right click on the the Project Name in the solution explorer and select Change Target Platform and choose Windows Mobile 6.5.3 Professional SDK. Click Ok.
The project will need to be closed and reopened.
That simple!
For Windows 10 (and probably some earlier versions) I think Andrew's answer is missing something important. It also includes some packages that shouldn't be needed for strictly 6.5.3 development. For reference, if you attempt to install the 6.5.3 DTK and missing anything, it should tell you.
At a minimum, you should only need the following:
VS 2008 Professional
Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK Refresh
Windows Mobile 6.5.3 Professional DTK
Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 Driver

Windows Phone 8 apps using Visual studio 2013 Professional [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Windows Phone 8 template in Visual Studio 2013 Preview
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
In a confusion of Upgrading Visual studio 2010 to 2012/ 2013.
2013 is the only option for creating Windows store apps.But not giving a clear picture on the support for Windows Phone apps development.
My question is can i use VS2013 for the development of Windows Phone 8 apps?
Not so sure Windows 8.1 is available on phones as well or not in that case if i go for VS2013 can i create Windows Phone 8 app as well ?
This question is a duplicate of Windows Phone 8 template in Visual Studio 2013 Preview but since I haven't got the reputation to post a comment, I'll combine JP Hellemons' answer and my own to answer this specific question.
The Windows Phone SDK 8.0 only incorperates into Visual Studio 2012, even when Visual Studio 2013 is installed. To install the SDK for VS2012, we need to specify this during the initial installation of Visual Studio or do it afterwards by modifying the installation via Control Panel → Add or remove programs.
Windows 8 (aka Metro) and Windows Phone are two distinct platforms. There's some speculation that the platforms will ultimately converge, but we are not there yet.
In order to start developing for Windows Phone you need to install the Windows Phone SDK. Unless you are using Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate which supposedly ships with the WP SDK pre-installed.

Which platforms will support Visual Studio 11?

We all know that windows 8 will be released very soon, and that Visual Studio 11 will be released too. With Visual Studio 11 you can make Metro UI apps exactly like WP7.
My question is that if we program with VS 11, is it supported on Windows 7, Vista and XP?
You can install VS11, but you will not be able to develop Metro UI unless you're in Windows 8.
That is why they are giving you the Win8 Dev Preview image that you can install VS11 Ultimate and test it out.
Windows 8 Developer Preview Downloads Page
VS11 Developer Preview
Here is the best way to install VS11 and develop Metro apps:
Visual Studio 11 Beta will only run on Windows 7 or Server 2008 and above.
Targeting depends on the project type. Windows 8 Metro app projects can only be built when running VS11 on the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. But the MFC/CRT etc. can target down to Vista.
What sort of application were you thinking of building?
