Creating a tachometer in VDHL - vhdl

I have been assigned the task of creating a tachometer using VDHL to program a device. I have been provided with the pin in which an input signal will be connected and from that need to display the frequency of ones occurring per second (the frequency). Having only programmed in VHDL a couple of times previously I am having difficulty figuring out how to implement the code:
So far I have constructed the following steps that the device needs to take
Count the logical ones in the input signal by creating a process depending on it
I did this by creating a process which is dependent on the input_singal and increments a variable when a high is present in the input_signal
counthigh:process(input_signal) -- CountHigh process
if (input signal = '1') then
current_count := current_count+1;
end if;
end process; -- End process
Stop counting after a set amount of time and update the display with the frequency of the input_signal
I am unsure how to accomplish this using VHDL. I have provided a process from previous code which I used to implement a state machine. c_clk is a clock that operates at 5MHz/1024 (the timer div constant used) meaning that the period is equal to 2.048*10^-4 seconds. So the time between every rising edge is equal to that.
What I would like to do is wait for a set amount of rising_edges (I suppose I could define another variable and wait for a multiple of it to update the display and reset the current_count variable).
statereset:process -- StateReset process
wait until rising_edge(c_clk); -- On each rising edge
if (reset='0') then
current_s <= s0; -- Default state on reset.
current_s <= next_s; -- Update the current state
end if;
end process; -- End process
From previous code I already have a entity called SevenSeg which I am able to manipulate to display the current frequency of the signal using basic mathematics.
I would just like to check that by making the counthigh process dependent on the input signal the process will 'wait' until the next std_logic_vector is available and read that instead of counting a high from the input_signal numerous times. Am I able to wait until there is a rising_edge(input_singal) in one process while making another process dependent on the clock rate?
If anyone has any ideas or feedback it would be greatly appreciated. I know I am asking an extremely broad and open-ended question but I am trying to figure out how to accomplish this task.
Cheers, NZBRU.

counthigh:process(input_signal) -- CountHigh process
if (input signal = '1') then
current_count := current_count+1;
end if;
end process; -- End process
I understand what you are trying to achieve, but it won't work. In simulation, it will count each time input_signal goes high or low, which is good, but this code won't synthesize.
A counter needs a clock, and a process with a clock need a rising_edge. I expect your input to be of lower frequency than your operating clock, so I suggest you use an edge detector running using your clock. I will leave it as an exercise, but here's a good reference.
To wait 1 second or whatever else, use a counter. If your clock is 5MHz, use a signal to count from 0 to 4_999_999. When the counter is 4_999_999, reset the counter, the edge detector and update your display.
BTW, since your a beginner, try to use signals instead of variables. Variables have a similar behavior to programming languages, but they are a lot of pitfalls when used in synthesis. For a beginner, I suggest to stick to signals, once you're used to them and understand a little better how VHDL works, you can go back to using variables. In my own design for synthesis, I have something like 95% signals, which is standard for FPGA designers.


does after [some delay in second] statement provide delay only in simulation or in actual synthesized model to be loaded in to fpga in VHDL?

We use after [some delay] statement for providing delay and that we can analysis in simulation. But when we will load this model in to FPGA so in actual hardware being made by VHDL code will have affect of delay or this delay is limited to simulation only?
a <= not b after 1s;
So suppose I connected one switch to b and LED to a so will I get one second delay in between pressing the switch and updating LED status?
as said before, the wait statement cannot be synthesized and will only affect the simulation. However, I should add that even in simulation you might not get what you expect. Allow me to explain.
VHDL offers 2 delay models: transport delay and inertial delay, the latter being the default, which you selected by not specifying which model to use.
If b would happen not to be stable in the course of the delay, say it toggles every 500ms, a would not toggle as you may desire. To really introduce pure delay, select the transport delay model as follows:
a <= transport not b after 1s;
Of course, again, this cannot be synthesized and is for simulation purposes only.
When you are simulating you need to provide when things happen and what happens to the inputs. After implementing it on the FPGA, exterior events create the inputs and the simulation has nothing to do about it.
So if I understood your question right, yes, the delay you are showing will only affect the simulation.
Regarding the timer, you know the FPGA's clock frequency. So you can create a variable and increment it on each clk_up (I use CLK = '1' and CLK'Event but there are better ways to do it), and when it reaches the same value as the clock frequency, 1 sec has passed.
Not-so-Pseudo code:
signal clock: unsigned (9 downto 0);
if CLK = '1' and CLK'Event then
clock<= clock + 1;
if clock = "1100100000" then --clock frequency (this is an example)
clock <= "0000000000"
-- 1 secound passed!
end if;
end if;

VHDL: Mealy machine and button press detection

Hi I'm a bit confused about the implementation of Mealy state machine using VHDL. My current work is like this:
process(clk, rst)
if rst = '1' then
state <= s1;
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
state <= next_state;
end if;
end process;
and another process like this:
process(state, op)
case state is
when s1 =>
...some implementation
end process;
And now the problem is: I need to detect the press of the button from the user, but I'm not sure where to put it. Should it be inside the first process or the second process? Besides, I also looked through the following guide: implement state machine in FPGA, is it okay to use just one process for the Mealy machine as shown on the webpage? If it is so then I think the work will be easier. Thanks!
You should put it in the second process. The first process is only used to change states and the next_state is also calculated in the second.
There are several ways to write FSMs and people tend to favour one or the other for various reasons. Pick the one that works for you.
You cannot design a Mealy state machine with only one process. Even Moore state machines, in most cases, cannot be modelled with only one process.
A state machine always has a state register which must be modelled with a synchronous process. That is, a process which sensitivity list contains only the clock (and set or reset signals if they are asynchronous).
Every output of a synchronous process will synthesize as the output of a register because its value changes only on an edge of the clock (plus states of asynchronous set or reset if any). So, you cannot describe the outputs of a Mealy state machine in the same synchronous process as the state register. If you were doing so, it would not be a Mealy machine any more because its outputs would not combinationally depend on the inputs.
For Moore machines, things are a bit more subtle but, except in very exceptional cases, you also need at least two processes. When I write "process", I include processes short-hands like concurrent signal assignments, concurrent procedure calls or component/entity instantiations.
To make it simple: VHDL modelling for synthesis is straightforward if you have a clear view of the hardware you want.
Draw a block diagram of your hardware with registers and combinatorial parts clearly identified.
Draw bubbles enclosing hardware elements, one bubble per process, respecting the rule that if a bubble contains a register, all its outputs must be register outputs.
The synchronous processes are those enclosing registers. Their code is exactly:
if rising_edge(clk) then
<your code>
end if;
end process;
Put your code in <your code>, never put code elsewhere. If you have asynchronous set or reset the code must be something like:
process(clk, reset)
if reset = '1' then
<initialize outputs>
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
<your code>
end if;
end process;
The other processes are combinatorial processes. List all their entering signals (INPUTS) and output signals (OUTPUTS). The code must be:
<your code>
end process;
with the constraint that each OUTPUT signal must be assigned a value in every execution of the process. The best way to guarantee this is to start the process with a default assignment of all OUTPUTS.
That's all. Draw and code what you see. Bonus: every arrow crossing the border of one of your process-bubbles is a signal that you will have to declare unless it is already a primary input or output of your design.
Exercise: draw the block diagram of a Mealy state machine and understand why it cannot be modelled with one single process. Understand also why it can always be modelled with two processes, even if it is not necessarily desirable. Finally, try to identify the rare cases where a Moore state machine can be modelled with one process only.

VHDL event keyword on std_logic_vector

I am implementing a digital design in VHDL which has to be low power. The design has a lot of inputs that are declared as multiple standard logic vectors. The device is allowed to wake up if anything changes on any input. This has to be combinatorical logic because the device is in power down. The code of what I am trying to do says it all: (ToggleSTDBY is a signal so this is legal)
P_Wakeup: PROCESS (VEC1, VEC2, VEC3, Rst_N) IS
IF Rst_N = '0' THEN
ToggleSTDBY <= '0';
ELSIF VEC1'event OR VEC2'event OR VEC3'event THEN
ToggleSTDBY <= NOT(ToggleSTDBY);
This is legal in simulation, but upon synthesis it says "'event is only supported for single bit signals". How can I fix this? There are a total of 66 bits in the vectors all together and I really don't want to write 66 processes for waking the device up. A bitwise OR on all bits will not solve anything, since most signals will be high, so the OR on all bits will always result in a high. The following code:
P_Wakeup: PROCESS (VEC, Rst_N) IS
IF Rst_N = '0' THEN
ToggleSTDBY <= '0';
ToggleSTDBY <= NOT(ToggleSTDBY);
gives error "The prefix of signal attribute 'EVENT must be a static signal name". How can I fix it AND keep the code readable?
The HDL part of VHDL is abbreviation for Hardware Description Language (HDL),
so the VHDL constructions you can use must be possible to map by the synthesis
tool to the target. The use of 'event is typically tied to sequential
(clocked) hardware elements like flip flops or RAMs, and the synthesis tool
typically requires that you write the VHDL in a specific way, so the tool can
identify that a particular hardware elements is to be used.
Even though you may write VHDL code for a simulator, for example ModelSim, that
can compile and simulate use of 'event as in your examples, the synthesis
tool will typically not be able to map this to any available target hardware
element, since there is probably no such hardware elements as an 'event
But an 'event actually indicates a change in signal value, so you can maybe
write the signal value change detector explicitly in VHDL like:
change <= '1' if (vec_now /= vec_previous) else '0';
Depending on the low-power hardware elements available, you may start the clock
when an '1' is detected asynchronously on change, maybe through
ToggleSTDBY, and then process the change. The last thing before going into
sleep mode is then to capture the current vec value in vec_previous, so
another change can be detected while in sleep mode.
The possibility for doing low-power design of the kind I assume you are doing
based on the description, depends entirely on the features provided in the
target FPGA/ASIC technology. So before trying to get the VHDL syntax right,
you may want to determine how the resulting hardware should look like, based on
the available low power features.
Even if it is possible to write a VHDL code that models your intended behavior, I believe it won't work as you expect. I suggest that before writing the code you try to sort out the details of how exactly your ToggleSTDBY would be set, tested, and reset (a circuit diagram could help).
If you decide to implement ToggleSTDBY as a vector, one solution for the "event is only supported for single bit signals" problem is to move the loop to outside the process, using a for-generate:
gen: for i in ToggleSTDBY'range generate
p_wakeup : process (vec, rst_n) is
if rst_n = '0' then
ToggleSTDBY(i) <= '0';
if vec(i)'event then
ToggleSTDBY(i) <= not (ToggleSTDBY(i));
end if;
end if;
end process p_wakeup;
end generate;

Latch signal without delay

I would like to latch a signal, however when I try to do so, I get a delay of one cycle, how can I avoid this?
myLatch: process(wclk, we) -- Can I ommit the we in the sensitivity list?
if wclk'event and wclk = '1' then
lwe <= we;
end if;
end process;
However if I try this and look into the waves during simulation lwe is delayed by one cycle of wclk. All I want tp achieve is to sample we on the rising edge of wclk and keep it stable till the next rising edge. I then assign the latched signal to another entities port map which is defined in the architecture.
Well I figured out that I have to omit the wclk'event to get a latch instead of a flip flop. This seems rather unintuitive to me. By simply shortening the time where I sample the signal to be latched I go from latch to flip flop. Can anyone explain why this is and where my perception is wrong. (I am a vhdl beginner)
First off, a few observations on the process you pasted above:
myLatch: process(wclk, we)
if wclk'event and wclk = '1' then
lwe <= we;
end if;
end process;
The signal we can be omitted from the sensitivity list because you have described a clocked process. The only signals required in the sensitivity list of a process like this are the clock and the asynchronous reset if you choose to use one (a synchronous reset would not need to be added to the sensitivity list).
Instead of using if wclk'event and wclk = '1' then you should instead use if rising_edge(wclk) then or if falling_edge(wclk) then, there's a good blog post on the reasons why here.
By omitting the wclk'event you changed the process from a clocked process to a combinatorial process, like so:
myLatch: process(wclk, we)
if wclk = '1' then
lwe <= we;
end if;
end process;
In a combinatorial process all inputs should be present in the sensitivity list, so you would be correct to have both wclk and we in the list as they had an influence on the output. Normally you would ensure that lwe is assigned in all cases of your if statement to avoid inferring a latch, however this appears to be your intention in this case.
Latches in general should be avoided, so if you find yourself needing one you should perhaps pause and consider your approach. Doulos have a couple of articles on latches here and here that you might find useful.
You stated that all you want to achieve is to sample we on the rising edge of wclk and keep it stable until the next rising edge. The process below will accomplish this:
store : process(wclk)
if rising_edge(wclk) then
lwe <= we;
end if;
end process;
With this process, lwe will be updated with the value of we upon every rising edge of wclk and it will remain valid for a single clock cycle.
Let me know if this clears things up for you.
Believe it or not, the issue is actually in your testbench. This has to do with how the VHDL simulation model works.
VHDL is usually used for synchronous hardware design -- that means, using flip-flops that sample on the rising edge and set outputs on the falling edge, so that there are no race conditions between reading and writing. But in VHDL this master/slave logic is not actually simulated using opposite clock edges.
Consider a process
process (clock) begin
if rising_edge(clock) then
a <= b;
end if;
end process;
At the start of a simulation timestep, if clock has just risen, the if will execute. Then the assignment a <= b will be executed, and this will not immediately cause an assignment to take place, but schedule the assignment for the end of the timestep.
After all processes have been run, then all scheduled assignments take place. This means that no process will "see" the new value of a until the next timestep.
Time a b Actions
Start of ts 1 '0' '1' a <= '1' is scheduled
End of ts 1 '1' '0' a <= '1' is executed
Start of ts 2 '1' '0' a <= '0' is scheduled
End of ts 2 '0' '1' a <= '0' is executed
So when you look on the waveform viewer, what you will see is a apparently being set on the rising edge of the clock, and following b delayed by one clock cycle; you don't see the intermediate scheduling of assignments that causes this to happen.
Of course, in real life, there is no "end of the timestep", and the actual changing of signal a happens when the slave part of the flip-flop triggers, ie, on the negative edge. (Maybe it would have been less confusing for VHDL to just use the negative edge; but, oh well, this is how it works).
Here are two testbenches for your latch code:
Test bench 1, using rising edges
Test bench 2, using falling edges
In the first, if you look in the waveform viewer you will see exactly what you describe -- lwe appears to be delayed by 1 clock cycle -- but really, the delay is happening in the non-blocking assignment that sets counter -- so when the rising edge happens, we does not actually have its new value yet. And in the second, you see no such delay; lwe is set exactly on the rising edge to the value of we at that time.
For a related topic in Verilog, see Nonblocking Assignments in Verilog Synthesis, Coding Styles That Kill .
The process you have is what you want according to your description, although 'we' should be removed from the sensitivity list. If this doesn't work as you believe it should it is almost certainly a problem with your test bench/simulation. (See Owen's answer.) Specifically you are probably changing the value of 'we' too late, so that the flip-flop latches the previous value instead of the new one.
I'm interested to know what the source of this signal is though, if it's an asynchronous signal that can change at any time you will have to add some logic to protect against metastability.
To answer your second question about latches, it is correct that omitting wclk'event will result in a latch. This process will not do what you want, however, because it will propagate changes to 'we' to 'lwe' during the whole positive half-period of the clock. The short answer to your question is that implementing this type of behavior requires a latch, while the behavior described by the original process requires a flip-flop.

In VHDL when is the right time to use a Process statement?

I'm going through the phases of learning VHDL for the second or third time now. (this time armed with a very good and free e-book ) and I'm finally starting to "get" quite a bit of it. Now I'm learning about behavioral styles and the process statement and most of it makes sense. However, I've read in many places that processes are to be avoided except for in certain cases. I mean, in theory can't everything be implemented in data-flow instead of behavioral?
When exactly should it be obvious that a process statement should be used?
The process statement is extremely useful, in what situations have you been told not to use them?
There are many different cases where you would use a process statement, I'll outline a few of these below:
One of the most common usages of the process statement (for synthesis) is to describe logic which is synchronous to a clock signal, for example a simple counter that increments every clock cycle when not in reset could be described as:
if rising_edge(CLOCK) then
if RESET = '1' then
COUNTER <= (others => '0');
COUNTER <= COUNTER + 1; --COUNTER is assumed to be of type 'unsigned'
end if;
end if;
end process;
As your designs grow more complex you will inevitably implement a state machine at some point, this will employ one or more processes depending on the style of state machine you choose to implement.
For behavorial code you can use processes in conjunction with wait statements to generate test vectors or to model the behaviour of a real system. Here's a really basic example of a 100MHz clock generator taken from one of my testbenches:
architecture BEH of ethernet_receive_tb is
signal s_clock : std_logic := '0'; --Initial assignment to clock kicks off the process.
CLOCKGEN : process(s_clock)
s_clock <= not s_clock after 5 NS;
end process CLOCKGEN;
You can also describe asynchronous logic with processes, in this case you need to include all signals which are read in the process in the sensitivity list and you need to make sure that any outputs are always defined to avoid inferred latches.
IF_ELSE: process (SEL, A, B)
F <= B; -- Default assignment
if SEL = '1' then
F <= A;
end if;
end process;
Hopefully you can see that the process statement is very useful and that you will use it in many different situations. I hope this answered your question!
Process blocks are your friend.
They provide a way of saying "This block of code is related. It's inputs are X,Y,Z and it drives A,B,C". The inputs are documented by the sensitivity list (unless it's a clocked process in which case it should be in your comments). If anything else drives the same signals then you'll get warnings, errors, X's in simulation (depending on your tools). Whatever you get it's pretty obvious.
Personally I would be quite happy writing multiple processes in a single entity, but everyone has their styles. For example, if I have multiple pipe-line stages, each stage is a process. If I have parallel non-interfering paths each will be in a separate process. By doing it this way the code is structured in small, easy to read blocks. Small simple logic synthesizes into small fast blocks (in general).
You could view my style as using them as lightweight entities.
In synthesisable code, processes are required any time you need to keep information from one clock cycle to another. "To store state" in the jargon.
(Note that a process can implied by code such as
d <= q when rising_edge(clk);
If non-synthesisable code, processes are useful for getting events to happen in a particular order:
p1: process
data <= "--------";
WE <= '0';
wait until reset = '1';
wait until processor_initialised = '1';
assert ACK = '0' report "ACK should be low!" severity error;
data <= X"16";
WE <= '1';
wait until ACK = '1';
end process;
Most of my code has a single process per entity. Each entity does some useful, well-defined and small-enough-to-be-testable task
