Ruby incompatible character encodings - ruby

I am currently trying to write a script that iterates over an input file and checks data on a website. If it finds the new data, it prints out to the terminal that it passes, if it doesn't it tells me it fails. And vice versa for deleted data. It was working fine until the input file I was given contains the "™" character. Then when ruby gets to that line, it is spitting out an error:
PDAPWeb.rb:73:in `include?': incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and IBM437
The offending line is a simple check to see if the text exists on the page.
if browser.text.include? (program_name)
Where the program_name variable is a parsed piece of information from the input file. In this instance, the program_name contains the 'TM' character mentioned before.
After some research I found that adding the line # encoding: utf-8 to the beginning of my script could help, but so far has not proven useful.
I added this to my program_name variable to see if it would help(and it allowed my script to run without errors), but now it is not properly finding the TM character when it should be.
program_name = record[2].gsub("\n", '').force_encoding("utf-8").encode("IBM437", replace: nil)
This seemed to convert the TM character to this: Γäó
I thought maybe i had IBM437 and utf-8 parts reversed, so I tried the opposite
program_name = record[2].gsub("\n", '').force_encoding("IBM437").encode("utf-8", replace: nil)
and am now receiving this error when attempting to run the script
PDAPWeb.rb:48:in `encode': U+2122 from UTF-8 to IBM437 (Encoding::UndefinedConve
I am using ruby 1.9.3p392 (2013-02-22) and I'm not sure if I should upgrade as this is the standard version installed in my company.
Is my encoding incorrect and causing it to convert the TM character with errors?

Here’s what it looks like is going on. Your input file contains a ™ character, and it is in UTF-8 encoding. However when you read it, since you don’t specify the encoding, Ruby assumes it is in your system’s default encoding of IBM437 (you must be on Windows).
This is basically the same as this:
>> input = "™"
=> "™"
>> input.encoding
=> #<Encoding:UTF-8>
>> input.force_encoding 'ibm437'
=> "\xE2\x84\xA2"
Note that force_encoding doesn’t change the actual string, just the label associated with it. This is the same outcome as in your case, only you arrive here via a different route (by reading the file).
The web page also has a ™ symbol, and is also encoded as UTF-8, but in this case Ruby has the encoding correct (Watir probably uses the headers from the page):
>> web_page = '™'
=> "™"
>> web_page.encoding
=> #<Encoding:UTF-8>
Now when you try to compare these two strings you get the compatibility error, because they have different encodings:
>> web_page.include? input
Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and IBM437
from (irb):11:in `include?'
from (irb):11
from /Users/matt/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.1/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
If either of the two strings only contained ASCII characters (i.e. code points less that 128) then this comparison would have worked. Both UTF-8 and IBM437 are both supersets of ASCII, and are only incompatible if they both contain characters outside of the ASCII range. This is why you only started seeing this behaviour when the input file had a ™.
The fix is to inform Ruby what the actual encoding of the input file is. You can do this with the already loaded string:
>> input.force_encoding 'utf-8'
=> "™"
You can also do this when reading the file, e.g. (there are a few ways of reading files, they all should allow you to explicitly specify the encoding):
input ="input_file.txt", :encoding => "utf-8")
# now input will be in the correct encoding
Note in both of these the string isn’t being changed, it still contains the same bytes, but Ruby now knows its correct encoding.
Now the comparison should work okay:
>> web_page.include? input
=> true
There is no need to encode the string. Here’s what happens if you do. First if you correct the encoding to UTF-8 then encode to IBM437:
>> input.force_encoding("utf-8").encode("IBM437", replace: nil)
Encoding::UndefinedConversionError: U+2122 from UTF-8 to IBM437
from (irb):16:in `encode'
from (irb):16
from /Users/matt/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.1/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
IBM437 doesn’t include the ™ character, so you can’t encode a string containing it to this encoding without losing data. By default Ruby raises an exception when this happens. You can force the encoding by using the :undef option, but the symbol is lost:
>> input.force_encoding("utf-8").encode("IBM437", :undef => :replace)
=> "?"
If you go the other way, first using force_encoding to IBM437 then encoding to UTF-8 you get the string Γäó:
>> input.force_encoding("IBM437").encode("utf-8", replace: nil)
=> "Γäó"
The string is already in IBM437 encoding as far as Ruby is concerned, so force_encoding doesn’t do anything. The UTF-8 representation of ™ is the three bytes 0xe2 0x84 0xa2, and when interpreted as IBM437 these bytes correspond to the three characters seen here which are then converted into their UTF-8 representations.
(These two outcomes are the other way round from what you describe in the question, hence my comment above. I’m assuming that this is just a copy-and-paste error.)


How to consistently get ASCII-8BIT encoding in Ruby?

Ruby seems a bit inconsistent in its handling of encodings:
irb(main):001:0> "hi".encoding
=> #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>
So that "works". Now what about plain ruby?
ruby -E BINARY:BINARY -e 'p "hi".encoding'
That doesn't work. Furthermore, when p "hi".encoding is placed in x.rb, the output of ruby -E BINARY:BINARY x.rb is:
How do I get ASCII-8BIT literals when invoking ruby?
String literals have the same encoding as the script encoding. Instead of 'hi'.encoding you can use the keyword __ENCODING__ to retrieve it. The script encoding can be changed by putting a magic comment at the beginning of your script:
# encoding: ASCII-8BIT
p __ENCODING__ # => #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>
The -E flag of ruby doesn't affect the encoding of string literals. It's only for changing the external and internal encoding. You can read about the various type of encodings and their purpose in the Encoding documentation.
Back to the encoding of string literals: Even though irb claims its -E flag is the "Same as ruby -E" that isn't true. It uses the external encoding as script encoding. irb already has several limitations. This could be one of them. It's at least a documentation bug.
Besides the magic comment there's another discouraged way to set the script encoding via ruby: the -K flag and the n (none) kcode. ruby -Kne "p __ENCODING__" should print #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>. However -K also changes the external encoding.

ruby `encode': "\xC3" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 (Encoding::UndefinedConversionError)

Hannibal episodes in tvdb have weird characters in them.
For example:
So ruby spits out:
./manifesto.rb:19:in `encode': "\xC3" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 (Encoding::UndefinedConversionError)
from ./manifesto.rb:19:in `to_json'
from ./manifesto.rb:19:in `<main>'
Line 19 is:
puts #tree.to_json
Is there a way to deal with these non utf characters? I'd rather not replace them, but convert them? Or ignore them? I don't know, any help appreciated.
Weird part is that script works fine via cron. Manually running it creates error., 'w') should be change to, 'wb')
It seems you should use another encoding for the object. You should set the proper codepage to the variable #tree, for instance, using iso-8859-1 instead of ascii-8bit by using #tree.force_encoding('ISO-8859-1'). Because ASCII-8BIT is used just for binary files.
To find the current external encoding for ruby, issue:
If sudo solves the problem, the problem was in default codepage (encoding), so to resolve it you have to set the proper default codepage (encoding), by either:
In ruby to change encoding to utf-8 or another proper one, do as follows:
Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8
In bash, grep current valid set up:
$ sudo env|grep UTF-8
Then set them in .bashrc properly, in a similar way, but not exactly with ru_RU language, such as the following:
export LC_ALL=ru_RU.UTF-8
export LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8
I had the same problems when saving to the database. I'll offer one thing that I use (perhaps, this will help someone).
if you know that sometimes your text has strange characters, then
before saving you can encode your text in some other format, and then
decode the text again after it is returned from the database.
string = "Œuf"
before save we encode string
text_to_save = CGI.escape(string)
(character "Œ" encoded in "%C5%92" and other characters remained the same)
=> "%C5%92uf"
load from database and decode
=> "Œuf"
I just suffered through a number of hours trying to fix a similar problem. I'd checked my locales, database encoding, everything I could think of and was still getting ASCII-8BIT encoded data from the database.
Well, it turns out that if you store text in a binary field, it will automatically be returned as ASCII-8BIT encoded text, which makes sense, however this can (obviously) cause problems in your application.
It can be fixed by changing the column encoding back to :text in your migrations.

Why do I get ArgumentError - invalid byte sequence in UTF-8?

While trying to print Duplicaci¾n out of a CSV file, I get the following error:
ArgumentError - invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
I'm using Ruby 1.9.3-p362 and opening the file using:
CSV.foreach(fpath, headers: true) do |row|
How can I skip an invalid character without using iconv or str.encode(undef: :replace, invalid: :replace, replace: '')?
I tried answers from the following questions, but nothing worked:
ruby 1.9: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
Ruby Invalid Byte Sequence in UTF-8
ruby 1.9: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
This is from the documentation:
You must provide a mode with an embedded Encoding designator unless your data is in Encoding::default_external(). CSV will check the Encoding of the underlying IO object (set by the mode you pass) to determine how to parse the data. You may provide a second Encoding to have the data transcoded as it is read just as you can with a normal call to IO::open(). For example, "rb:UTF-32BE:UTF-8" would read UTF-32BE data from the file but transcode it to UTF-8 before CSV parses it.
That applies to any method in CSV that opens a file.
Also start reading in the documentation at the part beginning with:
CSV and Character Encodings (M17n or Multilingualization)
Ruby is expecting UTF-8 but is seeing characters that don't fit. I'd suspect WIN-1252 or ISO-8859-1 or a variant.

`gsub': incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and IBM437

I try to use search, google but with no luck.
OS: Windows XP
Ruby version 1.9.3po
`gsub': incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and IBM437
require 'rubygems'
require 'hpricot'
require 'net/http'
source = Net::HTTP.get('host', '/' + ARGV[0] + '.asp')
doc = Hpricot(source)"p.MsoNormal/a").each do |a|
puts a.to_plain_text
Program output few strings but when text is ”NOŻYCE” I am getting error above.
Could somebody help?
You could try converting your HTML to UTF-8 since it appears the original is in vintage-retro DOS format:
That should flip it from 8-bit ASCII to UTF-8 as expected by the Hpricot parser.
The inner encoding of the source variable is UTF-8 but that is not what you want.
As tadman wrote, you must first tell Ruby that the actual characters in the string are in the IBM437 encoding. Then you can convert that string to your favourite encoding, but only if such a conversion is possible.
In your case, you cannot convert your string to ISO-8859-2 because not all IBM437 characters can be converted to that charset. Sticking to UTF-8 is probably your best option.
Anyway, are you sure that that file is actually transmitted in IBM437? Maybe it is stored as such in the HTTP server but it is sent over-the-wire with another encoding. Or it may not even be exactly in IBM437, it may be CP852, also called MS-DOC Latin 2 (different from ISO Latin 2).

Why do I get an "Invalid Byte Sequence in UTF-8" error reading a text file?

I'm writing a Ruby script to process a large text file, and keep getting an odd encoding error.
Here's the situation:
input_data =, 'r').read
p # UTF-8
break_char = "\r".encode("UTF-8")
p break_char # "\r"
p # "UTF-8"
p Encoding.compatible?(input_data, break_char) # # Encoding:UTF-8>
This produces the error :in 'split': invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (ArgumentError)
I read and looked at other solutions to apparently the same problem, but still can't work out why it's happening when I believe I am controlling the encodings.
I'm on OSX working with ruby 1.9.2
Obviously your input file is not UTF-8 (or at least, not entirely). If you don't care about non-ascii characters, you can simply assume your file is ascii-8bit encoded. BTW, your separator (break_char) is not causing problems as comma is encoded the same way in UTF-8 as in ASCII.
fname = ''
# create example file and fill it with invalid UTF-8 sequence, 'w') do |f|
f.write "\xc3\x28"
# then try to read and parse it
s = do |f| # file opened as UTF-8
#s =, 'r:ascii-8bit') do |f| # file opened as ascii-8bit
p s.split ','
I fail to get an error here on Linux even when the input file is not UTF-8. (I'm using Ruby 1.9.2, as well.)
Logically, either this problem is linked with OS-X, or it's something to do with your input data. Does it happen regardless of the data in the input file?
(I realise that this is not a proper answer, but I lack the rep to add a comment. And since no-one has responded yet, I thought it better than nothing...)
You read the file using the default encoding your system provides. So ruby tags the string as utf8, which doesn't mean it's really utf8-data. Try file <input file> to guess what kind of encoding is in there, then tell ruby it's that one (unclean: force_encoding(<encoding>), clean: tell the File object what encoding it is, I don't know how to do that) and then use encode!("utf8") to convert it to utf8.
Here are 2 common situations and how to deal with them:
Situation 1
You have an UTF-8 input-file with possibly a few invalid bytes
Remove the invalid bytes:
test = "Partly valid\xE4 UTF-8 encoding: äöüß" 'input_file', 'w' ) {|f| f.write(test)}
str = 'input_file' )
=> "Partly valid UTF-8 encoding: äöüß"
Situation 2
You have an input-file that could be in either UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1 encoding
Check which encoding it is and convert to UTF-8 (if necessary):
test = "String in ISO-8859-1 encoding: \xE4\xF6\xFC\xDF" 'input_file', 'w' ) {|f| f.write(test)}
str = 'input_file' )
unless str.valid_encoding?
str.encode!( 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', invalid: :replace )
end #unless
=> "String in ISO-8859-1 encoding: äöüß"
The above code snippets assume that Ruby encodes all your strings in UTF-8 by default. Even though, this is almost always the case, you can make sure of this by starting your scripts with # encoding: UTF-8.
If invalid, it is programmatically possible to detect most multi-byte encodings like UTF-8 (in Ruby, see: #valid_encoding?). However, it is NOT possible (or at least extremely hard) to programmatically detect invalidity of single-byte-encodings like ISO-8859-1. Thus the above code snippet does not work the other way around, i.e. detecting if a String is valid ISO-8859-1 encoding.
Even though UTF-8 has become increasingly popular as the default encoding in computer-systems, ISO-8859-1 and other Latin1 flavors are still very popular in the Western countries, especially in North America. Be aware that there a several single-byte encodings out there that are very similar, but slightly vary from ISO-8859-1. Examples: CP1252 (a.k.a. Windows-1252), ISO-8859-15
[ruby] [encoding] [utf8] [file-encoding] [character-encoding]
Please try this one:-
input_data ="path/your_file.pdf", "rb") {|io|}
