Where is the Google Information Rights Management API? - google-api

In March 2015 Information Rights Management (IRM) capabilities for Google Drive and Google Docs were announced on the Google for Work blog.
I wondered if anyone has come across any Google Drive / Doc API's for the IRM capability?
Specifically API controls that programmatically disable downloading, printing and copying of any file?

You can control copy, download, and print operations via the Drive REST API.
In Drive API v2, it can be set via the labels.restricted property:
Whether viewers and commenters are prevented from downloading, printing, and copying this file.
In Drive API v3, it can be set via the viewersCanCopyContent property:
Whether users with only reader or commenter permission can copy the file's content. This affects copy, download, and print operations.


Where do apps live?

This is a naive question. I'm creating my first app (using Phonegap). I'll create versions in both the App Store and Google Play Store. My question is: where will the downloadable files live?
I haven't been able to find the answer online, because I'm not sure how to phrase the question in a simple Google search. I've thought of 2 possibilities:
The downloadable files live on my server. When someone chooses to install the app from the App Store or the Google Play Store, that store authorizes the download from my server.
The downloadable file lives on the App Store's servers or the Google Play Store servers. When someone chooses to download it, the file is served directly by them.
I'm almost sure the answer is #2. That makes the most sense. But I haven't found confirmation online.
You can opt to host it on your server or use services provided by Google and Apple.
Hosting on your server will require you to maintain those servers , etc.. Hosting with Google & Apple will take away that maintenance.
Use Google Expansion Files for Google Play Store App and Content Hosting for Apple
Google Allow APK size of 100 MB any additional files can be uploaded using Expansion files. Refer to this link - https://developer.android.com/google/play/expansion-files.html
Maximum file size for an IPA file is 2 GB in Apple. If you are using Apple's in-app purchase module , then you can upload additional files using Content Hosting given by apple. Refer to this link https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnectInAppPurchase_Guide/Chapters/CreatingInAppPurchaseProducts.html

How to manage persistant caching in Office 365 for Windows and Mac OS?

I am new in Office 365 Add-ins. I want to know about caching. I am working on a Add-In using Office.js. I want to manage caching.
1- Add-In will get data from server once in a day. Data can be in MBs(i.e 5 MB).
2- It should store somewhere. So, user can use it even there is no internet connection.
Is there any internal caching mechanism provide by Office APIs?
I was also thinking to store in File. Is it possible to create and manage File using Office Add-ins in Windows and Mac?(I am just curious about File permission in Mac)
Please suggest
You need to read through the following resource: Persisting add-in state and settings. Depend on the Office application you are writing your add-in for you would need to use different objects or approaches (for example use HTML5 web storage, etc.)

Online Powerpoint Slide Editor

Is there anything like Google Slides, which can be integrated into the app we are building?
If not, then atleast a way to programmatically import the ppt file, and navigate to the editor for editing?
Any suggestions will be appreciated...
There's an official powerpoint online editor now. You could theoretically put an iframe linking to this page. It seems to require a 365 or Microsoft account, though.
I had a similar requirement and have tested both the online offerings of Microsoft Office (SharePoint, One Drive) and Google docs. However, I finally decided on Only Office (https://www.onlyoffice.com/). The reasons for this were:
The Google and Microsoft offerings didn't (AFAIAK) have the fine tuned security I needed for document editing and access via their various API (i.e. I needed to be able to prevent downloads of documents but allow editing)
Google and Microsoft require sign-in from their respective platforms to use these. This was a UX problem for my project.
Depending on the specific requirement Only Office has the Document Server on a GNU APGL v3 licence. You may need to buy a licence but worth a check.
Their repo is here:

Connecting to a shared drive on network with SharePoint 2007

I need to use a shared drive with SharePoint 2007 instead of document library/list, mainly due to space limitations.
My organization uses MOSS 2007. The Business Data Catalog can use a database or a web service as data source. So it appears I may not be able to use this feature to connect to the shared drive. Can I develop custom code in .NET and use it to integrate the shared drive with SharePoint site? If so, can you guide me to a relevant resource that can help me develop such functionality?
The functionalities I require are :
ability to upload/download files from the shared drive from the SharePoint site.
ability to detect when new files are created on the drive, or when existing ones are modified, and send relevant alerts.
workflows that can interact with the shared drive, just like they interact with a SharePoint list
I'm not exactly sure why you are using SharePoint for this because from my understanding you can simple create a web or windows application and link it to your shared drive. IF you still want to use SharePoint please see below.
from the top of my head this is the following approach than I can suggest for your requirements:
Create A Published folder and inside that create an unpublished folder.
Create a scheduled task calling a FileWatcher application which monitors the unpublished folder.
The FileWatcher application will move the files inside the unpublished folder to the published folder and use the SharePoint web services particularly the List service to update a specific list in the SharePoint and point it to the path from the Shared Drive.
You can use SharePoint workflows to check whether an item was modified to send proper notifications. This can be done via SharePoint designer and do not consume much space. This is more advisable instead of creating your own notification application.

Integrating Google Drive with Google Sites (intranet)

I've setup a Google apps account with the view to use it for my intranet, email, document sharing etc.
With this is Google Sites, in which I have created a basic intranet site, my understanding originally was that Google Sites would enable me to integrate with Google Drive (formerly Google Docs). I presumed it would be easy to create a "Documents" page in my intranet and then display recent documents that were added to Google Drive.
However if you do create a Documents page in Google Sites then this seems to be completely separate from the Documents in Google Drive.
I have read about Google Picker API but I'm not completely sure this is what I'm looking for.
Has anybody any experience of using Google Drive for business in this way? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Any help would be great thank you
You'll have to get into the scripting a bit. see this link for one way to solve this https://developers.google.com/apps-script/articles/embedding_docslist_in_sites
And yes Sites have a 'file cabinet' which is completely separate form Google Drive.
Overdrive provides this functionality. It is a commercial product though. The folder structure within Overdrive matches the Google Drive folder structure. Documents you see listed within a folder in Overdrive are the same as those you can access directly in Google Drive.
I have no affiliation with this company, I've just been trialling it.
Another product you can use to do such kind of integration is Metadrive. This tool give you the possibility to create views and search within Google Drive and Team Drives.
